Ch 3. The Interrogation

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Your eyes nervously shifted between the four men, your brain racing for a way out of this situation only to come up blank. There was no where to run and you had left your gun at the crash sight.

'Why didn't I pick up one of the other guns?' You scolded yourself, cursing over not grabbing one of the fallen soldiers weapons. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to the scientist with glasses as you heard a familiar click from that direction. Your eyes immediately recognized a military submachine gun in his hands, a tiny grenade launcher attached to the top of the gun. Since you've used these types of guns before, you could immediately recognized the sound as a grenade being loaded into the weapon and moved to cover your head as the man aimed the weapon at you with a sharp grin. The orange suited scientist picked up on what was going on and moved to push the gun aside just as the grenade was fired, sending it soaring of the edge of the bridge.

"Dude, don't kill them!" The man in the orange suit shouted as the older man turned to glare at him.

"Huh- Wha-?" The scientist uttered before realizing what happened.

"What the fuck Gordon?!" The older man shouted back. So the orange suited man was named Gordon? Before the two could continue their argument, the younger scientist stepped forward and asked, "S-So we're not shooting the soldier?"

"No! We can ask them questions! Maybe they know a better way out of here!" The man now known as Gordon argued, earning a simple "oh" from the young scientist. As the conversation between the scientists continued with you standing awkwardly in front of them with hands still raised, only hearing bits and pieces of the conversation due to everyone talking at once. All of the commotion reminded you of your soldiers back on the helicopter. The resemblance created a short sense of comfort before an overwhelming sadness as you realized most if not all of them were dead.

"It's self defense, Gordon!" You managed to hear one of the voice yell over everyone else.

"How is that self defense? Their unarmed!" Gordon retorted before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Are you guys done fighting?" You asked, catching the attention of the group.

"You said you had some questions? I don't know much about what's going on but if there's anyway I can help then I will." You explained with the nicest smile you could muster, making sure to choose your words carefully. These scientists must have been through a lot to be this paranoid. No telling how long this alien invasion has been going on. All the scientist shared a confused expression, seemingly taken aback by the statement.

"Okay..?" Gordon said, his expression shifting into a skeptical one.

"You're here to help?" The young scientist stuttered out with a look of hope in his eyes.

"What else would I be here for?" You shrugged. The group of scientists remained silent as them thought the situation over. Then the scientist with glasses held up his smg and shouted,  "I think they're trying to lure you into a trap!" before once again pointing the weapon your way, causing you to jump back.

"Bubby, no!" Gordon once again scolded, earning a disappointed groan from the older scientist who lowered his weapon and crossed his arms. Bubby? So that's his name. Gordon stood there for a moment, thinking over the accusation before turning to you.

"This isn't some kind of trick is it?" He asked in a serious tone of voice.

"I promise I'm not a threat. As you said, I'm unarmed." You replied, shaking your empty hands in the air before patting your belt and gun holsters, showing that there was nothing in them.

"You can even check my backpack if that would make you feel better." You added on before pointing to the army green bag on your back. There were no weapons in there. Just ammunition and food really. Normally there would be more supplies like a combat knife and maybe a few bandages, but due to the last second mission you didn't have much time to pack everything. Man do you regret that now. Those bandages would have helped a lot earlier.

"I'll do it!" The scientist with a mustache, with you just now noticed hadn't spoken much until now, volunteered. The older man proceeded to run over to you and rummage through your backpack to check if you were being honest.

"Yep! They're telling the truth, Gordon. Just a bunch of snacks and ammo." The man explained, earning a nod from Gordon. You heard the sound of your backpack being zipped back up before a pack of plain potato chips was shoved in your face.

"Can I have these?" The older scientist asked with a smile. He must have taken it during his little search. You laughed a bit and told him yes, earning a quick thanks before he ripped open the bag and proceeded to shove handfuls of the salty treats down his throat as if he was in an eating competition. You were about to bring it up, possibly ask him to slow down encase he choked or something, before Gordon began speaking again.

"Well if you're really here to help then can you help us find an exit?" The man asked, still a bit unsure about this whole situation. You didn't know anything about this place or it's layout, but at the same time you didn't want to upset the scientists any further since they were already on edge.

"I can do that. Follow me." You said before walking past the group, keeping your hands visible as to not freak anyone out. You heard a few mutters before the sound of footsteps following you. Now all you had to do was prove you could be useful and find a way out of here safely.

Renegade (hlvrai x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now