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Jeremy's soft call snapped her out of her haze, she had been staring at the Alpha for what felt like an eternity trying to figure out exactly what he was asking of her.

She had barely been here for a hot minute, what was this about becoming apart of their world? what world?

"Arisa, you should go be with Mother, she wants to see you" that snapped her out of her haze completely and she turned to Jeremy wide eyed "She remembers me now?"

He smiled sadly, a small nod before "don't ask anything that'll pressure her, she's in a very delicate state. She will prepare you for the ritual"

Arisa didn't wait for them to say anything else, she was already through the door, easily finding the hall she had been in her first night with the help of a man dressed in black.

Her mother stood at the entrance of the room, her burnt blonde mane in a lazy updo, her fingers twitched rhythmically and Arisa stopped short staring at her, "Come" Renae muttered, spinning on her heels, Arisa followed her quickly, running her hands along the banister, feeling her skin prickle in apprehension.

Arisa entered the room her mother disappeared in, only to have a towel thrown at her "Shower" her mother ordered sitting on the four poster bed, staring through the bay window, a distant look appearing on her face.

Arisa bit her lip, gripping the towel, 'just how strange would this encounter be?' she thought heading towards the bathroom, the bathroom was painted a soft brown, slightly outdated and spacious. After a well-deserved shower, she stepped through the door, closing it softly behind her. Her mother sat exactly where Arisa had left her, her arms folded loosely in her lap, Arisa looked around and saw frames lying face down on the chest of drawers, her fingers ran along the edges and as she was about to turn it towards her to see what lay in the center of its rough golden brown borders, her Mother's body shifted slightly and Arisa blurted the very first thing that came to her mind, her heart racing.

"What ritual?" Renae jumped and Arisa was about to apologize until her mother turned to her, her face expressionless, she sighed, sinking into the chair in front of the mirror that Renae had pointed to.

Renae began combing through Arisa's hair softly with a Denman brush, causing her eyelids to droop lazily, her Mother would've always combed through her hair before bed, she missed those days, the days when she had someone to talk to when Olivia decided that she was being too much of A brat, the days when all her Mother did and smile at her like she was her very personal sunshine, and Arisa wouldn't be bitter about it, she had come to the conclusion that maybe she was . . but then something changed. Something made her change.

eventually, Renae's voice woke her up from her dreamy reminisce "The cremation ceremony", Arisa frowned at her mother through the mirror "they're going to burn them?"

Her mother nodded "but why?, why not bury them?"

"They have no home, they can only be buried on their lands" her monotone voice replied

Silence enveloped the room as Arisa pondered the notion, it didn't make sense to her, why did lands mean so much to them?

After her mother was finished with her hair, she took her by the arm and led her to the closet, taking out a black floor-length dress, Arisa took the dress from her and changed in the bathroom.

When she exited the bathroom, she came face to face with her mother, her fingers still twitched rhythmically and when Renae noticed Arisa staring at it she hid her hand behind her back.

"Anita told me you're trying to help those people" Renae muttered, using her hands to gently brush the wrinkles from Arisa's simple dress.

she seemed sad as she said "I'm not sure if you'll be happy like that Arisa", Renae straightened and stared at Arisa who in turn quirked an eyebrow


"you're a very smart girl Arisa, I'm sure throughout the years you've noticed just how much I've changed. this place-" her brows twitched as she concentrated on getting her words out "this place isn't for you, I wish I was able to protect your brother too I-" her silence came quick and hard, like a switch had gone off. She stared at Arisa with vacant eyes, blinking furiously.

Renae looked through the window and Arisa watched her silently, "Mom" she began but Renae cut her off, a far off tone in her voice "The ceremony is about to begin" her mother ushered her out and Arisa complied without complaint, remembering Jeremy's words from earlier.

Arisa stood by the door, watching the woman as she sat before the window staring aimlessly, the sight was so heartbreaking Arisa couldn't stop the tears, she turned quickly descending the stone steps.

She watched as grownups ushered the children away from the section of the yard where they placed a variety of food on a lengthy table, lined with chairs and covered from the glare of the sun by a white topping.

"It's her" one of the women muttered, staring at Arisa in admiration, another turned up her nose, a look of disdain as she looked down on the young girl "What does she know about us and our people, she'll only bring us even more death. Move quickly" she said harshly and the girl who had smiled brightly at Arisa bowed her head, scurrying off quickly.

Vyxen stood at the edge of the forests, hands in his pocket, eyes focused on her as she descended the stairs. She didn't know if the tick of his jaw was an indication that he heard those women or that he was still pissed at her. When she felt her birthmark tingle icily she took a sharp intake of breath and watched as the muscles in his jaw tightened.

She tried to control the way her heart raced when she stood before him, 'why did he make me feel this way?' she thought as he spun on his heels, heading between the trees, she hesitated "where is everyone else? Will they not be attending?"

will i have to watch people burn?

she really wanted to ask but didn't want to seem stupid or weak, not after the show she put on the night before.

He didn't stop and so Arisa had no choice but to follow behind him, having to practically run as he took long graceful strides to their destination "They have mourned enough" she heard him say after a few agonizing minutes of silence, his voice an octave deeper making his words come out in a low snarl.

Arisa released a soft gasp when Vyxen stopped abruptly and she watched, from behind him as from her left men brought the bodies of the dead on wooden beds designed like hospital stretchers.

They walked alongside Arisa and Vyxen as they resumed but at a slower pace and the mourners appeared not a minute Later behind them, Arisa's eyes remained glued on the men as they continued to bring the bodies into the clearing, it was a painful sight, seeing the women and children laying a few feet away from her, ghastly white and adorned in simple white gowns and trousers, while the attendees stood above them, staring at their still forms all in black, all remorseful.

The few members of the attacked pack who were healthy enough to attend stood in front of the bodies, heads down, from them a woman stepped forward along with Naomi, clutching a large bottle of clear liquid to her bosom, while she wept softly. Arisa watched as she popped the cap off the bottle and began sprinkling it down the row of bodies, Naomi guiding her hand as they danced down the lined of the wooden podium, after she was finished the other members of the fallen group stepped forward, placing roses and white pieces of cloth tied with red ribbons.

"What are those?" she asked, watching as the last of the mourners returned to their original position, "Lidlacs" she heard him mutter, his voice low and deep "they are a mixture of strong scented herbs that lessens the smell of burning flesh" Arisa's throat tightened and she willed her feet to move as the reality of what they were about to do sank in

'ashes to ashes' they chorused and a chill raced down Arisa's spine as she heard a much darker undertone to their mingled voices, voices that didn't belong to the living. She stood rigid with fear and watched wide-eyed, heart pounding as men stepped forward, torches adorned with flames and set the podium lined with women and children who were once among them, ablaze.

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