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(Italian, Korean, English, French)

Realizing it was just a dream, Vinezia frowned. Once again, that dream....again. She couldn't recall something like that in the dream, happening in her life. She isn't sure if it's just a memory or more. All she is aware of is that, that is the only dream, more like nightmare, she sees. The people in the dream is unknown to her, except for her and her brother. She had already asked her brother is she was lost in the past, to which he answered 'NO' and Vinezia asked no more. But this dream tells her otherwise. There was a long pause before, now that this dream came after her. It stopped haunting her at night after one year of living in France, but now it's back. And she doesn't feel good about this.

Sighing to herself, she looked over towards the alarm clock on the bedside table to see that it's just four in the morning. Groaning, she pulled herself out of bed, knowing too well that she can't go back to sleep now. 

Tying her hair in a bun, she washed her face and brushed her teeth before throwing a hoodie over t-shirt to protect herself from the morning cold. Getting her phone into her pocket, she slowly got out of the apartment, covering her head with the hood and stuffing her hands into the pockets she walked down, making her way to the café she found yesterday.

 She mentally smiled remembering the 'Mushroom Kid'. She would be lying if she said that he isn't cute. That Mushroom like hair, round face, squishy cheeks, adorable big doe eyes, cute little red ears and of small length he is. Vinezia found it amusing that she was interested in kids now as these thoughts has never passed through her mind before, she wasn't very fond of kids, except for his runny nose, he seemed so adorable.

Walking through the not-so-busy streets of Korea was new to her, but she didn't give it much thought. She can't, obviously remember anything about her past she spend here, so she didn't care. All she has is her brother crying and begging someone and a church, that was too from a blur memory of her.  

Some people were already out the road, jogging in the morning and some vehicles passing by, making Vinezia more cold than she already was as the wind catch up to her by the passing vehicles. Sighing in relief as she saw the café was open early morning, she walked inside. Being greeted morning by the worker who smiled at her, she returned a small smile quick and bowing, but uttering no words as her face go back to the neutral self in less than a second. Ordering an espresso for her and a caffe latte for her brother.

She waited patiently, standing like a statue. A sudden cold wind hit her face as somebody entered the café yelling a 'GOOD MORNING', to which the worker flinched and greeted back, but Vinezia stood there like a stone, not even turning her face to look at whom the energetic male voice belong that broke her ear drums. That didn't go unnoticed by the man who just entered the café for his morning coffee between his jog. Raising his eyebrows in interest, she walked slowly toward the counter and stood beside the lady, wondering if she was still breathing. Yet he failed to gain any reaction. 

Vinezia didn't feel like interacting with anyone early this morning so she just stood there silently minding her own business. She saw that the person next to her grabbing a bread ahead from the counter infornt of her. Seeing that she didn't even blink, he waved his hands infront of her face, to which Vinezia leaned her head back to avoid getting slapped. Turning her head to look at the person, she saw that he has his bread stuffed in his mouth. Retrieving her gaze back, she waited until she heard him speak.

"Hey, you are the lady from yesterday"

He got successful in getting her attention but no reaction. Vinezia frowned internally, taking a good look at his face, she remembered that it was the mushroom kid's dad. But then saw him frown. He noticed yesterday to that this lady didn't react at all even after he partially insulted her kindness, he thought maybe she was a foreigner. 

"Oh you don't speak Korean? Uhm, we met yesterday remember?"

His velocity of speech decreased as he switched to English. Vinezia was just wondering why he was trying to talk to her. Nodding slowly at him, she spoke.

"I remember"

She spoke fluent Korean, which had his eyes wide cause of his wrong assumptions.

"Oh sorry I thought you were foreigner"

Nodding at him understanding, she saw her order was ready, as she was paying, the person next to her was making conversations with the worker. Taking her order in hands and sipping on her Espresso she made her way out. 

As she was walking back, somebody called out from behind.

"Hey wait up"

She saw that the person she just met was jogging up to her, halting her steps, she watched as he bend down a little and panted after reaching her. He was sweating all over, after a second thought, Vinezia offered the Caffe latte to him. To which he smiled and accepted, more like a smirk. 

"I forgot to apologize for yesterday as I spoke without knowing"

He spoke as he took a sip of the latte, looking at her, hoping to see a blushing face, but NO. Vinezia's face remained the same.

"It's alright"

Saying that Vinezia walked forward which left the guy speechless. 

"My name is Lee Rang by the way"

He shouted, but Vinezia was too far to hear that or maybe she didn't wanted to reply, knowing too well that it would best be her last encounter with this weird guy. But somebody had other plans.

'She is worth a shot'


The author is still not dead unfortunately, but for those who are still curious about the story I will try to post these short things. Forgive me again.


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