16. Like Raindrops Sinking through the Streets

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Frank Arazia kissed his wife goodbye and grabbed his briefcase from the counter. He hadn't spoken a word to her or anyone else about what he'd seen when he decided to trail Grayson out into the oil field. Even though it lingered in his mind, part of him felt that talking about it would only make the despair seem more real.

"I love you, honey," he said, then headed for the garage.

As soon as Frank touched the handle, he heard the phone ring. Possibilities swam into his mind, and he dashed back into the kitchen to answer it.

"How are you doing, Frank?" It was Edward's voice, sounding shakier than ever.

"Just fine," Frank replied slowly. "What can I do for you, Ed?"

"Well, I just got situated here in Bakersfield," Edward answered, and Frank thought he heard a hint of a smile.

"Oh!" Frank said, suddenly putting two and two together. "Let me be the first to congratulate you then, buddy!"

It was a relief to know that Ed hadn't been let go. Frank didn't want to think about what a guy like Ed would do when his own job was ripped away from him.

"Thanks, but I really can't celebrate just yet. It's my son."

"What's wrong?"

"He ran away," Edward said bluntly, almost as if it was a thing of the past. "I thought about staying back in Pittsburgh until we found him, but then I got a call."

"From who?" Frank asked, although he didn't want to know the answer.

"Grayson. He's the one who initially promoted me. You know he was out in Pittsburgh, right?"

"Grayson..." Frank croaked through the cell. "What the hell does he have to do with your son?"

"He said he knows where my son is," Ed spoke, his voice cracking. "He told me not to worry, and just to get my ass out to California as soon as possible."

"That seems weird." Frank felt his own voice beginning to waver.

"Well," Edward paused, as if shrugging. "Here I am."

Had Frank been removed from the conversation, it might have seemed darkly funny. But he knew that he was right in the middle of it now. No matter how many times he tried to look for places where Grayson Lee's shadow was absent...the man's influence only seemed to grow stronger.

Frank and Ed spoke for only a few minutes more. They briefly went over some work-related business, then bid their farewells. Frank didn't realize just what a morbid face he was making until his wife rushed over to him with a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "What did Ed have to say?"

"Nothing much," Frank lied. "Sorry, I need to get going."

A cloud of doom followed the man as he headed out to his car. Grayson isn't just a killer. He's plotting something much bigger than murder, and now he's even drawn Ed and his son into it. Victoria...what am I supposed to do?


Vance wrenched his eyes open, white knuckles clenched in terror. Even though it was his second time, the transportation process still felt terribly uncomfortable, as if he was being ripped apart. He stood up with a shudder, looking around his new environment. They were in a small room with red brick walls. A dusty yellow light bulb dangled down from a hole in the cement ceiling, barely illuminating the room.

Cliff unlocked the door from inside and yanked it open, revealing a drab town colored in browns and greys with cobblestone streets. The atmosphere was cloudy and rainy, accompanied by a chilling wind.

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