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The pounding in her head woke her up with a hiss but the aching in her bones made her pray for unconsciousness once more.

She felt warm and her body tingled delightfully, she moved closer towards the source of heat but it immediately vanished and her eyes snapped open a small whimper escaping her mouth.

A beautiful brunette stood before her, her silky auburn hair caught in a tight elegant bun, she stared at the young girl in pure fascination as she settled in the padded sofa in front of Arisa, The man who Olivia called Alpha earlier stood behind her, his massive frame cast a shadow in the room as golden rays of sunlight penetrated the glass window behind him.

The woman smiled, her beauty made more remarkable by her strong nose and the toned muscles beneath her A-line dress, her dark blue eyes seemed familiar to Arisa and she tried to remember where she saw them but couldn't, the woman extended her hand "I'm Katnis" she told Arisa, voice powerful, hands firm and a little callous, Arisa squirmed where she laid.

"Arisa" she muttered releasing her hold, the woman nodded and hummed, Arisa's gaze flickered to the man Olivia had so obediently called Alpha as Katnis stood, she smiled at him and touched his arm, sliding comfortably into his side, like it was the norm, the dark-eyed man stared at her impassively but Katnis smiled warmly at him, Arisa looked away sharply feeling a dull jab in her heart.

Someone touched Arisa's shoulder and she jumped staring at her mother who looked a little worn out. Renae bit her lip wriggling her finger and Arisa simply stared at her, an awkward silence ensued and Arisa rose a little, Jeremy rushing to her side.

Their eyes met as he helped her sit up, but she didn't have the energy to glare at him or continue her temper tantrum, his immaculate clothes from earlier wee gone and just as she had seen him in the morning his clothes had been thrown on without much care.

He looked disheveled and very worried, it made Arisa feel strange. Had he been worried about her?

Olivia was in the far corner of the room, not really meeting anyone's eyes and playing with her fingers, Arisa bit her lip in frustration, she wished she was a mediator but with her rash personality, she always blew things out of proportion.

Why did her relationship with everyone in the room have to be so complicated she pondered

He moved her twists from her face, "hey look at me" Jeremy said forcing her face to his, "Your eyes seem unfocused" she slapped his hands away in irritation, "They're like that because I'm dizzy and distracted" she muttered, her head still pounding.

"what do you remember?" he questioned hesitantly

Arisa's brows creased "I'm not sure.." she began, flashes and pieces of what happened bombarding her all at once, but as Arisa made eye contact with Katnis, staring into those dark blue orbs everything slammed into her like a tidal wave against a ragged cliff and she sprang from the bed

"oh my God!" She cried, staring at them wide-eyed, but they were all calm, all eerily calm and Arisa's heart sank.

Slowly, sliding from Jeremy's hold, she swallowed her most basic instinct, the one that wanted her to run.

"Arisa" Jeremy whispered, eyes pleading with her to understand.

She pinned the Alpha with a hard glare, her anger flaring and she couldn't keep the bitterness from her tone " is that what you warned me about? Did you have fun taunting me?"

A wave of power slammed into her, making the back of her neck burn fiercely "As long as you're here Arisa, I am your Alpha, your guardian, and protector and you will treat me with the utmost respect from now on"

The breath went out of her, it didn't seem as if he was speaking by himself, something of raw and utter dominance was backing him and it made Arisa's mouth salivate, he must've noticed the change in her because his eyes darkened and a deep growl vibrated through the room.

Jeremy's bow deepened and that's when she realized everyone, even her Mother, even the fierce blue-eyed woman were bowing their head to him, she looked at him again not feeling so sure of herself.

"Are you like that . . that man?" she knew it was a stupid question and she knew she shouldn't have asked, she knew she had crossed the line when the scowl didn't lift from his face or when the undercurrent that sent shock waves through her body only intensified

"Beta, please work on finding a safe location for your family before things get complicated"

He left in an instant, taking the heat and the haze Arisa was under, his departure left the room cold, quiet and less tense.

Arisa sank into herself, should she be afraid? should she fear them?

"If we're really related" Arisa began, her mind racing "If we're really related then what does that make me? because I'm assuming you and that guy are one and the same"

Jeremy blinked, before looking away "You have nothing to worry about you won't be here for long, we'll find a safe place for you" he said tightly.

you've been hiding for so long little thing

" safe? if we were away because we were running from something, what's stopping them from coming again and again, I can't handle that, mom she-"

The siblings turned to stare at Renae who was sitting by the bed, scrutinizing Arisa like she was a puzzle needed to be fixed.

"Once she's back on meds she'll be able to talk and recognize you, right now her brain is muddled, she only remembers bits and pieces"

"You, she remembers you" Arisa didn't know if she sounded bitter and she didn't necessarily care as she took her Mothers hand.

"I know we didn't talk much anyways, but this was much easier to handle when you at least acknowledged my existence" she muttered "I can't even remember the last time you called my name"

They stayed like that for a long while, Arisa didn't keep track and she didn't watch who left the room, she felt exhausted and allowed sleep to slowly seep into her bones still clinging to her Mothers hand.

"I'm sorry baby" a soft whisper echoed through the room before the doors opened once more and Jeremy lead the woman through the door "We need to leave" she grabbed Jeremy's hand tightly, a madness swarming in them.

"we can't stay here any longer"

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