Chapter 13

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A week later
Ok I get they ass mad at me but a week? A fucking week!? We've never gone this long without talking to each other or at least seeing each other. Everytime I try to go out and see them asia pops up outta no where and gives me reasons not to go but something ain't sitting right wit me.
I called up Zay school and they said she ain't even been showing up. But knowing Zay that ain't new but what is new is her not going to basketball practice, Zay could be on her dying bed and she's still find a way to go to her practice. Stubborn ass
Right now I'm chillin on the couch with asia sleep on my stomach. I gotta find a way to get her ass off my dick so I can make shit right with my baes.
I miss they mean ass.
As I slipped from under asia and got my shit ready. And hurried out before she wake up trippin again.

Alex POV
So within the last fucking week I been here, this hoe has damn near raped me, fed me, and TRIED to bathe me. All she does is say she's sorry and she loves me and that we were meant to be but Ian listening to shit she got to say. She cheated not me, she lied not me, she a hoe ass bitch not me. Right now im chained to the couch in a living room watching pretty little liars, Ian gone front this show bout good but Alison a lying bitch oh god she is and she bout fake and wrong for playin wit my girl Emily feelings like dat.
"Baby I'm home with our foood" Oh great this bitch is back. I gave up on believing dom or zay gone come in save me, shit they probably forgot about my ass to be real witchu but Ian give up on finding a way from this hellhole. " I bought your favorite my love, orange chicken" Wtf how we been datin that long and she don't know my favorite food cause it damn sure ain't orange chicken, I mean it slap and all but my favorite is Hot wings and tacos, HER favorite is orange chicken I used to eat that shit every weekend for her. "You mean yo favorite, that I would eat so I didn't have to hear yo crybaby ass" she looked at me wit shock then anger "WHY CANT YOU JUST LOVE ME, baby ik what I did was wrong but I'm sorry, he meant nothing to me compared to you" This bipolar bitch just went from yellin to sweet oh fuck no what did I do to deserve this shit.
I started laughing like hell because this bitch is trippin and I can tell by the look on her face me laughing pissing her off more " stop laughing at me, stop it, I SAID STOP LAUGHING AT ME" I just laugh more cause she just look crazy asf and I just can't wit her bro.  She stormed off mad asab but ask me if I care, fuck outta hear.
I can't sit here and can't like I'm ok tho, I've never gone this long wit out talking to dom or Zay so it's starting to take a toll on me, ik I was the one running from our relationship but now lookin back I wish I would've said yes and just accepted that shit but my ass always fuckin something up and now the only two people I ever loved is livin they lives while I'm stuck wit this crazy hoe. Damn I gotta find a way outta here man.

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