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"He's here!" Crystal squealed, jumping on the ball of her feet, she grinned stupidly at Arisa and Olivia who stood beside her at the deserted bus stop, Olivia rolled her eyes, yawning, her eyes still puffy and droopy from her rude awakening earlier that morning.

It had been a week since the odd event of Olivia collapsing right before Arisa's eyes, no one made mention of it and Arisa wasn't sure if she was relieved or anxious.

"Ugh, Crystal stop with the excessive jumping" Olivia growled in irritation, holding her head, Crystal  pouted folding her arms "buzz kill"

Olivia grumbled under her breath before slipping unto the seats available at the bus stop, Arisa followed a few seconds later, holding Olivia's hand, she released a sigh of relief when Olivia didn't flinch at the contact.

The day afterward when she had woken up Arisa couldn't even walk two feet from her without Olivia flinching, her brother had taken her to see the people she had helped. she tried to look for her Mother but she had locked herself away. refusing to see Arisa.

Crystal grumbled to herself, holding her phone above her head in hopes of gaining better service, she stomped her foot, heading further away from the girls, Arisa pulled her sweater closer to herself, wishing the sun was out to warm the chilly atmosphere, she had always had mixed emotions about Winter, often times it made her feel lonely and depressed and other times it was like she was in a completely different world, and every fresh coating of snow was a promise of new adventures.

She didn't know how she felt about her Autumn being cut short, she loved that about Berbease, the lengthy autumn, and very short winter, it seemed to be the exact opposite here.

The trees were just beginning to lose the last of their leaves, she sighed, cupping her hands, the mist from the early morning dew moistening her hands with small sprinkles of water.

A van rolled up, just beside the bus stop, the front door of the grey pickup truck opened with a creek and she heard heavy boots hitting the pavement, she felt Olivia stir beside her and she watched as a frown made its way across her features, she stood slowly and Arisa sat in confusion noticing the man had halted and he too stared at Olivia, his brown eyes widening slightly when they rested on Olivia's still form. Arisa felt the air spark with electric charges and immediately she felt slightly off, as if something inside her was dreading this. . . them, she frowned about to stand when a distant squeal caught her attention before Arisa could so much as turn a flash of pink raced past her vision and Crystal was wrapped around the new comer's chest, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, a soft smile playing on her lip.

She felt Olivia grab her arm in a vice-like grip and squeezed painfully, Arisa squealed in pain and Olivia released her slowly, Arisa held the offended hand and glared at Olivia but it quickly turned into a worried frown when she registered her pale-faced best friend.

"Liv are you-" before she could finish her sentence Olivia's hand flew to her mouth and she gagged "Oh God!" Arisa breathed, rubbing Olivia's back as she dry heaved.

Crystal untangled herself from the man's torso and ran towards Olivia "Livvy!"

"I'm fine" Olivia snapped quickly. Before shaking her head "I'm sorry, I just need to leave" she muttered, walking towards Crystal''s moms car, "We can't leave Crys-"

"She's fine, he has a van" she snapped sliding into the driver seat, Arisa rolled her eyes and slipped into the passenger side and immediately Olivia began the engines.

Arisa turned to see Crystal and the newcomer kissing passionately, she shook her head and returned her attention to the inside of the car only to see Olivia gripping the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles ghastly white.

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