Ch 6. Maze of Vents

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Your body jolted up at the distant sound of a pistol firing.

"What's that?" You asked the others, your body immediately shooting up and getting ready to either fight or flee. Everyone jumped at your sudden movement.

"You did hear that right?" You added on while looking around, your eyes landing back on the vents above.

"Yeah. It sounds like it's coming from the vents." Gordon said while standing up and following your lines of sight. Everyone stayed quiet and listened for any more noises, only to see a spew of green flow through the vents followed by a singing noise.

"In the vents! The skeleton!" Gordon stuttered out while moving to follow the noise. You were way ahead of him and had already climbed into the vent system, climbing your way through to where the green was. You finally saw the skeleton, quite close to you in fact. It was only a few feet ahead of you, so you decided to lunge towards it, determined not to lose it again. The skeleton just stared at you with it's sockets before phasing through vent, causing you to hit the cold metal instead of the boney creature.

"Oh come on!" You shouted, now more frustrated by your consistent failure to catch this things rather than confused by it's powers.

"y/n! Did you catch it?" You heard Gordon call out. You turned to see the group slowly making their way to you, Bubby now leading the group. Before you could answer a familiar skull phased through the vent right in front of Bubby, giving the group a good scare before leaving again.

"I'll take that as a no." Gordon muttered.

"Let me take the lead next time!" Bubby said before crawling around you to continue down the vents. You remained silent and just followed the group, trying to calm your sudden frustration at the situation. As you all travelled the vents started to become darker and darker, mostly due to the lack of exits and internal lights. You instinctively went to put on your night vision goggles, a gadget that was stored away in your trusty back pack.

"My eyes don't like these vents." Gordon complained before hearing the click of you goggles turning on.

"Well aren't you lucky." Gordon said in a sarcastic tone.

"If I'm being honest, this green isn't much better." You pointed out, your eyes being harshly reminded of the horrid green these goggles covered everything in. Gordon smirked before looking back to what he was doing.

"Hey can I try those?" Someone behind you questioned, you turning to see Tommy next to you with curious eyes.

"Uh- Sure. Just don't break them. I only have one." You explain before hesitantly taking off the goggles and handing them to the scientist who happily slipped them on.

"Woah. This is so cool! Everything's green!" Tommy exclaims with a wide smile, looking around with interest before holding up his hands and focusing on them.

"I can see everything!"

"Yeah, that's how night vision works dude." You replied, laughing at his childish interest in the gadget.

"Wait- is this just a dead end?" You heard Gordon ask from somewhere else in the vents, reminding you and Tommy that you were supposed to be following. You let Tommy keep the goggles up until you found an exit where Tommy quickly handed them back after being temporarily blinded by the sudden brightness.

Renegade (hlvrai x reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now