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That's the only word she could use to describe this place, quiet.

Nothing moved and nothing made a sound, not even the crickets, it made her feel even more lonely as she sat by her Mothers bed, night had already fallen when they had taken the road to get to the massive brick mansion she was currently in.

There was something unnaturally calm about the surrounding forest, something that made Arisa's hair stand on edge and her curiosity peak, it didn't help that she was tempted to walk out into the cold night and greet whatever other monstrosity mother nature had to throw at her and again she questioned her sanity.

Olivia was napping next door and Beta Jeremy had just left, promising he'd be back soon. Arisa didn't necessarily care and with nothing to do her mind went back to the forest that glowed blue from the light of the last full moon of the month.

Something about the strange events reminded Arisa of a story Olivia had told her when she had returned from her summer vacation, of the spirits that could only turn into flesh and bone on the full moon, with gruesome, butchered faces.

She theorized that Olivia knew exactly what that thing was, what it wanted and why her life suddenly seemed like a rendition of True Blood.

Now that she thought more about it, that girl, she now remembered her name, Naomi.

Arisa hadn't seen Naomi since she crashed her sixteenth birthday, staring Arisa down with her odd colored eyes, poking and prodding her and whispering that she might be broken, now she wondered what Naomi had been doing in the middle of the road like a crazy person early.

One more thing she had no clue how to answer.

Sighing, she pulled the blanket further around her shoulder as she stood, legs aching in protest, giving stan a small pet when she reach the door frame so as not to disturb him.

She smiled a little at how thoughtful her hound was despite his hatred for being around her Mother, he still stayed as close as he could to her, whether it was by the door, upstairs when her mother was aimlessly rummaging through downstairs or outside in front of the large bay windows when her mother was being unpredictable. She felt a little warm inside as the memories surfaced.

she missed her home.

The sound of engines drew her attention to the front yard where black vans rounded the roundabout in front of the mansion, Arisa watched from the balcony on the third floor, men in the same uniform as those she had come with. They remained by the vehicles, hands behind their back and heads bowed, almost as if they were waiting for someone.

He emerged, dark hair in a man bun, the tapered sides showing off his sharp jaw, Arisa drew a little closer so she could get a better view of the man that puzzled her the most, she felt his anger from where she stood, it washed over her like scorching flames, when he lifted his head and pinned his eyes on her breath froze in her chest.

"You're dismissed," he said, not taking his eyes off her and she couldn't move from her spot no matter how her heart hammered.

When he disappeared under the curve of the entrance she could finally breathe but not for as long as she'd hoped as he stood before her in the corridor, he was easily well over six feet, the tight black turtle neck wrapped around hard muscle.

He had a box held tightly in his hand, the contents rattled when he stopped before her.

Stance rigid, eyes hard.

"Who are you?" He didn't answer her, instead peered in the room, then behind her

"Where is Beta Jeremy?"

"You mean the weirdo who called himself my brother?" his jaw ticked.

"Do you always answer a question with a question?"

"do you?"

irritation and something akin to confusion flowed off him, she wondered if she was doing herself a disservice by pissing this man off.

"What was that thing?" she asked when the silence became too awkward, he cocked his head to the side, seemingly in deep thought as he analyzed her, she tried not to shift in nervousness.

"It's not human, can't be" she muttered the image of the grotesque thing turning to dust in the house she lived in for a decade, she looked up, narrowing her eyes at him "and something's telling me you and your men aren't either"

"If we aren't human, what else could we possibly be?" his deep voice trailed off, almost as if he was leading her, taunting her.

was he teasing her? threatening her?

Arisa couldn't come to an answer as his eyes blazed, was he testing her or trying to find out how much she knew?

Arisa took a step back, an emotion she couldn't decipher darkened his face before disappearing "Why" she hesitated, thick brows drew together over eyes that made her heart beat rampantly "why do I feel as if I know you?"

He blinked, hands tightening around the box "don't ask questions if you don't want to stay here" he warned, the feeling of familiarity intensified and she found herself scowling at him

who was the strange man?

No one spoke to her in such a clipped almost restraint tone so why did a memory nudge at her brain but refuse to form, she felt frustrated but he didn't seem to care about her internal turmoil as he continued.

"I'm sure you're looking forward to leaving with your mother and family soon, keep your head low until we can find a secure location for you"

"What's that supposed to mean? if I'm curious I'm going to ask!"

he was an inch from her face in a split second, breathing down on her "do you always do as you please woman? I'm telling you this for your own good if you want to return to a normal life" his breathing was heavy and warm, she could see the details in his deep dark eyes, the way his nostrils flared and the fresh growth just above his bow lips, she wondered why she was eating up his exquisite features when he was clearly being an asshole. She didn't have time to ponder how strangely she was behaving until he pulled back with a frustrated grunt, and taking with him the warmth and spell she seemed to be under.

"This belongs to you I'm sure," he said stiffly, stretching his hand with the box.

she took it meekly, unable to take her eyes off him "didn't they teach you not to look us in the eye, Arisa" she swallowed, the smell of fresh rain amplifying as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"This is your room," he said gesturing to the door a little way down "It seems as if Jeremy couldn't resist the call any longer, don't expect him back until dawn. Stay by your mother in the safety of the room" he seemed to debate with himself before turning and offering over his shoulder "it's a full moon after all". 

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