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it had been a month  since Diana had come back from her honeymoon with Charles and she hadn't been feeling her best

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it had been a month  since Diana had come back from her honeymoon with Charles and she hadn't been feeling her best. one would worry about how to help her, how to make her feel something considering Charles was incapable of such things.

it had been such a traumatic week for her. she'd learned how to be a royal in one week. Diana was thrown in the deep end. Nobody in the royal family would ever help her. they'd be there to criticise. but, never to say well done.

Diana would go on royal engagements, the people loved her. She'd be on the front, middle and end pages of every newspaper to surface.

the whole world were focusing on Di. and she didn't appreciate it. she felt like there were more important things to be spoken about.

However, in the months leading up to the wedding. i'd found someone, he cared about me, he loved me and he took care of me.

His name was Jacob Scott, he'd met Diana and her and my family already. However, he too wasn't so keen on Charles.

I sat in our bedroom in our apartment in Kensington and my boyfriend walked in, wrapping me in his arms.

"are you okay?" Jacob asked me as he ran a hand through my curly hair

"i'm worried about her." i sighed

that's when he had an idea, "why not invite her round for dinner, tonight?"

"Diana?" i responded

"Diana." he said plainly

"tonight?" i asked him

"yes. it'll be really good for the both of you to catch up and just see and talk to each other on person, give her that much. she doesn't sound like she's having the best time." Jacob told me

"you're right.   yeah. okay." i smiled, pecking him on the lips.

Diana arrived at our apartment, smiling as she greeted the two of us. I really did need to talk to her about something...important.

"Dutch, can i just have a word for two secs, it'll be quick." i asked, smiling at Jacob.

"of course." she smiled.

we made our way down the hall and we got to the bathroom.

"what are you doing? you're not trying to kiss me are you?" she smiled

"shhh! just come in here i need help." i whispered.

we got into the bathroom and i sat on the lid of the toilet as she stood, locking the door behind her.

"what's wrong mia? you're not dying are you-" she started

i interrupted her "i think i'm pregnant."

her face went a weird shade, she looked confused but happy at the same time "oh my god.      me too."

"what?!" i whisper yelled

"i wasn't supposed to say anything. but, that's why i got awfully...chipper about coming over. i thought you'd ought to know." Diana said, as if she felt guilty.

"oh my-well...who else knows?" i asked her

"nobody." she sighed

"nobody?" i repeated


"just me?"


"and you're sure?" i asked again

"i've been to the doctor." she told me.

"diana this is amazing." i smiled, like a cheshire cat.

she smiled down at me, "but, what about you? have you taken a test?"

i looked at the floor "i've taken two, both positive. i've got one in the cupboard."

"and have you been having morning sickness?" she asked me

"yes. i'm rather surprised about the fact that he hasn't caught on, actually." i chuckled

she laughed and opened the cupboard beneath the mirror, "right. come on, let's do this now."

i shook my head in confusion, "pardon?"

"it's fine, Mia. i've seen much worse." Diana smirked

"stop it! i can't do this now."  i stuttered.

"why?" Diana asked

"i...i've got to cook and stuff." i tried

Diana rolled her eyes in response, "okay, i'm gonna pretend you didn't just said that."

"no, i'm serious. what if i am? what do we do then? do you know what they'll say about me? im not married. this isn't supposed to happen!" i started to panic.

Diana knew how to calm me down "no, jemima. stop. stop. stop. look at me."

i did as i was told.

"do you love him?" she asked

"yes. yes of course." i said

"can you see a future with him?" she repeated.

"yes. he's everything to me." i told her, as tears formed in my eyes

"then you can get married to him. you can sort all of this out. have you not seen the way he looks at you? he looks at you as if you're his entire world. i wish someone felt that way about me, Mia please." she begged

i knew at that point i needed to do this. not just for myself, not just for Jacob, but for Diana aswell.

"yeah. okay you're right." i smiled.

after half an hour i still wasn't prepared to look at it and diana wouldn't force me either.

"everything all right in there, ladies?" Jacob knocked.

"yeah, yeah. we'll be out in a second!" i called

i reached for the test and then dropped it, "i can't do it. you look."

"what?" Diana responded

"look at it. i can't." i sighed.

she hesitated for a moment and then said, "positive."

oh.   shit.

I miss you, DiWhere stories live. Discover now