Ch 1. This Is Only The Beginning

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"Do you have a problem, private? I will give you your orders when we reach the LZ! You got that soldier?" The squad leader shouted, scolding a few of your marines about getting upset over the lack of orders so far. The soldier in particular that started the commotion shut his trap and turned to the leader, spouting out a quick but loud, "Sir, yes sir!" The helicopter space once again fell into silence as you shook your head, looking down at the gun in your hands yet again. The silence was short lived as the members of your squad started to argue once more, most openly complaining about the sudden mission and how it "fucked up" their schedules. You sighed and leaned back, trying to sooth the pounding headache you had, the commotion around you not helping. In an attempt to clear your mind, you forced your eyes to stare out of the helicopter, watching the rocks and hills pass by, a few other military copters flying into view. Why couldn't they just tell you the mission already? It seemed counterproductive to keep everything a secret for so long. It's not like any of the soldiers could back down by this point, unless they felt like sky diving without a parachute. Sometimes the military had some stupid policies and this was no different, but there wasn't much room to argue from your position. You grumbled to yourself, bringing your mind back to earth after your little daydream session, deciding to focus on the lone helicopter in your view. It flew pretty close to the aircraft you were in but not close enough to worry about a crash or anything. The radio in the front of your aircraft started to go off, a few voices complaining about some "activity" going on that the pilots couldn't identify. Could it be an enemy plane? What the hell were you being sent into? The rest of the soldiers picked up on the noise and fell silent. You noticed a few figures fly by the other military helicopter in your view. You couldn't fully make out the figures but knew it couldn't be anything good. Your chest tightened as a sense of anxiety washed over you as you looked around to see if anyone else noticed the zooming figures. This could be an attack! Just as you were about to speak up, your squad leader stood in front of everyone and cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of everyone there.

"Okay, listen up people! We have an extremely hostile situation on our hands!" The leader explained, finally giving some kind of an explanation for this mission. As the leader was talking your eyes once again wondered to the helicopter to see an alien looking creature, which somewhat resembled a manta ray, hovering over the aircraft.

"The fuck is that?" You asked aloud, gaining the attention of a few soldiers next to you who turned their attention to the alien as well. The leader glared at you, clearly pissed off at being interrupted or better yet being ignored, and was about to go off when the alien shot some sort of a beam into the helicopter, causing the rotor to explode which caused the helicopter to fall from the sky. The aircraft you were in quickly moved to the side causing everyone to tumble to the left as the voice on your radios went wild, pilots from other aircrafts freaking out and a few other soldiers demanding an explanation for the sound. Your leader desperately tried to calm things down, spouting orders left and right but it was difficult to hear him over the rest of the commotion. Not that it mattered much as you realized the helicopter you were in was suddenly shrouded in a strange shadow. Your mind immediately connected the dots as you thought back to the alien.

And just as you had feared, the sound of something striking the aircraft rang out before the helicopter began to shake, the rotors at the top creating another loud explosion that caused an unbearable ringing in your ears. Despite the ringing in your ears, you pressed forward as you felt the helicopter speed up but also felt a sensation as if you were falling, which you quickly put together that you were. The rotors were gone there was nothing to keep this thing in the air. Everyone around you also realized this fact and began to panic even more, if that was even possible.

"Fuck! We're going down!"

"Does anybody remember crash survival class?!"

"I-I think you need to get close to the side of impact!"

"Are you insane?! You're trying to get us killed faster!"

"I don't want to die this way!"

Their voices screamed, occasionally mixing together as everyone attempted to shout over one another. Your mind was also in a panic, trying once again to block out the sound of your fellow soldiers as you thought of the best action to take to minimize injuries only for your mind to come up blank. What could you do except brace for impact and hope for the best? With that thought in mind, you gripped the sides of your seat and tucked your legs, grimacing at the sight of the ground growing closer and closer until...


The sound echoed as everything around you went black.

Renegade (hlvrai x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now