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Arisa woke with a jolt, sending the ceramic cup crashing unto the floor, the blue snakeweed and chamomile tea perfuming the air.

The sun had just risen by how cool the morning still was and she rose, cleaning up the mess, completely boggled by the fact that she was able to sleep so soundly after everything happened.

She came to the conclusion that maybe that Nigerian seller wasn't overselling his blend.

She began clearing the table of cups, measuring utensils and kettle for a moment thinking of the strange dark-eyed man and how he knew the contents of the box meant so much to her.

Taking up the book titled 'how to make your own herbal blend' she also placed it back in the box, she had found the book and a few clay jars with dried herbs in her Kitchen two years prior around the time when her sleeping had become non-existent, which was perfect since a trip to café blue proved her intolerance to the source of energy for more than half of the world's population.

She left her room after she freshened up, stomach tightening the closer she got to the mahogany doors that led to her Mother's room.

She entered to find Beta Jeremy using a wet rag to dab Renae's forehead, he had a white button-up shirt thrown on haphazardly and his locs were loose and wet, she didn't say a word to him just moved closer to the bed her Mother's twisting and turning becoming more erratic the closer Arisa got. Jeremy kneeled beside her, hands wrapped around hers, Arisa tried to quell the irritation she felt at a total stranger acting as if her mother was his world.

"Ma" he whispered

Arisa moved closer when her Mothers eyes began to flutter, Renae stared at the ceiling for a moment before meeting the eyes of the Beta kneeling before her, an expression Arisa can't recall ever seeing creased her face as she threw herself into the Beta's arm.

Arisa stood frozen trying to make sense of the events playing out before her eyes "baby boy, my precious baby boy" her mother whispered frantically, tears spilling down her face. She couldn't quell the jealousy that made her ball her fist and turn from them sharply, her stomach burned.

"Arisa" his deep voice made her bristle, but when she turned to stare at him it all seemed to melt away into nothingness and a blanket of calm fell over her, his eyes swam with sympathy and . . . guilt? She tightened her fist in an attempt to rein in her emotions.

"I hope you aren't angry at us for not telling you sooner, but we never thought we would ever meet again" Arisa frowned, as unresponsive as she knew her mother usually was it didn't make sense that she had a brother, did her mother abandon him?

Jeremy smiled softly "I wasn't abandoned"

Her mother still clung to him, she wasn't sure if the woman was actively avoiding looking at her or if Arisa just genuinely didn't exist in her world, She looked away from his sad smile "That strange man told me we wouldn't be here much longer, so you could've kept me in the dark" she said harshly.

"Why do you say mean things then feel super bad about them afterward" Olivia muttered as she entered the room and slammed the door.

Arisa huffed, plopping on the bed alongside Olivia, stan peeped from behind a center table but Arisa didn't have the time to question why Stan was with Olivia and instead narrowed her eyes at the dyed blonde.

"Is he really my brother?"

Olivia didn't answer her, instead, she rose with a huge sigh, putting down the phone she had been so intently texting on "I'm going to visit my cousin and aunt, coming?"

She didn't wait for Arisa's answer the younger, much shorter girl tripped over herself to keep pace with 5'10 Thai princess – like Olivia liked to call herself despite not knowing a single thing about her Grandmothers birthplace.

"A normal friend would try to comfort me right now" Arisa muttered bitterly as they walked down the stone corridors, Stan's collar tinkling as he followed the girls diligently.

Olivia jerked to a stop at her words, staring at Arisa in a way that brought up a memory she wished she didn't have.

"I'm not your friend"

A much smaller face stared at Arisa, this one with her natural jet black hair and mean eyes, The Olivia she remembered from childhood was harsh and sharp, she didn't like when Arisa followed her or spoke to her, Arisa didn't know exactly what happened but something changed and one day Olivia became like a big sister to her, the mean spirited kid she knew disappearing completely. She wondered why she was seeing her now.

"Liv" Arisa began but Olivia just turned from her, "staying here will only make you feel worse, you need to take your mind off it for a moment so when you're thinking of your next move it's not your petty emotions leading you"

Olivia entered pushing the glass door, there was a small ding and the smell of curries, lemongrass and ... anchovy? She couldn't quite put her finger on it "Pa" Olivia called and a high pitched scream came from the kitchen and Olivia was suddenly wrapped in a bear hug with another blonde, dark-eyed girl "Oh Livvy Wivvy!, I missed you so much it's been like a year!" then she proceeded to scream again.

When she finally released Olivia –because her face was turning blue- she turned to Arisa "Is this the best friend you're always cutting our summers short for?" she questioned, Olivia nodded "Arisa, meet my cousin Crystal"

Arisa smiled at Crystal "I hope you aren't too mad about me keeping her from you"

Something rushed across her features before she smiled warmly, she said something in a foreign language before waving Arisa off "never mad sweetie" Then she tackled Arisa into a bear hug, this time she was more lenient expressing her concern for how tiny Arisa was.

Crystal stared at Stan and when Arisa saw her eyes turn to pools of awe she patted Stan on the head preparing him for the onslaught of a gushy teenage girl.

The two cousins could be mistaken for twins, Arisa analyzed from her booth as they interacted except for the fact that Crystal had more in the boob compartment and while Olivia evidently had hips that could land her in the spot of top model if the industry weren't so against dark sin Asians, Crystal had more flesh on her curves giving her figure a very soft feminine look.

A ding and a dark-skinned man, with his hair in cornrows, came in, the broadest smile on his face as he shook his head to something the person behind him said. Arisa was admiring his profile when the smile slid off and the chatting between Crystal and Olivia stopped immediately, no one spoke as Olivia and the guy openly stared at each other and Arisa's interest peaked.

Olivia turned to Arisa slowly, her eyes a strange mix of sadness and unease "let's go Arisa" Arisa quickly moved to her, taking her hand and pulling her through the door. She didn't ask questions, not when Olivia's hand tightened around hers or when she stood staring out at space aimlessly.

She guessed Olivia was right, this did take her mind off of her problem.

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