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Arisa woke with a start, heart racing.

The plane was deathly quiet except for the hum of the engine and the air condition on high, feeling parched she reached for the bottle of water in her cupholder, sipping as she watched her Mother sleep peacefully beside her.

what have I gotten myself into

Releasing a breath to calm herself she rubbed her forehead in an attempt to soothe her nerves, she was an absolute wreck.

stupid nightmares

She reclined once again in her seat despite knowing that there was no way she would be going back to sleep, not with the monsters that waited for her in the dark recesses of her mind. sometimes she hated her imagination.

" only Fedrick was physically hurt while trying to keep the women safe, everyone else is suffering from shock" she heard a whisper then shuffling as the man who called himself Beta sat in front of them, but his attention was on the phone, he listened for a moment, his mix of Auburn and blonde locs in a neat high bun.

"This was unexpected, but with him cracking down on us it was only a matter of time before he found them, it would be best to keep them close until we can assess the situation better" he noticed Arisa then, pinning his stormy grey eyes on her, he seemed surprised when she held his stare then it shifted and with a harshness swimming in them he said.

"You shouldn't look us in the eyes, Arisa" his tone was soft but firm, a warning. she swallowed, looking away quickly.

"I'll see you in a few " he muttered hanging up, he sat there studying her for a moment before motioning to Stan.

"where did you get him?" he questioned, eyes roaming over the resting dog

Arisa wasn't sure why he wanted to know that and it puzzled her as to why Stan was so eerily calm.

"In the woods" she muttered, she had no intention of elaborating, the man nodded "Hell hounds are special but very rare"

Arisa frowned leaning forward "hell?" wasn't Stan a type of greyhound?

almost as if Stan knew they were talking about him, he looked up at the man, he nodded pointing at Stans strange bright gold eyes.

"They are said to be creatures from the depths of hell"

Arisa gaped at him but he didn't pay attention to her bewildered state "they're fiercely loyal" he continued "and can sense when someone's a threat to their master"

She mentally rolled her eyes resettling in her seat, did he really think her gullible? what was he trying to say? That he isn't of any danger to her? And what would that say about her mom? Stan practically hated her. Did he take her for a fool or did he believe she hit her head so hard that she'd listen to any nonsense he weaved?

He frowned for a second "Only dark powerful beings can be their masters, of course, they are only a myth" He smiled, finding it quite ironic.

Arisa turned from him.

"When is Ms. Kang coming?" Arisa questioned after Stan finally dozed off again on the leather seat of the limo they changed into, he seemed fine on the plane but now she could tell he was agitated about being cooped up all day long.

"she's just checking up on the men, none of them were gravely injured but it would be a good idea for a nurse to stay with them"

Arisa nodded slowly, "why does she care about those men though?"

"in a way, they're also her family" Olivia offered softly, Arisa released a puff of air " so when Fedrick and Ms. Kang said we were moving it was to be with these people?"

Olivia paused "mhmm, well no. remember when I left for a month during my 16th birthday?"

Arisa nodded, It had been the longest she had gone without Olivia "I came here, every time I've been away to visit family, I was visiting these people" Arisa's eyes widened "So you know him?" she whispered pointing to the passenger seat, a red tint appeared on her cheeks, she seemed embarrassed. The tightness of her lips told Arisa she wasn't getting an answer.

"well, what about that . . thing?" she hesitated, it said she had been hiding, what exactly did it mean by that?, she questioned Olivia with her eyes.

Again, Olivia didn't answer, The silver eyed man in the front seat turned to look at her and the tension in the car seemed to spike. she dropped his stare, not because of his warning but because she was agitated and instead looked through the tinted windows.

A vast empty space greeted her, earth charred by flames left black and barren, the only sign that this space was once occupied by humans was the pile of bricks and debris scattered across the expanse, she didn't have to feel it to know the air was dry and stifling, even the sun seemed angry as it blazed casting a sheet of heat over the land. Her stomach plummeted at the sight, so very different from the airy, pleasing island of Berbease with its refreshing sea breeze, vibrant people and festivals.

Static filled the air "This is Beta Jeremy, calling in, please report to FD team of our arrival" he tucked the radio away in his ballistic jacket as the cars slowed down.

She couldn't believe these people considered this barren place their home. she hated it already.

The car swerved and Arisa felt a rush of power pass over her, she blinked in confusion at the large flowering trees at either side of the road, scattered in freshly fallen yellow leaves because of the impending autumn.

A woman in a long green skirt and front knot, off the shoulder golden top, stood in the middle of the street, her arms stretched towards them, her face a mask of concentration.

The woman looked familiar but it was only a fleeting thought as Arisa blinked, looking again for the wasteland she was just staring at, the car moved slowly to the unmoving woman in the street, her yellow headwrap blending into the background perfectly.

Her surroundings went in and out of focus, even the woman in the middle of the road seemed to move like jello, looking behind, her eyes widened in surprise. A large glass that reflected the burnt orange and black of the desolate area she'd just crossed and the vibrant yellow of the poui trees separated their car from the rest, the glass sheet seemed to vibrate fiercely and Arisa watched as one by one the other cars came through as well. Her mind whirled with the possibilities.

what the actual fuck?

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