ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙: Fundamentally better

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Bucky POV:

It seemed hard to narrative in my own mind or even attempt comprehend. We fighting on top of a semi-truck and there where super soldiers holding back from attacking walker or helping Sam. Attack, I hate that word it reminds of not so long ago, horrors hydra made me commit.

I didn't even process how to happened but I was holding on to a bar, just barley keeping me from the ground. Sam swooped down and instead of helping me, he feels the need to rub in my face that my ass was kicked by a "little girl". 

"That little girl kicked your ass!" Sam shouted and I annoyingly shouted "Alright" but it turned into a scream half-way through.  I rolled my eyes and loosed my grip on the bar, just a bit. I heard the electronic click of Sam's wings as he swooped down and gripped me under the truck.

We rolled from underneath, onto a field of dandelions. Sam's arm was gripping my waist as we rolled and he was a little to close for comfort. We stopped rolling and I landed on top of Sam with his still holding me. "Could have used that shield." I muttered while slightly stretching my arms out to get off of Sam.

"Get off of me!" Sam hissed in pain with a under tone of something else. I looked at Sam, examining the damage from the fight. I briefly made eye contact with his chocolate doe eyes. Out of muscle memory I dug my teeth into my bottom lip and looked at the already forming bruise on his cheek.

I rolled off him, immediately missing the contact. I laid next to him, trying to collect my thoughts. I tried to ignore the overwhelming fact that I almost enjoyed the situation, I chalked it up to that I admire Sam.

I mean who wouldn't? He's basically Steve but fundamentally better. Steve. That echoed in my mind, he left me and even worse he left me with this asshole. I sighed at bit and stood up, extending my hand to Sam.

He took it and sent a spark through me, figuratively but Sam was still holding my hand. Sam stood up and gripped my hand a second longer then necessary. He let go of my hand and we began walking, to anywhere that has civilization.

Captain America's imposter came by in a jeep, offering a ride. Sam jumped on to the back and I followed, scooting in just a bit to close and our thighs touched.  I moved a bit and stared into the horizon, listening and analyzing what John was saying.

"Does he always just stare like that?" John asked and I turn my head, pointing the stare towards him. Sam seemed to take note of this and closed the one-inch gap between us, "You get used to it." The touch seemed to subconsciously calm me down as my shoulders relaxed some.

John continued saying bullshit and I was over it. "Stop the car!" I shouted but the jeep didn't stop, "Stop the car!" I yelled again, getting annoyed. The car... jeep stopped and I got out and continued walking along the road.

Sam followed me and we walked in silence for a while. The sun was setting and Sam finally spoke up, "I can actually see the gears turning."

"Oop, there malfunctioning...shutting down... welp they're are fire."  I kept walking forward ignoring Sam and his pointless comments. "Bucky..." Sam started but I pushed him to a rusty  stop sign, causing him to shut up the moment he was spinning to the thin mental pole.

Sam POV:

Bucky pushed me into a rusty stop sign by a wood bridge and path turn off.  His hand was on my chest and swear he could feeling my extremely fast beating heart, even through the tactical gear.  I can definitely say Bucky was good looking but he seemed more attractive up close.  I watched as his teeth dug into his bottom lip and then looked up into his baby blue eyes, the held so much emotion,  yet at the same time, they held none.

He dropped his hand and kept walking leaving me behind, still against the stop sign trying to catch my breath. I've been bisexual what feels my entire life but when I joined the air force, I decided the fact was pointless and no one needed to know.

I wonder about Bucky, if maybe he was the same way. If I didn't know he was a one-hundred-and-six-year-old ex-assassin, I would mistake his hatred for lust. I mean if I want to look at his behavior in todays terms, it would make perfect sense.

Never wanting to talk about Steve, can't take gay jokes, the lip biting and a lot more. I almost wonder if he's homophobic... We stopped by a shitty motel and walked in. The reception lady was ugly and her attitude matched her face.

"Your-your that guy that Captain America gave the shield to right?" She asked and Bucky grew quickly annoyed, "Yeah, yeah Captain America's successor and all that shit. How much for a room?"

She handed me a keycard and gave a smile. "Tonight's on us... we have a special guest." I checked to number on the keycard and walked out with Bucky following. I didn't really pay attention to the fact, she only gave one keycard.

We walked up the black metal and concrete stairs to the second floor and I unlocked the room. Bucky followed me in and shut the door, the tension still lay heavy from the bus stop. "She was totally trying to flirt." I say trying to start a conversation with the emotionless master-mind I'm sharing a room with.

"I'll take the floor, you have the bed." Bucky stated, emotion never even once creeping onto his face. I will say though, ever since I met him that's always bothered me, he rarely shows emotion and he really only did with Steve. Who left him.

In many ways, I felt sorry for him because he seemed to just want to crawl in a hole and die most of the time. "No, we can share?" I say but it came out more a question, I suppose it was though as he hated me and I hated him but here we are.

"I'm not gonna sleep anyway don't worry about it." Bucky said and he allowed visible sadness to appear on his face. "Bucky..." He looked at me and sat on the bed, slightly throwing his head back in laughter.

"What's so funny?" I ask confused by the ingenuine laughs. "Me... I mean I should be dead and decayed in a canyon but here I am alive and with the title of a mass murder hanging above my head." I sat down next to hand and hesitantly placed my hand on his thigh.

I patted it slightly and he looked at me teary eyed. I don't know what I was trying to achieve touching him but if it worked how it did earlier, he'd relax just slightly. He tried to sniffle back the tears but he failed and laughed at himself once more.

"Wow, I'm pathetic... talking about feelings and now crying, in front of you. What's next, I tell you about the nightmares?" I moved just slightly closer and our shoulders touched, "Your not pathetic."

"And what nightmares?" He's never mentioned anything about nightmares but at the same time he's never mentioned anything about himself. He looks at me and tilts his head making him look like the picture of innocence.

That those baby blue eyes, never had to build emotional walls or never witnessed anything of hydra. "Can I hug you?" I ask, scared to touch him in a fragile state. "I- um okay." I reached over and grabbed his left shoulder, forcing him into my chest.

He adjust himself a little and wrapped his arms around my waist, while burying his head in shoulder. I heard a small sob escape from my chest and I rubbed his back as he cried. I smiled a little realizing he opened up, even if it was just a wordless cry, he still opened up.

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