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The movie premiere of Cherry was set to air a few weeks ago, but due to Covid-19 it was pushed back. Not only that, but now instead of having an in person premiere, the cast would be doing a virtual one instead. An interviewer would be questioning Tom, Ciara, and the Russo Brothers— the directors.

"Are you not going to wear pants?" Jake asked.

Tom had on a nice white shirt, with a black blazer. He styled his hair, for the first time in weeks, and washed and moisturized his skin. He shook his head as he buttoned up his shirt. "No point. Their only going to see me from the waist up."

Jake laughed. "If you say so."

"You're gonna have to stay in the bedroom while I do this."

He pouted. "Why?" accentuating the word.

"Because you're distracting. And this is a big deal babe." He grabbed his computer from the nightstand.

"How long will this take? I want kisses."

"Probably an hour or so." Tom walked over to Jake who was sitting in their bedroom rocking chair. He pecked his lips. "There's your kiss." He started to walk away but was pulled back by his arm.

"That's it?"

Tom rolled his eyes, and gave him a deeper kiss. Their lips ran over each other, their heads tilting to the side for more control. He smiled and pulled back. "That better?"

Jake nodded his head. "Good luck." He kissed his hand.

"Thank you." He walked out of the bedroom, his hips swaying from side to side.

Jake couldn't help but stare at his perky ass, and how apparent it was in his boxers. Not to mention the way his leg muscles flexed every time he took a step. He looked down and internally groaned when he saw his pants tighten.

Before Tom did anything else, he went to the fridge, reaching on top of it and grabbing the rose essential oil. Rose was supposed to help with anxiety, and his nerves were through the roof right now. He applied some to his neck and set the bottle back on the counter.

He sat up his computer right in front of the living room window. It was a beautiful day, and the natural sun light would be perfect for this interview. He sat down in a chair, and turned his device on. The zoom call was staring in less than ten seconds now. Ciara joined first, then the Russo Brothers, and finally Tom.

"Hi everyone!" He said, a bit too excited.

"Hi, Tom." They said in unison.

The interviewer joined last. It was a girl, dark skin, and dark hair. "I hope everyone's doing well!" She started. "How's quarantining treating you guys?"

"Boring." Ciara laughed.

"Agreed." Tom said.

The brothers nodded their heads. "Lots of downtime, that's for sure."

Tom's phone lit up. He had it on silent, but kept it close to him just in case. He tried not to be obvious reading the text Jake sent him. 

"I'm horny:)"

He wanted to kill him right then and there. Nothing on the face of the earth pissed him off more than being teased. Especially in situations where he couldn't do a single thing about it. He was cussing Jake in his mind when the interviewer asked him a question.

"What was the hardest part about filming this movie?" She asked.

He kept his hands in his lap, not daring to touch his phone. It would be unprofessional. "Probably adjusting to the mindset of this character. Well, and also having to lose weight."

"Yeah, sorry about that." One of the Russo Brothers laughed.

He laughed along. "It's all good."

The interviewer smiled. "Would you say this is one of your darkest roles so far?"

"Absolutely. This persona I had to put on was very, very defeating. Definitely not an easy part to portray." His phone lit up again. He quickly glanced to the side, reading Jake's new message.

"I want you to ride me:)"

Tom squirmed in his chair. The dirty text and the sweet smiley face he put after it threw him off, not sure if he was being serious. Or just being an ass.

Jake who was in the bedroom was cackling to himself. He knew Tom would probably be pissed for teasing him like this in such an important interview, but what's the harm in a little fun? He decided to wait a few more minutes before sending him another one.

"Ciara, what was it like getting to work with Mr. Holland and the Russo Brothers?"

Ciara smiled. "The highlight of my career, in every way for sure. Tom was the best supportive actor, and the Russo's were just incredible to work with."

Tom smiled when she commented on him. A small moment of realization washed over him, opening his eyes to the bigger picture. Even though filming this movie was nearly impossible, it was worth every single ounce of strength he had. He just wished it didn't have such a negative effect on him long term wise.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when yet another text from Jake caught his attention. He willed himself not to read it, knowing it would only make his situation growing in his briefs worse. A second message came along with it, and he gave in.


"I need you."

Tom sucked in sharply. He glanced down, watching his erection grow in his boxers. Maybe he should've worn pants.

The interview went on for another thirty minutes. Questions and answers were thrown left and right, and series of laughs often came along as well. The dirty text messages from Jake finally stopped, which gave Tom relief. His balls were blue at this point, due to the pain of not getting a release.

"Before I go," the interviewer began, "I just have to ask one more question. The fans are killing me with this one." She laughed. "How are you and Jake?"

Tom blushed, greatly smiling. He rubbed the back of his head, almost knocking out his AirPod. "We're good. Every second with him is a blessing."

"Awww." Everyone said at once.

Tom simpered, the corners of his eyes scrunching up. His face was a light shade of pink, and his cheek bones started aching from not being able to stop smiling.

"Catch the premiere of Cherry in five days. Out on Apple TV+." She ended.

Everyone said goodbye, waving as they exited the zoom call. Tom was the last to leave, making sure everything went okay. He carefully closed his computer, and pushed it further back on the table. He had one thing on his mind now.


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