77. A number off from being extra lucky

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written December 11 2021
Posted January 3 2022

When Saguru came home, he brought Shinichi with him. The sleuth was rarely one to turn down free food... Well free food from people that he trusted. Saguru smiled when he spotted both Kaito and Yozora sitting on the couch, sharing a blanket as they watched the American cartoon Danny Phantom. The house smelt nice, telling him that dinner was already in the oven.

"The two of you look comfy" Saguru stated, smiling softly. Yozora had improved a lot when it came to physical contact.

"I think Yozora has actually caught up with the schoolwork for people her age" Kaito offered, motioning a hand towards some textbooks. A lot of the stuff was often repeated every year, and the girl seemed to have a good grasp on most of it.

"That's great" Shinichi offered a smile of his own, proud of how smart Yozora was.

Yozora blushed at the praise "Maybe I could try actual school part time next year" It was a scary prospect, but she didn't want to spend the rest of her life afraid of being around people. She was getting better, she's accompanied both Saguru and Kaito to the store before! She's even accompanied Shinichi, Aoko, and Akako to the store.

Kaito smiled "If you're up for it then sure" The thought of sending Yozora to school made him happy. It was something almost all parents got to do! Now that he had a child, there were so many things they could do. He didn't want to force Yozora to go to school though.

"Is that lasagna I smell?" Shinichi inquired, intrigued. It'd been a while since he'd eaten the dish.

Yozora nodded "Yup, I helped layer it. It also has some of Kaito's humanely sourced beef so it's not vegetarian" Kaito's vegetarian dishes were nice, but real meat was better in her opinion.

Saguru blinked "Does that mean we need to pick some more up sometime?" Kaito was the one that kept track of the fancy meats.

"There's some left, but not a lot so we should probably buy more" Kaito replied, smiling as he uncovered the egg.

Azure widened "It's moving a lot"

Kaito nodded "Yup, I want it to hatch today" He wanted to meet their second child.

The blond checked the time, it was 6pm "When would be the ideal time for me to do up the garlic bread?" He didn't know what time the lasagna had been put in.

Checking the time himself, Kaito smiled "Now would actually be good. Yozora grated some extra cheese so make sure to use that.

"Right" Saguru headed towards the kitchen.

Since two people doing up garlic bread would be overkill, Shinichi sat down on the couch, leaving some space between himself and Yozora "Today turned out great, there were only five murders" The food smell was starting to make him hungry.

Yozora's eyes lit up "That's great, no wonder you two got back at a decent time" She'd grown used to the abnormal amounts of murders that occurred in Beika. Yozora had also stopped wondering why the population wasn't decreasing. Surely there were more deaths than births in Beika... "Kaito would have pouted if you guys made him wait too long" Just because Kaito understood why they could be late, it didn't mean that the magician wouldn't pout.

"Of course I would have" Kaito pouted, crossing his arms "I didn't want them to miss the egg hatching"

Shinichi blinked "You're that convinced that it's going to happen tonight?" It seemed a little iffy... But the egg was wiggling quite a bit.

"I'm positive" Kaito stated "I just know that it will" Indigos softened "I can sense that they're practically ready to come out" If the egg broke right now, the child inside would be perfectly fine.

Yozora stared blankly at Kaito "What?"

Kaito tilted his head in confusion "It's like how I can sense injuries"

Shinichi frowned "Then why were you all excited about wondering when it'll hatch?" It made no sense if Kaito already knew.

"Ah" Kaito grinned "The growth wasn't linear, nor did it follow any sort of pattern. The final bits happened today while you guys were at work"

Yozora perked up, eyeing the wiggling egg "So you know it's gender?"

"Saguru and I know the gender, yes" Indigos glinted mischievously "I discovered it a week ago" Sadly he didn't know what they would look like, at least not until they were born.

"Keeping it a secret isn't fair" Yozora pouted, she wanted to know if she'd get a sister or brother. She hoped that it was a sister.

Azure narrowed suspiciously "You bought both male and female baby clothes a few days ago"

Kaito smirked "So? Can't I have some fun planning embarrassing baby photos?" It wasn't like newborn babies really looked either male or female once they had a diaper on them.

Yozora grimaced, suddenly glad that it was too late for Kaito to do such things to her. She was old enough to pick out her own clothes. Now she really wanted a sister, if only to spare the poor kid some embarrassment. Some of the dresses were adorable.

"Dinner is done" Saguru stated as he walked into the living room.

"You know, you could have waited out here with us for it to finish cooking" Kaito sighed, scooping up the egg as he stood up.

Saguru eyed the egg curiously "I know, but I wanted to make sure the garlic bread was just right" Not too crunchy, but not too soggy, just a tad crunchy.

"It smells so good" Yozora gushed, she was a fan of the smell of cooked garlic.

"And it's going to taste just as good" Kaito added, hurrying past Saguru to fetch the salad dressing. The salad had been put together, just without the dressing to prevent it from going soggy.

Yozora eyed the dressing in Kaito's hands "Most of it will be amazing"

Shinichi snickered "Salad is good once in a while" Though he was looking forward to the pasta the most.

Indigos gleamed "Remember there's pie"

"Why would I forget?" Yozora asked incredulously, pulling out everyone's nutrient drinks from the fridge. Hers had extra strawberries, because she'd helped to put them together.

"So I wasn't imagining things when I noticed that there were two pies..." Saguru mused half to himself.

Me: A nice meal together where everyone is very lucid~ Lasagna  is my favourite meal~ Excluding the leafy salad. I dislike both lettuce and salad dressing XP

Comment? ^-^

°~° I wish I liked lettuce, my wraps I make just contain meat and cheese. Lettuce would be a filler to make it less expensive

I contemplated broccoli, but I only eat steamed broccoli. Hmmm  maybe spinach? But I've only tasted the cooked kind on pizza.

I use ranch dressig for wraps, a very thin coating on the tortilla, spread evenly.

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