6. Six

322 29 77

1039 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written March 27 2020
Posted April 16 2020
Next update on April 30 2020

No early update of this book until then~ Because depending on voting, the chappy after next will soon follow~

Saguru waved some smelling salts in front of Kaito's face, putting them down when the other began to stir. The darts weren't actually that strong since they were usually only used on Kaito whenever he was either too stressed or tired, so the fact that Kaito had still been asleep told the blond how bad Kaito had been.

Indigos blinked open "Saguru?" Kaito inquired, slowly sitting up to look around. He felt a prickle of annoyance towards Nowaki for darting him.

"How are you feeling?" Gold softened as he offered the magician the chocolatey drink and Kaito immediately took it and began to sip some from the straw.

Kaito was silent for a few moments as he drank before responding "Stupid" He sighed, gaze focused on his drink. The sedative was still running through his veins but that was fine "I knew that it wouldn't work" He let out a tired sigh "But I still wanted to try" He didn't like death, it was so permanent. It couldn't really be reversed.

Saguru got into the bed so that he was beside him and wrapped an arm around Kaito to bring him closer "Of course you did" Gold softened, Kaito would always try his best to save someone if he could.

The magician finished off his drink, handing it over to Saguru who placed it on the end table "You spoil me too much" He breathed, his left hand glowing a soft white as he slipped it under Saguru's shirt. The minor friction burns healed with ease, at least the blond hadn't been cut. Indigos gleamed as his hand snaked over to Saguru's side.

"Stop!" Saguru huffed out a laugh, he was seriously ticklish there. He squirmed a bit "Is this how you repay my spoiling you?" He tried to wiggle away but Kaito had grabbed onto the hand that was wrapped around him.

Kaito continued to tickle Saguru for a few more moments before letting him go, he liked watching him squirm "Maybe I just wanted to hear your laugh" He teased before snuggling up against the other "So comfy"

The blond smirked, Kaito was probably too tired to do anything else to him right now "I'm glad that you seem to think so" Though telling by the other's breathing, Kaito had already fallen asleep.

Once again, Saguru was the first to wake, he glanced at the clock and decided to let Kaito sleep in for a few more hours. He was glad that neither of them had work that day, it would allow the other to recover from the sedative fully. Sure he was fully capable of doing his job the day after getting darted, but this way would allow him to rest better. He got changed and headed downstairs, opting to read for a bit before preparing breakfast.

Kaito frowned when he woke up to the sheets beside him being cold, it was his turn to make breakfast today. Saguru should have woken him up if he was hungry, indigos darkened, Saguru did so much for him, it was actually hard to find ways to repay the guy. He slipped out of bed, taking the disgusting medicine that Ai had given him the other day. He grimaced as he tossed the empty bottle into the trash, why did she have to make it so nasty? She probably did it on purpose, just because she could.

"You should have woken me up" Saguru glanced up from his book to see a pouting Kaito, he bookmarked his page and set the book down. The magician's wings were out since they weren't going anywhere and weren't in bed. They really got in the way in bed.

"You needed the rest, and I actually wasn't that hungry" He'd eaten a good supper the other night.

Kaito's stomach grumbled at the mention of food, wings fluttering a bit in embarrassment "I'm going to go make breakfast now" He was suddenly feeling very hungry, he shouldn't have skipped supper the other day.

Breakfast had consisted of blueberry waffles, banana slices, and some cut up apples, a meal which the both of them had enjoyed greatly "What would you like to do today?" Saguru inquired as they finished cleaning up the kitchen.

The magician grimaced "Whatever you want so long as it's in the afternoon" The medicine should have done its job by then.

Saguru winced in sympathy, already concluding what Kaito was referring to "Do you need me to do anything for you?"

Kaito shook his head as predicted. It was a very private and embarrassing task, he preferred to just get it done and over with, without Saguru hovering near him "I'm claiming the upstairs washroom" It was farther from the living areas and kitchen then the downstairs one.

With that conversation done, the two settled down together on the couch, each with their own book in hand, enjoying the company of the other. Until Kaito let out an almost silent hiss and headed upstairs, Saguru pretended to ignore the actions.

The magician stood under the shower, sweating as he tried to ignore the way his insides felt like they were turning to goo. He knew they weren't. All he needed to do was ignore the pain and let gravity do its job. He wasn't actually going to have an egg this time, thank god. Nope, just a disgusting amount of gooey substances was going to drip out of him, yay. Thankfully the shower made it less noticeable, allowing him to pretend that it was just water dripping down his legs.

After about 45 minutes he was starting to become bored, this way more than usual. Kaito glanced down, growing concerned, had it been a double egg or something? He wasn't even sure if that was possible. He blinked, blood? Why was there blood? There'd never been any blood, not even in the eggs he'd broken out of curiosity. The fluid was supposed to be clear or a greenish yellow hue mixed with clear fluids.

Kaito frowned, watching the blood go down the drain, he didn't feel any extra pain. The only reason for the egg to have had blood would be... Indigos widened as the magician suddenly swayed, covering his mouth as his eyes began to burn.

Me: *cackles* •~•

Do you understand what happened?

Hope you enjoyed~ ^-^

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