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Arisa sat crossed legged on the forest floor, twirling a broken limb between her fingers, she didn't know why she was there . . . just that it felt right. The full moon hovered above her, sprinkling her small clearing with a light magical blue glow.

A gust of wind blew her twists from her face and with it, the smell of oak and the musk of the woods engulfed her, she turned to her left, watching silently as a midnight black beast emerged from the cover of the trees.

She was not afraid of him, she didn't know why . . but he didn't scare her, she watched in silence as the beast stalked her, slowly, it's calculating stare giving way to its intelligence.

Maybe if I reach out, she thought longingly, just as her hands, of their own accord, reached out to touch the beast that seemed to reflect the light of the moon on its thick, dark fur.

She touched its silky nuzzle tenderly, feeling its hot breath tickle her palms, she couldn't stop herself as she trailed her fingertips along his slender snout unto the top of his head into his silky fur, she continued, feeling his fur give way to a hard, smooth surface that sent her heart racing, long firm fingers wrapped around her wrist as she jerked back, feeling her arm ignite with uncontrollable warmth


Her eyes snapped towards the sound, only to be met with two pools of darkness, rimmed red.


They had a way of setting the tone for the day.

She supposed it made sense her wacky dreams were no longer only during the full moon, right now her life reminded her more of those supernatural movies she had liked watching once upon a time until Olivia practically stopped talking to her out of annoyance.

She had woken up, not surprised to find Crystal gone, she had been occupied fully by the arrival of her bright-eyed boyfriend Mihyun and Olivia had practically disappeared into thin air, which kind of described her life for the past couple of days.

A worried mother hen during the waking hours, with Olivia's mood swings and temper and by night odd dreams of wolves, men with dark eyes and the Alpha.

All though, the more they occurred the more convinced she was that all three were one and the same.


Now she was circling the small clearing, supplies were continuously being stacked by her brother and his men, there wasn't anything alarming happening but still, she knew that they couldn't remain in those makeshift tents forever.

she had to make a decision and make it quickly, which would've been easier if she could see the Alpha, but after he had practically given her the boot she hadn't so much as glimpse him, except for her dreams that is.

Jeremy sighed heavily from beside her "why do I have a feeling you won't be rejecting the symbol" he whispered.

She stopped by the woman that had clung to her that night, she had a bandage wrapped around her midsection and smiled as she took the warm cup from Arisa's hand.

"thank you," she said gratefully, green eyes shining with admiration. Arisa swallowed harshly.

"You should've stayed with Rojjana, I heard you were even helping out with the restaurant"

"I am, it's right down the hill, I come up when it's slow to help out here"

Again he sighed heavily

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