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   Arisa watched in horror as Elliot raced with Olivia to the nurse quarters, she shrieked non-stop and every drawn out, cry of pain made Arisa's heart shatter, she wasn't sure if it was the heat or her own growing fear that made sweat trickle down her forehead and she didn't care as she tried desperately to keep up with the dark skin boy that had appeared the minute Olivia began howling in pain.

She watched as Olivia convulsed in his arm from behind them.

'What have I done?' she asked herself,

"Elliot bring her back here" someone called, waving them into the building.

Arisa ran behind Elliot, her knees getting weaker the closer they came in proximity to the nurse quarters, her heart beating furiously and her head so heavy she felt as if she'd pass out any minute.

They finally reached the small building, Elliot used his shoulders to shove the door open without invitation A startled nurse jumped from the chair she had been seated in she stared at Olivia wrapped in Elliot's arms for only a moment before guiding her to the bed.

Elliot laid Olivia down, her clothes rumpled and hair in disarray, she curled slowly into a fetus position rocking back and forth muttering incoherent words to herself, Another scream tore through the room and Arisa jumped back feeling her throat tighten and go dry,

"Make it stop, make it stop!" Olivia wailed gripping her head "Hold her down Elliot!" the nurse called and Elliot wasted no time in holding Olivia down, she thrashed screaming loudly, clawing at Elliot's hand that held her by the shoulder.

The nurse held a flashlight to Olivia's eyes and forced her lids open, what Arisa saw made bile rise in her throat, all she could see was white Olivia didn't have –

She turned sharply to Arisa, something akin to mistrust shining in her eyes "She can't be in here"

Arisa felt her heart plummet to the ground when the Doctor made eye contact with her and in a blink of an eye the door was being shut in her face.

Arisa wrung her hands together as she sat on the hard chair just outside Olivia's room, her horrid screams had stopped and for some strange reason, it made Arisa worry even more.

She stared at the chipped wooden door for what felt like an eternity, her anxiety only growing with each passing second. she stood when the door opened and a flustered Elliot began walking down the hall, Arisa ran after him quickly, tugging on his shirt "How is she, what's going on? Where are you going? Is she okay? " Elliot grabbed her shoulder roughly stopping her mid-sentence, his eyes firm "I need to go get the Alpha Arisa"

She frowned, feeling her skin prickle with unease "Why?"

"The doctor believes he can undo whatever is wrong with her" Arisa stared at him, her stomach forming a knot "And what is wrong with her"

Elliot shook his head "I don't know " he sighed and with that jogged through the door, Arisa sighed, sucking her lip between her teeth, she headed towards the door, standing before it wondering if she should go in . . if she was even allowed in.

When determination to see her bestfriend finally won over she pushed the door open, shaking off the unwelcoming feeling of dread.

Arisa stepped into the room to see the nurse running a wet cloth along Olivia's pale, clammy skin, she twirled her hands together wishing she hadn't gotten herself and Olivia in this mess. The nurse looked towards her and gave her a small sympathetic smile "she'll be fine once the Alpha gets here, Arisa"

She took a seat, holding Olivia's hot hand in the process and rubbed them softly feeling the tears slide down her cheek, the nurse's words doing nothing to soothe her.

'what have I done?' the question kept replaying in her mind and the more she asked herself the more her imagination ran wild.

A while later goosebumps slowly traveled along her arm and she breathed in, knowing he was there, She moved away from Olivia when the door opened and Vyxen stood at its entrance, his eyes finding hers almost immediately.

Her breath caught in her throat and almost as if on instinct Olivia sprang from the bed, a monstrous snarl leaving her lips, Arisa covered her mouth to stop from screaming and immediately Vyxen was by Olivia's side, one hand holding her down by her stomach and the other holding her forehead firmly, after a few agonizing seconds he stepped back.

"which Alpha is visiting?" He snarled darkly, so darkly it made Arisa's heart skip a beat, leaving a burning sensation in her chest.

"No Alpha is here except for Oliver, Alpha Vyxen" Elliot replied quickly from the door.

He frowned, blinking rapidly "When I left the training room Oliver was outside too" turning back to Olivia he held her head and instantly her eyes snapped open "Tell me what they asked" he said lowly, so low Arisa had to strain to hear what he said, Olivia began muttering coherently, her hands gripped the bedspread, A frown marred Vyxen's brows as he turned to look at Arisa, her eyes widened, when he gave her a quizzical look, his dark eyes shone with confusion and her heart tightened in her chest, it felt like eternity before he finally looked away shaking his head and turning back to Olivia, he kneeled, so his lips were at ear level with her and began muttering much like Olivia once had.

Her hands loosened from the sheets and she went still, Arisa stepped forward "What have you-"

"Stay with her" he said sharply "As soon as she awakens take her to her aunt and inform her Mother of the new sleeping arrangements, for a week or more, Come" He gestured to the nurse and she raised from her crouched position, following the intimidating Alpha through the door.

Arisa watched as Olivia released a breath and began sleeping soundly, she slid in the chair, returning to holding her hand, just wishing her mind would go quiet – for just one moment.

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