Bakugou's Punishment

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Elaina stumbled with the rest of the students outside of the lodge. It was so early that the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon and most of the world was still dark.

Eraserhead strolled to the front of the group. The pro-hero had bags under his eyes and was yawning frequently. "Today is for strengthening your quirk and going past your limits. I want Todoroki, Bakugou and Takahashi to work together for this exercise."

"Why the hell must I work with them!"

Eraserhead sighed and acted like he wanted to be somewhere else. "I want you to resist being manipulated by Takashi while she works on trying to manipulate two different people at the same time. Todoroki, you are to resist having your quirk being controlled by her Quirk Manipulation."

Elaina and Todoroki grouped together. They watched as the other students went off to do their own separate training. Bakugou started walking off towards the woods while throwing curses about Eraserhead and the stupid assignment.

Todoroki sighed as he watched Bakugou's retreating figure. "If we fail because of him, I'll make sure he freezes for all eternity."

"That sounds harsh and we won't." Elaina reached out with her quirk and easily locked onto Bakugou. It unnerved her just a little with how easy it was to latch onto him and his quirk. She gave a small tug while she focused her attention on his legs. Bakugou stopped moving.

"Let go of me! I'll kill you if you don't let me go right now!" Bakugou growled.

"Nope. If you want free then fight it."


"Don't encourage her!" Bakugou yelled at Todoroki.

Elaina shook her head. She was surprised at how easy she was able to hold Bakugou. How taxing would it be for her to control both his body and quirk?

A glint of something sparkled in the corner of her eye. A mountain of ice was moving to her at shocking speeds. Without a second thought, she pulled on Bakugou's quirk and unleashed fire upon the rapidly approaching ice.

"Don't use my quirk!"

"This might actually be fun," smirked Todoroki.

"I'm gonna kill you half-and-half bastard!" Bakugou tried to use his quirk on Todoroki but nothing happened.

"This will be fun," laughed Elaina.

. . . .

"Can we take a break?" Elaina bent over with her hands on her knees. They had been going at it for three hours without breaks. In that time, she had managed to keep a hold of Bakugou but failed in latching onto Todoroki.

"You can't wimp out now!" Bakugou stomped his feet in annoyance. Elaina could feel how much he wanted to continue.

"Just a ten minute break," she pleaded.

Todoroki nodded his head and walked over to the cooler and grabbed three waters. "I think we should rest, Bakugou."

"I'll fight with you till they're ready." Kirishma jogged over to them, a smile on his face as he greeted Bakugou.

Bakugou grinned like a maniac. "You're on!"

Todoroki sat down beside her and handed her a water. "Thank you."

"No problem."

They sat there in silence, watching Bakugou pound in to Kirishma. She had to admit that Kirishma was holding his own pretty well.


Elaina's head whipped to the side. Her father was running over to them. She got up and met him halfway. "You shouldn't be running!"

He waved off her worry. "How are you? Aizawa called to let me know that you fainted. Sorry I couldn't come here sooner."

She sighed. She was going to have to have a long talk with Mr. Aizawa. "I'm fine. I just used too much energy yesterday, that's all."

"Good," he nodded his head.

Todoroki joined them. "What are you doing here, sir?"

Her father stiffened up.

"He came because he was worried about his students, thanks to Mr. Aizawa."

Todoroki nodded, accepting Elaina's answer.

"All Might!" Kirishma waved which caused him to get pummelled by Bakugou.

"How's camp going?" Her father asked them.

"Good," said Todoroki.

Elaina hung her head. "Not the best."

Todoroki looked at her in confusion before chuckling. "Not the best? You helped to take down my father, Endeavour."

"You did what!" Her father looked ghastly white.

"And Hawks," added Kirishma while Bakugou muttered something about him helping.

"It wasn't just me. It was Tokoyami, Izuku, and Bakugou." She hurried on to explain. "Me and Tokoyami were facing Hawks when Izuku and Bakugou crashed in with Endeavor following them." She reached out, almost afraid to feel how worried her father was, which he was. She also found out that he was immensely proud.

"Why do you have to keep saying my name last!"

"Probably because you didn't contribute much. You were probably just screaming out curses the entire time." Todoroki teased Bakugou, knowing that he would rise to the bait.

"I'm gonna kill you half-and-half bastard!"

Her father shook his head as Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishma started fighting.

Elaina smiled at her father. "I should probably go before they kill each other."

"Don't work too hard."

"I won't."

. . .

"Aizawa, we need to talk."

"What is it, Toshinori?"

Yagi cleared his throat, not really sure how to talk to him. "It's about Elaina," he began. "She wants to drop out because she believes that she isn't hero material."

Aizawa grunted then became quiet as he thought about it. "You need to prove to her that she is wrong. A hero is ready to jump in to save someone, you just need to get her to see that she is capable of doing just that."

Yagi broke out into a wide grin. "I never thought I would say this but, thank you."

"Just don't do anything stupid," warned Aizawa.

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