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(Italian, Korean, English, French)

At the basement

'Nanyak Temple' The Siblings with Mr.Cho went to the basement and saw this board above the entrance of a hall. Vinezia stood beside her brother with her usual aura and crossed arms. Vincenzo took his suit from Vinezia's hand and wore it while his eyes stayed at the board. His expression was nothing understandable but he looked a little helpless.

"So the Tenants...."

Vincenzo spoke up but was unable to finish his sentence. He looked at Mr.Cho pointing his index finger at the board.

"It's a temple"

Mr.Cho nodded and answered. He had a smile of delight and pride on his face. Monks are well-mannered, so Mr.Cho had hope that they will treat the Italian Duo well. Vinezia's eyes were inside the space searching for any suspicious thing and what they're hiding. She spotted a Monk sitting on the floor but didn't give him much attention but she scanned and everything inside the Temple. Vincenzo's eyes also traveled inside and saw the Monk sitting. He leaned over the glass door and placed a hand on the door for support and his other hand in his pocket. Vinezia saw her Brother's action and frowned. He was staring at the Monk inside. 'He is thinking' Vinezia thought. She saw that his eyes were on the cushion where the Monk was seated. Vinezia once again started connecting the dots. 'They said, the basement where the secret room is, so it's beneath the temple, what should they be hiding there in such a secret place'. Vinezia was also thinking. Knowing her brother well, he wouldn't arrange such a huge place to keep something unless it's something valuable and illegal. 'And what would that be?'. She thought, various things passing through her mind but nothing made sense until her eyes got a little wide but her body posture remained unchanged.


Vinezia spoke out her thoughts suddenly with a raised voice before she can stop it. And immediately regretted it a little cause her brother had turned around to face her with wide eyes. Vincenzo hasn't told her anything yet but she spoke like she was reading his thoughts. Mr.Cho didn't understand what she said and simply didn't care and all of a sudden another Monk popped up from nowhere and stood inside the temple eyeing the Trio. Both the males had reflex reactions as they moved back startled. However, Vinezia was too busy thinking to care about the sudden outburst. She remained unmoved.

The Monk came outside by pushing open the glass door and stood in a steady position with a straight appearance. He eyed the siblings before speaking to Mr.Cho.

"You're the owner of the building"

As Mr.Cho expected, The Monk spoke with high respect but with an uninterested tone. Vinezia had his eyes on the Monk inside and was watching him without knowing the reason. Vincenzo had turned his back and listened to Mr.Cho and the Monk talking.

"Yes, Hello Sir"

Mr.Cho gave up on his stunned expression and lightly smiled at The Monk in front and replied while bowing with respect.

"Hello, I've joined the Development Opposition Committee, I plan to protect our Temple.

Hearing that Vincenzo looked at Monk with an Annoyed Expression which the Monk returned with an unchanged gaze. Vinezia's eyes were about to leave the Monk inside but she frowned when a sound was heard from him. Mr.Cho and Vincenzo also had turned their head to see what's going on.

" All right. He's fasting, He felt a strong presence of Buddha"

The Younger Monk outside said to the trio who was perplexed. Vinezia finally quit starting inside and tore her eyes away to the Monk who was now speaking.

"From beneath"

" 'From beneath' ?"


"-What about it?"

"He's fasting"

"Yes, He's just fasting-"

"-Means he's not eating"


The three males had a quick war of words making Vinezia's eyes run from one to another. Vincenzo looked like he lost all the blood cells in his body for a moment. The Monk was confused and Mr.Cho was suddenly anxious. The female was annoyed cause of their behavior, but understood why.

[Author's note]

I know this is a short chapter, I mean very short chapter

Sorry for the wait, it's because of the my work and studies

I will try to post the rest as soon as possible

Thanks for reading and waiting

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