The Plan

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Momo paced back and forth in her room. It was already Saturday and she still hadn't heard a word back from Takahashi. Did that mean she didn't have a chance with Todoroki? Or could it be that Takahashi just hadn't had the time to check? No, Momo was pretty sure she saw Takahashi surveilling Todoroki during lunch on Friday and again at breakfast. Things didn't seem to be boding well for her.

"Ugh!" Why were crushes so difficult. Navigating a battlefield was easier than figuring out how your crush felt. It felt like she was back at her first week of school, when she couldn't figure anything out. If it was one thing that Momo didn't like, it was not having an answer. "Ugh!"

A light tapping came from her door. Crap, did one of the others hear her? Momo treaded over to the door and opened it a crack. A pale hand flicked long green hair away to reveal bright blue eyes; Takahashi. Momo was both embarrassed and relieved. It was strangely an odd combination of emotions but she was slowly coming to terms with feeling a load of strange emotions here lately.

Momo opened the door farther to allow the other girl entry. "Any news?"

Takahashi meandered into the center of the room. She hung her head to the side with a sigh. "The verdict isn't very favorable. He literally feels nothing that doesn't revolve around fighting, family, school, and his dad; yes, I have to put Endeavour into a whole separate category."

Momo felt her shoulders sag. This was the outcome that she was expecting. "So, I have absolutely no chance with him." It wasn't a question but a resolute statement, though it did have a tinge of sadness in it.

"I didn't say that." Momo peeled her eyes away from the floor and onto the girl before her. She noticed that Takahashi looked hesitant. "I only said that he didn't even think of those types of feelings. I honestly don't think dating even crossed his mind."

"Still sounds like there's no chance for me," Momo sighed.

Takahashi offered her a small, hesitant smile. "I have an idea." Something told Momo that she wasn't going to like whatever the girl said next. "We need to put him in a situation where he is alone with a female. What I'm trying to say is that I want you to ask him out to town tomorrow. Not as in a date but as two people running an errand. While the two of you are out, I want to tail you to see if any emotions other than the usual stir within him."

Momo's face redden in embarrassment. "I'm not sure if I can manage to even do that." It was actually a solid plan. It would give her the chance to get used to being alone with Todoroki and allow for Takahashi to gain access to his emotions without feedback from others. It could also help her see if her feelings for him were actually a crush or just gratitude. "Fine, I'll try."

Takahashi offered her a bright, friendly smile. "Trust me, this will be far easier than you think. If you want difficult, try being Izuku and Ochaco." Takahashi grimaced. "They just get in their own way."

Momo actually laughed at her words. "I think everyone knows that they like each other."

"Except each other," the girls finished together with a laugh.

Momo did the unexpected and gave Takahashi a hug. "I appreciate the help. And you are right, this is nothing compared to others. By the way, how is it going with Bakugo?" That was definitely the strangest relationship that could ever exist. Momo just couldn't see how anyone could put up with his temper.

Takahashi's smile was small and full of love and her blue eyes sparkled like glass in the sunlight. "Wonderful. I think Izuku and Kirishma were the only ones who weren't surprised." Takashi chuckled. "My dad is-well-" her words were cut off with a laugh.

Momo knew what the girl was trying to say. All Might made no indication that he was even trying to hide how flustered he was when he saw Bakugo with Takahashi. Momo sighed inwardly. She'll admit that she was slightly jealous of Takashi when she saw her interact with her friends and family. What Momo wouldn't give to be that close to her family.

. . . .

"What do we have here?" Shigaraki asked lazily from his perch. Toga glanced up at his words, the silver of her blade shining in the dim light.

Dabi moved to the side to reveal the two strangers behind him. One was tall and slender with long black hair. Running up and down her arms were black bands. The girl beside her was shorter and more squat looking with short bubble gum pink hair. She was even eagerly chewing on a piece of gum. "These are the Trap and Stick sisters. They would like to help us in our mission." Dabi leaned back on his heels and stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jeans.

"Why? Why do we need you?" Shigaraki asked the sisters. And what kind of villain name was Trap and Stick?

The taller one spoke first. "You don't."

"But we want to have some fun and thought that maybe you could benefit from it," the shorter sister said in between blowing bubbles on her chewing gum.

"Fine. Prove yourselves first."

"How?" The taller sister asked. He was beginning to see that she was a woman of few words.

"I don't know. Improvise." He dismissed them with a small wave of his hand. He failed to see how they could be of any use to him but if they want to cause a ruckus, might as well take the credit.

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