Ch 2. Lost and Confused

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For a while you just laid still on the desert ground, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness, the occasional sight of the bright New Mexican sun and the sound of gunshots ringing through the air. Each time you would regain consciousness, you would attempt to move any part of your body in an attempt to get someplace better, only to feel the immense pain shoot through your body as your eyes once again darkened, your brain drifting away to escape the scene around you. This continued on for what felt like hours which only caused you to worry more and more each time you regained your senses only to once again drift off after another spike of pain.

Yet again you were dragged from your sleep, if you could call it that, opening your eyes to see the familiar yellow sand and bright sun, the sight of helicopter pieces scattered around and a few bodies scattered around the warzone. Or should you say previous warzone. The first thing you picked up on was the lack of gunfire and explosions. Unlike before, there was a ominous silence that filled the air, the occasional breeze being the only comforting thing around. Just like before, you tried to move around, this time succeeding to push yourself up despite the searing pain. You were able to push yourself forward enough to fall off of the destroyed pile of metal that was once a fully functional helicopter. You hadn't noticed that you were on top of the structure, but felt relieved that you didn't end up trapped under the pile. You took a moment to relax your muscles, no longer rushing your body since there appeared to be no immediate threat around. Once you felt like you could, you slowly but steadily pushed yourself to your feet, noticing the shards of glass and metal that cut into your skin, thankfully not deep enough to hurt the bone. You had to admit this could have ended way worse for you all things considered. Then you proceeded to scold yourself for that thought. Now things are bound to get worse! You shook your head and let out a sigh before taking your first step forward, feeling an immense shock of pain in your right ankle which cause you to quickly lift it up, taking most of the pressure off of it.

'Great. I must have sprained my ankle on the way down.' You assumed, deciding to classify it as a simple sprain and hoping that it wasn't something worse. You slowly put your foot back down, now making sure to put most of your pressure on your left foot as you limped forward, your eyes scanning the open area for anything that could be useful. Maybe a med kit or a medic. As you took in the surrounding area, still limping across the desert terrain, you realized just what your soldier brethren were fighting.

"What the hell are these?" You mumbled to yourself, lightly kicking on of the odd corpses. It appeared to be yet another alien, this one being more humanoid than the previous one. Despite it's more humanoid shape, it was clearly a different species with a large red eye in the center of it's head and a few smaller ones surrounding it, a small mouth tucked under the cluster of eyes. It's skin was a brownish shade and it had a weird arm like structure protruding from it's chest.

'This must be why we were called in.' You thought to yourself, looking around to see more of these dead creatures. You then looked up at the looming grey building next to you. You knew you were in New Mexico, that much was explained to you before the crash, and from the trip you could conclude you were far from any town or city. So, with your limited options and limited knowledge of the area, you presumed you were at that science facility the marines got most of their weaponry from. What was the place called? Ah, who cares. Your main concern should be finding some medical assistance. You pushed your thoughts to the side and continued to limp around the area until you found a slightly ajar door. You poked open the door only to be meet with a broken military turret.

'So they went this way. Maybe there are some soldiers still alive! Or maybe some scientists!' You thought, the simple idea of seeing another living human being bringing a smile to your face. But what if you ran into more of those aliens? You weren't really in the best condition to fight right now. All you could do was hope for the best, which was really just a summary of your situation so far. You continued to limp into the building, traveling through a few looping hallways with more signs of previous military activity.

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