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    The hot afternoon sun blazed continuously in the sky, Arisa could see the waves of heat emitting from the ground and she was glad for the shade the roof above her head afforded her, even the tremendously fierce afternoon sun didn't stop countless men from fighting shirtless on the clear patch of red earth in the center of a full circle of log cabins, watching the men fight was an awful sight and it made her stomach turn uncomfortably. Another man fell to the ground coughing up blood and Arisa had to stop herself from running to him. The men above him laughed as he shook himself off and stood shakily, the young men she had seen throughout her stay stood on the sidelines watching the men fight, She didn't understand what was going on, she didn't understand why she was there.

Her Brother had taken her with him and now he stood on the steps beside her, watching the men, not even flinching when one of them got injured terribly.

Arisa turned back to the men, but they were no longer fighting, they were all focusing at the mountain of a man in front of them with his arms folded, he frowned at them in disapproval.

"You all fight like a litter of kittens" his voice rumbled across the land, causing Arisa to take a step back at just how terrifying he sounded. He sneered at the men.

"maybe I should show you what a real fight is like mhmm?" he quirked an eyebrow


The crowd was deathly silent, all the testosterone felt earlier seemed to have vanished upon his arrival and Arisa could see the fear evident on their faces.

Her Brother cleared his throat, raising a hand.

"ah, nice. Beta Jeremy, it's been a while " he laughed.

The porch was too dark for Arisa to see his facial expression but when he stepped into the clearing she could see the amused smile playing on his lip, "Clear the grounds men" he called as both men readied themselves to fight.

The massive man released a monstrous growl as his face contorted into that of a beast in semi transformation, Arisa felt bile rise in her throat.

Jeremy merely quirked an eyebrow, taunting the beast with a slow calculating smirk, Arisa's heart lodged in her throat when the beast lunged at her Brother.

Arisa gasped, when Jeremy caught the man, that was about 3 inches taller than him by the throat, sending him flying into a tree at the edge of the clearing, the tree creaked under his weight and the man brushed himself off eyes flashing gold.

Arisa stepped back, realizing just why she was there.

He was trying to scare her. She balled her fist.

He charged at Jeremy, throwing powerful punches, each meeting its target she heard the impact of his massive fists connecting with Jeremy's mid-section and one final blow sent blood spewing from his mouth, Arisa's stomach clenched as she took a step forward, a horrid cry leaving her lips, hands gripped her shoulder dragging her back.

She looked up to see Olivia staring at her wide-eyed, she shook her head franctically "Never interrupt a fight" she whispered.

After a few more gruesome punches, Jeremy pushed back and threw in some of his own, a powerful blow to the jaw sent the man reeling backward pissing the giant off further, he tried to throw in a sloppy but furious punch which Jeremy dodged with ease, The man's face transformed in one of utter fury.

"Rule number one" a chilled deep voice that seemed to quieten the crowd called, the figure descended the stairs "Never be consumed totally by fear or anger in the middle of battle" Arisa couldn't tear her eyes from Vyxen as he stood on the last step, his eyes calculating and sharp as he watched the two men battle.

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