Chapter 36

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"I'm not going to rest again in that huge ass room, Nile. Don't you think two days of bedridden is enough? Why don't you tour me around your mansion? I did get lost while looking for the dining room." I complained with a slight whine.

Nile wanted me to go back to his room to take a rest. But I'm tired of resting. My body aches from sleeping too much. It needs some exercise. I was also interested in having a tour of his mansion since it was my first time to get lost at someone else's house.

"Alright." He relented without much of my persuasion. "Also... I gave you much time, Kura. You will talk to me and tell me the truth as we walk." He then started walking without waiting for my consent.

I followed him. Anyways, I did plan to tell him. I owe him that much.

"Why aren't you at work? I don't take you as a guy who will leave his work easily."

He suddenly stops. I almost bump against his back. I stepped out of his shadow and stood beside him.

"I'd rather leave my work than leave you sick." His eyes were piercing right through me. Warmth suddenly spread all over my body. I'm grateful that he followed another question. I didn't have to respond back to his statement that somehow made me feel timid.

"Now... why did that man take you, Kura?" The warmth disappeared instantly.

I sighed. I continued to walk aimlessly, also thankful that he followed. I was silent for a while until I voiced out an answer.

"I may have exempted some parts when I told Colton the truth." He frowned but kept his silence and waited for me to carry on. "When I found out that Jacob could possibly be a crime boss, he threatened me that he'll hurt Quinn if I say anything. He threatened my life as well." I exhaled. "That was what you all know... but it's not all that."

I paused, not knowing how to continue the story. I'm nervous of how he'll react. His fervid stare though made me continue.

"Jacob apparently wanted me." Nile stops abruptly. I stopped as well and faced him. His raging look gave me mixed emotions. "He said it would be a waste killing me since he fancied me the moment he laid his eyes on me. So I did what I did. Jacob seemed to be the type who likes intelligent and highly respected women. Drowning myself with alcohol and drugs to ruin myself seemed to work considering he left and broke up with Quinn. It was also the only way to solve the problem without causing an uproar. I sacrificed myself and had a bad reputation but it was all worth it."

"But he still came back for you!" He roared.

"He saw me featured in a magazine. That night at the party... when we celebrated the success of your event. We were plastered all over the newspapers and magazines. It turns out he still fancied me."

He growled before walking off. "Nile!" I called as I followed him in haste. He was stomping through the halls. His fists clenched in fury. I don't think I like where this is going. "Nile! Where are you going?!" While trying to keep up his pace.

"To find that motherfucker and kill him!"


He suddenly stops and whirls around to face him. I stumbled back, surprised at his quick movement. "Do you have any idea where he might go?"

I pondered before answering him. "He went out of the city that night when I escaped but he didn't mention where he'd go. He could be somewhere out of the country."

"No wonder he wasn't in his hideout."

"You went to his house?" I asked almost in surprise.

"I didn't. I ordered my men to search for that bastard. They found his place where you were kept. Some of his men were there guarding. I involved the police and arrested all of his men there. Jacob Moore is now on their top search. He must've fled when he heard the news that he was now wanted. Even now, we still don't have news of him."

Fuck. Jacob Moore is going to fucking kill me.

I felt a hand placed on my shoulder in a comforting way. He probably saw my growing fear. "Don't worry. I'm not going to let him get you. That's why it's necessary for you to stay here. Our security is the best of the best. I already informed them to keep an eye on you and the possibilities of danger."

I immediately engulfed him with a hug. "Thank you, Nile." Tears pooled in my eyes as I squeezed them shut.

He returned my hug with an added kiss on the side of my head. "Let this be an example that no one should dare touch even a single hair in your head... or they will pay in hell."

"Kura..." He spoke after a long silence. He then let go and held me at an arm's length. "Did he... touch you?" I saw the fear in his eyes as he questioned me.

I shook my head. "No." With a frown, I continued. "Somehow he respected my rejection. I thought for sure he was the kind to force himself on me but he didn't. He said he'd wait for me. He was confident that I won't dare to escape. After all, he threatened me using my friends."

His fingers brushed my hair lovingly. "We will find him, alright? You just need to keep yourself safe here." I nodded before he kissed my temple and hugged me again.


Later that day, Quinn and the others visited me when they heard from Nile I was finally feeling better. We gathered around Nile's study after hugging them one by one. I embraced tightly, taking my time to savor their presence. I clung to them like a lifeline. It felt good to finally be free and see them anytime.

I'm starting to cherish freedom and time altogether. I didn't have freedom in that house and time seemed to stop there knowing I have the same routine everyday. It felt like a loop. If I'm not going to die by Jacob's hands then I'm sure as hell I'm going to die of boredom.

As expected, everyone asked me about what happened. Since they already knew the story of the past where it all started, I told them how Jacob came to get me. I confirmed to them Jacob meeting Quinn was actually a warning for me. It was one of his ways so I could submit to him and come to him willingly.

They were shocked when I told them what I had told Nile. They claimed that Jacob was obviously obsessed with me. I wasn't surprised when Tyler was furious about it. He was close to hurting Quinn and everyone else in this room.

"We'll help you find him." Tyler said towards Nile, fists clenched in anger.

"I suggest all of you to stay clear for now." Nile replied.

Colton raised a brow. "You don't want us to help? We're her friends. It's only normal for us to help." He protested.

"Yes, but what I'm saying is Kura's efforts of protecting you will just be wasted if you come out and help. If you find him, surely he will kill you with no second thoughts. Let me handle it. My men are searching for him as we speak. I've assigned people twenty-hours until that piece of shit gets tired of hiding."

Belle sighed. "He's right. If we talk about power against Jacob Moore, we lose. But Nile holds the entire city and has influence around the world. He has the best chances. We'll only trouble ourselves if we try to get involved." Her husband was rubbing her arm to show her support as she was speaking.

Everyone nodded in approval at Nile and Belle's point. We tried to end the discussion about the incident and finally let loose. I opened the topic about Quinn's wedding. I have been curious about it since it was one of the reasons it urged me to escape.

"So... how are you two? Are you finally husband and wife?" I grinned while asking.

Even though I wasn't present in their wedding, I'm still happy and excited for them since I was one of the people who waited for this moment.

My grin fell when everyone went silent. "What?" I asked, confused.

"The wedding was cancelled, Kur." 

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