57. Loaf, Comfort

92 9 10

1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written June 9 2021
Posted July 5 2021

Yozora felt sick as she curled up in her bed. She'd managed to go through the entirety of the appointment without a single break, but it'd been hard. The doctor had been very gentle and kind, always asking permission and informing her of the reason for each touch. Yozora almost wished that he hadn't been so kind, it would have been easier to deal with that way. At least Saguru's nearby presence had been comforting, even if he'd been looking away for the more intimate parts of the check up.

The girl grimaced as she snuggled her giant fox plushie, she felt horrible, but at least she wasn't pregnant anymore. She could still remember her mother's heartbroken expression when they'd found out that she'd gotten pregnant. Yozora sniffed, hopefully her mom would rest easy knowing that she'd come across people who were both able and willing to help her. She wouldn't end up like her friend Maki.

She'd been in her room for a while now, having fled the moment that everything was done. Thankfully Saguru had just informed her that dinner would be later than normal before leaving some salty crackers and a bottle of water at her door. That'd been really nice of him, she had no appetite at all and would have probably thrown up anything more heavy than that.

A small meow cut through Yozora's thoughts, the girl looked over just in time to see Fluffy coming out from under her bed. She hadn't realized that she'd trapped the kitten in her room with her. Slate watered a bit as she held out her hand and made the clicking sound she'd seen people on the internet use to attract cats "Fluffy" She called softly.

The kitten paused, turning to look at her blankly with her green eyes. Yozora hopefully eyed the kitten, wanting it to come close enough to snuggle. She'd never snuggle with Fluffy before, she really wanted to now.

"Fluffy" Yozora called once more, more softly this time. Fluffy hopped up onto the end of the bed, making Yozora resist the urge to squeal and accidentally scare the kitten off. Fluffy was so close, Yozora could almost reach her now. Instead of coming closer, the black kitten just settled down in a loaf position right on her foot and just out of reach of her fingers. Attempting to reach any further would risk having fluffy leave her completely.

Feeling both annoyed and a bit amused, Yozora used her phone to take a picture. It as the closest thing to snuggling with Fluffy that she'd gotten so far. She spent an unknown amount of time just watching the kitten sleep and going through the internet to distract herself. It had to have been a long time though, because before she knew it, Saguru was gently knocking on her door.

"Do you feel like you're up to eating a proper meal?" Saguru inquired through the door after Yozora answered him.

Yozora thought for a moment before replying "Yeah, I feel mostly better now" She paused "Is dinner ready?"

"It is, but it can also be heated up" Saguru replied "I made a few things like extra cheesy macaroni and some soup" He paused "Both are to be eaten separately, one is for tonight, the other is for tomorrow" The macaroni was more of a comfort food but he wasn't sure if she'd be able to stomach it so he'd made two meals just in case.

The girl perked up, she really liked cheese "Can we have the macaroni tonight?" She reluctantly shifted fluffy off of her foot, dodging a clawed swipe in the process. She walked over to the door and opened it.

Saguru smiled, relieved that Yozora had decided to leave her room "Of course, I'll microwave some of Kaito's fancy hot dogs to go with it"

Yozora cracked a small smile "Fancy hot dogs?" Hot dogs weren't fancy.

The blond nodded "He inspected the family owned company and decided that they were good" Kaito only ate humanely obtained meat.

"I wonder what they'll taste like then" Yozora replied as they headed downstairs. The simple conversation was nice.

"They taste really good, a little expensive, but tasty" They weren't eaten often due to how hot dogs weren't all that healthy, but they were eaten occasionally. They'd probably go bad soon if they didn't eat them anyways.

"Shinichi sometimes picked up hot dogs for us to eat, they were nice"

Saguru hummed "Ones from vendors are usually very tasty, though Kaito was probably eating veggie dogs"

Yozora blinked "Probably..." She hadn't thought about that until Saguru had mentioned it. Her mouth was starting to water at the cheesy smell "It smells good" She breathed as she sat down in her chair. She couldn't see it yet since it was on the stove, but she sure could smell it.

"Thank you, maybe I could teach you how to make it one day" The blond replied as he popped some hot dogs into the microwave before bringing over the casserole dish and putting it on the cutting board that was already on the table "Ten is a good age to learn how to cook a few things" The X-Rays had shown that she was around ten years old so they'd determined that to be her age. Nine had seemed to be too young and eleven would give her one less year before she was an adult. Ten was at least in the double digits, so ten it was.

"I think I'd like that" Yozora admitted as Saguru served out their portions "I saw a lot of cute desserts online"

Gold gleamed "Kaito is better at desserts than me, but I could help you find some cute healthy recipes if you want. Kaito would be ecstatic to share his dessert making skills with you when he wakes up" He let out a small chuckle "He'd pout if I taught you desserts before him"

Yozora could actually see that happening "Okay" She agreed with a small smile "Though maybe you could teach me how to make chocolate cake so I could make it for him?" Kaito had been so nice and understanding, she wanted to show her appreciation.

Saguru's gaze softened "Of course"

Me: Fluffy is being a cat, sitting just out of reach... Gah... And some casual talk~

Comment? ^-^

>~< What do you prefer to go with chocolate? I prefer mint to go with it

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