42. Beyond the Mountain

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Sagacia's moon illuminated the midnight sky, casting a ghostly shadow over the encampment on the bright side of the mountain. What had once been a towering mass of rock and crag had been hollowed out into a claw-like shell, destroyed from days and days of constant assault.

Eden sat at the base of the mountain, looking up at all the work she'd done over the past few weeks. She now wore a white vest with a matching red hakama skirt. Both were souvenirs from Azuka's numerous visits back to the Guild.

Azuka left a bit ago in order to go find Cliff, who had isolated himself out in the wasteland. There were only five days left until the Belmarcian Tournament, and registration had already begun. Azuka told Eden that by the time she came back, she wanted the mountain gone.

The past weeks of training had been hard. Over the many days of hard work, Cliff and Eden had barely spoken, and it seemed as if all traces of their previous relationship had evaporated. Even when he returned from his sojourns into the wasteland, he seemed shut-off, cold, and unavailable. Meanwhile, Azuka had been Eden's only anchor through the intense training and exhaustion. Sometimes harrowingly strict, and other times as soft as a feather, she had worked hard in order to mould Eden into a stronger woman.

Now, Eden was all alone, and she had a mountain to destroy. Day in and day out, she exhausted her psynergy in order to complete the monumental task. Psynergy still burned within her, but her muscles ached from exhaustion, telling her it was time to rest.

After washing herself and changing into some soft bedclothes, Eden curled up near the fire pit and snuggled up into a sleeping bag. She found herself missing the comfort of knowing that Azuka was at her side, but quickly stifled the wavering thought. After isolating herself and driving her body to the edge, Eden had learned what the true difference was between her and a woman like Azuka.


It takes courage to trust people, work with them, and lead them. I can't forget that...and love also takes courage. If I ever want to become as brave and strong as someone like Azuka, then I need to have enough courage to accept myself for who I am.

Who is Azuka? Her mind drifted as sleep descended on her. Vance... What have you been doing for these past weeks? How have you changed? I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you. Even our arguments just feel like fun memories now. It's strange, but...I miss you.

Fatigue washed over Eden's body once more as she fell asleep. Silence caressed her body, and as a woman in boots crept up behind her, psynergy crackled


around Vance's body as his psynergy barrier shattered. He went careening backwards into the dirt while Averyl's five clones encircled him, seemingly invincible. He'd dropped them all numerous times, but they just kept coming back for more.

"Looks like you're beaten, Vance..." Averyl's voice drifted across the canyon.

"Shut up," Vance spat.

Averyl sighed. "There exists in all of us a certain level of suffering and fatigue we must reach to give way to a purer, higher level of power. Unless you reach that, Vance, all of this training will have been a waste..."

Vance heaved, sucking psynergy out from the darkest recesses of his body and concentrating it around his fists. "Bring it on."

The clones prepared another barrage, but there was no stopping the young Albavitrean this time. Vance spun around, sliding dark purple streaks out from his hand and shielding his body yet again. The thickened shield easily repelled the attacks, and as soon as Vance saw a pause in the enemy fire, he shoved his hands forward, pushing power out. Averyl watched with great interest as the atmosphere rippled in response.

Vance followed his attacks to ensure there was no lull in his offense. A sharp crack echoed through the canyon as Vance's fist collided with one of the clone's faces, pummeling it across the expanse.

Bloodied and bruised, the clone desperately materialized green, tentacle-like weapons with razor-sharp blades. Violet mist escaped from Vance's nostrils and mouth as he closed in on his target. At this point, his entire body was a beacon of power.

Sharpening his palms with psynergy, Vance swiped out over and over again, slicing each of the clone's tentacles into three bloody chunks. The clone froze, whether it was out of shock, fear or simply amazement. Vance's fists moved at lightning-fast speeds now, pummeling the lesser Averyl's body beyond the point of repair.

As he felt the clone's life force wither, Vance slowed down, waiting as his psynergy-charged mind caught up with his strained body. He could unconsciously feel that the other four clones were near, so he moved his sweat-drenched hair out of his eyes and turned around, raising both arms into the sky and beckoning to them.

"Oooh," Averyl marveled, his lips twisted into a cunning grin. "So you wish to keep your psynergy raw and untamed, do you? Clever, very clever indeed. It may be the optimal way for you to utilize your Albavitrean power, Vance. It's different from that of humans, coursing through our veins like no other race in the universe, spontaneous and chaotic..."

"Stop distracting me!" Vance grunted, caught in a flurry of blows as Averyl's clones tried desperately to overwhelm his nephew. "You're next, you know that?!"

Averyl laughed, watching intently as Vance's frustration fueled his power. "That's it. Don't ever let up, Vance."

One of Averyl's clones snuck in another punch through Vance's defenses, and he grunted


as he pulled himself up from the medical cot. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Nathan sniffed. "I just didn't think I would be able to do anything if I went after her...I thought it was more important to report back in here..."

Nathan sat in a small room within the Guild's infirmary, with the Seneschal and Captain Ravi of the 1st division at his side. As always, the captain looked as still and serene as a statue, dressed in his usual flowing white robes.

"Settle down." The Seneschal placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. "This isn't your fault. Just tell us everything that you can remember."

"I..." he coughed, trying to get a hold of himself. "Well, I sensed her psynergy first, and then I saw her come out. She said she was lost, and that she was looking for Vance."

Tao flinched.

"She got angry when I asked her who she was, and then she attacked me. I-I got so scared, I used the tunneler to come back as soon as I could get up. I'm sorry..." Nathan croaked.

"Captain Ravi." Tao turned to the sentinel with grave eyes. "You must go to the dimension of Sagacia and put a stop to this. I don't know what's going on here, but Vance and Eden must be protected at all costs."

"Yes sir." Ravi's brown eyes stared back to Tao with confidence. "But I thought Eden was the one the Dark Zodiacs sought... Why Vance, after all this time?"

Tao took Ravi by her shoulder and moved away from the boy. "Do you remember Victoria? Do you remember her eyes?"

"Yes, but I thought she was–"

"What was her last name, Ravi?" Tao pressed.

"Vance," Ravi said at last, looking at Tao in awe. "You mean he's..."

"The son of Victoria Vance," Tao replied. "It looks like she had a contingency plan."

"She had a child with an Earthling?"

"She must have had a reason." Tao rubbed his chin impulsively. "Even after all this time, her legacy continues."

"How long have you known about this, Seneschal?" Ravi asked. "What does it mean?"

Tao shook his head. "The unholy bloodline lives on."

"And now the Dark Zodiacs have found out," Ravi ventured. "I will secure the situation."

"Whatever you do," Tao command, "you must never speak a word about his true heritage. If the Church ever found out..."

Ravi shook her head in agreement. "...Hell would be upon us."

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