74. Hanging Out

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1022 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written November 11 2021
Posted December 6 2021

When Aoko finally arrived, she wasted no time in rushing over to hug Kaito. She was happy for her best friend, knowing just how much the magician had wanted to have a child himself. Kaito had confided in her often about his worries of failing to conceive before they were too old for such a thing to be possible. It had made her want to hold off on having Akako use magic to grant themselves a child.

Kaito wouldn't have had any negative feelings if they'd decided to have a child, Aoko had known that as a fact. Her best friend would have probably been elated for them if anything. Despite this, Aoko had held firm on her idea to wait. That way they'd be able to time it so that their kids could grow up together! Akako had readily agreed once she'd given her reasoning. It wasn't like they had a biological time limit like Kaito did.

It was hard not informing Kaito that they were going to have a kid soon too. It was very very hard. They wanted it to be a surprise, that, and Kaito already looked so happy, practically buzzing with energy. Telling Kaito right now might just be too much, so they'd at least wait until Kaito was more calmed down, or if Kaito was having a bad day. It was basically a 'Make Kaito Happy' card. It could be saved for when Kaito wasn't already elated.

"I really wish we knew how long it'll take to hatch" Aoko breathed, the egg was nice and warm in her hold. It was almost worthy of being called a mini-heater "I doubt that it'll take a whole nine months..." Magic was strange, but made sense in some ways. She was leaning against Akako.

"I know of some magical creatures that do take that long" Akako gently tapped the egg with a finger "But I can sense that this is at least not one of them"

"I hope it doesn't take long, it requiring warmth from a living being might get tedious" Saguru offered, handing Kaito another hot chocolate refill. He knew that Kaito wouldn't like to sit still for too long, and taking it to work with him would just be a stupid idea as a whole.

"I'll warm the egg when Kaito gets too antsy" Yozora offered, smiling. She was better at sitting still than Kaito. Maybe it was because most of her activities didn't require too much movement? She did sit around a lot, but that was because she was learning so many different things!

"All that matters is that it remains healthy" Ai sighed, she'd been quietly going over the results that she'd gotten from the tests she'd done on Kaito. Kaito's vitals looked different than the last time she'd checked everything. It would have concerned her more if Kaito hadn't changed species. She jotted a few things down "Kuroba must refrain from any activities that would result in another child, I would like to make a new baseline of his health"

Kaito's cheeks warmed "That's something you're supposed to tell me in private" Why did the little scientist ignore doctor-patient confidentiality?

Saguru nodded "That seems agreeable" It wasn't like he was planning to bed Kaito so soon after he'd laid an egg, even if it had been smaller than usual. He preferred to let Kaito's body heal. Just because Kaito was good with pain, it didn't mean that he liked afflicting it onto him.

"What do you think we should order?" Shinichi inquired, pulling his hand back from a failed attempt to pet Fluffy. It had gotten late, cooking something good would take too much time.

"Pizza" Kaito's suggestion was simple.

"There's too many of us with different tastes to share pizza" Ai refuted, not looking up from her tablet "Something more healthy would be better"

"Pizza is healthy, it contains bread, tomato sauce, cheese, and other potential toppings" Kaito retorted.

"It's fine, leftover pizza is always good, we can afford a few pizzas" Shinichi quickly cut in, not wanting Ai to get annoyed enough to start using needle threats "Good toppings can make pizza more healthy"

"Fine, but none of you better get extra cheese" Ai's words were firm.

Kaito wilted a bit "But none of us are overweight..."

"Stop arguing Kaito" Aoko sighed. It wasn't like Kaito ever ordered extra cheese in the first place, he just wanted to because he was told not too.

Once everything was settled, Shinichi ordered the pizzas. Kaito had a vegetarian pizza all to himself, Shinichi got a pepperoni despite Ai glaring at him for planning to have lots of leftovers. Saguru and Yozora got a Hawaiian pizza, knowing that they could eat some of Kaito's, and Aoko and Akako got a meat lover's pizza. Ai didn't get any pizza, instead opting for Spaghetti and a Caesar salad. It was an unreasonable amount of pizza to be ordered, but leftovers were a thing that was greatly valued.

"It should be here in about an hour" Shinichi stated once he hung up, blinking in surprise when he felt something land on his head. It was Tsuki. He reached up to pet the dove.

"We should watch a movie!" Kaito piped up, they had many movies "We should watch Cats and Dogs" It was a funny movie that was neither detective orientated nor romance orientated. It should give them a few laughs.

Yozora shrugged "I wouldn't mind a movie" It was one she hadn't seen before and she'd liked most of the ones that Kaito had introduced her to.

Ai stood up "I'll go look over some things in the medical room" It was practically a lab, but she respected Kaito's wishes in not calling it as such.

Saguru frowned "Is something wrong?"

"No, it'll just take less time if I'm alone" Ai replied. She'd seen the movie once, and that was enough. She wasn't into re-watching movies.

"We can watch the sequel too" Kaito stated as he retrieved the chosen movie from the TV stand. His wings were still out, and feeling them actually go through things was weird. Hopefully he'd get used to the sensation quickly. The others didn't seem to react when his wings went through them. 

Me: Another calm chapter~ I really liked Cats and Dogs when I was little. Very funny.

Comment? ^-^

I wish that sleep wasn't required, I could get so much reading done...

But I need to get good sleep, that way I'll make less writing mistakes

Sometimes I made a lot, annoying >~<

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