62. Labyrinthine Malice

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In the outer suburbs of Enmetropolis, near the northeastern end of the tournament complex, Captain Ravi Katjagaarda twirled into a headstand and deftly deflected a punch from a floating Cecilia.

"That again?" the Sheep sighed.

Sure enough, Cecilia had a counterattack prepared, and immediately fired another kick toward Ravi's lower stomach.

"Setu Bandha Sarvangasana!"

Ravi let loose another bellow and brought the lower half of her body to the ground. In a bridge pose, she slid barely out of the range of Cecilia's kick and used her momentum to expel raging olive psynergy.

Cecilia whistled. "You're rather nimble for a gal your age. But why all the shouting?"

"Chanting is one of the key strategies to raising the flow of one's chakra," Ravi replied solemnly.

"Ah yes, the seven limbs of Yoga," Cecilia replied with a knowing smirk. "I've read several books on the topic. Let's see if I can remember this...first, it starts with Yama: ethics and integrity. Then Niyama: self-discipline. Asana: contortion of the body. Pranayama: the extension of one's life-force. Pratyahara: withdrawal from the self. Dharana: Focusing the energies on a single point of exit, and finally Dhyana: Uninterrupted concentration!"

Ravi kept her guard up, but couldn't fully mask her surprise at her opponent's knowledge.

"I'm Cecilia Schroeder, the 5th of the Dark Zodiacs," Cecilia continued. "Not just a researcher of the science of psynergy, but a lover of all wisdom. At least, I know enough to understand that you, Captain Ravi Katjagaarda, are a highly esteemed Yoga martial arts master, one who has maximized her body's inner chakra to its fullest extents. Well? Am I wrong?"

"I see you've done your homework," Ravi muttered. "What's your point?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Cecilia flexed her aura, displacing the gravity and knocking Ravi off her feet. "Knowledge is power."


"The elevators should be reaching the top now! Exactly 62 people passed the third preliminary round," Trunculo continued. "Wow! That's even lower than I expected! Some of you were acting very naughty, weren't you? Well, time's of the essence, so let's hurry up and get started on the fourth and final preliminary round!"

"Did you see that?!" Nathan shouted. His face was plastered to the window of the VIP room. "They just showed Vice-Captain Walden's face! He's safe!"

"They'll all make it to the finals." Tao nodded. "I'm sure of it."

Nathan stared out to the screens. "I wonder what the Church will do when they hear about this."

"Well, we'll find out soon enough," Tao muttered, "when our guest arrives."


"In fact, we are in such a hurry," Trunculo's voice went on, "that I don't even have time to explain what the instructions to the fourth round are! Oh, dear! Anyway, have fun!" Trunculo finished. "Remember, no matter what happens, 46 of you will definitely, absolutely, certainly not pass this round!! So if you feel like taking out your partner, now's the time to do it! Bye!"

"Oh come on! Seriously?!" Vance stared at the long, winding hallway that extended from the top of the elevator. "Another maze?! Gimme a break!"

"Maybe it'll just be a quick sprint," Eden said. "We should get going, Vance!"

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