Tea and Pie

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A light tapping came from her door and Momo wasn't surprised when she opened it to find Takahashi. Momo moved to the side to allow the girl in.

"Dad-I mean All Might will be stopping by to ask you to run an errand. This will be your chance to ask Todoroki to accompany you. There's a tea shop down in town where you can suggest to stop at once you complete dad's list."

"Ooh, I always wanted to try that tea shop after Midoriya mentioned it a few months back." Momo was pleasantly surprised that Takahashi had thought this plan through, and that she even requested help from All Might. Thoughts of the former Symbol of Peace made her uneasy. "Are you sure it's alright to involve All Might? Won't he be busy?"

Takahashi shook her head. "He's happy to help. And you're not technically taking advantage of him if that's what you are worry about. The list he'll give you is actually his grocery list. When people first found out his identity, they kept giving him free stuff and at first he liked it, but not so much anymore. He's actually kind of afraid to go into the city." Takahashi admitted with a sheepish expression on her face.

Momo chuckled. "That's great-I mean, obviously not his situation but that I can actually be of some help."

Takahashi smiled at her. "Yeah. He usually has me or Izuku to do it, but somehow, we usually wind up getting pretty distracted."

Momo nodded her head in understanding. Here lately, it seemed as if villain activity had increased and Midoriya somehow kept getting pulled into it. And Takahashi had also been attracting-more like attracted-to villain activity as of late. It seemed like those two always came back covered in cuts and bruises. "I wonder what has been stirring up the villains lately. I hope the League of Villains aren't planning something."

Takahashi nodded in agreement. "So far, we haven't been able to find a connection, but there are too many coincidences."

. . . .

All Might showed up not long after breakfast just as Takahashi had said. "Miss Yaoyorozu, I hope I'm not a bother in asking you for a favor?"

"Not at all. What is it you need, All Might?" Momo walked over to where All Might stood hunched over, his brown suit baggy with deep creases along the chest.

All Might produced a piece of crinkled paper from his pocket. He handed her the piece of paper with a sheepish expression. "It's my grocery list. I would ask young Midoriya or Elaina to do it but you know how they always manage to find trouble. There's quite a lot on it-I'm expecting company for dinner tonight-maybe you should have someone go with you?"

Uraraka looked up from her phone with wide eyes. "I'll g-"her words were cut off and her brown eyes were glazed over. "Oh, oh!" Her eyes came to focus and she seemed to regain life. "I actually need to-" her eyes drifted around before landing on Ashido. "I actually need to ask Ashido for help. Maybe someone else can go? One of the boys?"

Kaminari stepped forward with a lopsided grin. Momo was ready to stop him from volunteering when his eyes suddenly glazed over. She started to wonder if he was having one of his stupidity episodes when she noticed a haggard and sweaty Takahashi out of the corner of her eye.

"For fuck sake! Half-and-half bastard, go with Yaoyorozu!" Bakugo practically screamed as he darted worried eyes over to Takahashi.

"Why can't you?" Todoroki asked nonchalantly without looking up from his book.

Bakugo walked over to Takahashi and started to wrap an arm around her but stopped when he noticed All Might's glare. "I can't," he scoffed. "I have a date." Bakugo said in a normal inside voice, his face flushed red. Momo had to hand it to Takahashi and All Might for bringing about this kind of change in the rowdy delinquent.

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