BBH:Black Bisexual Heart's

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Chapter 11

Do you seriously want two girlfriends?

Yes I do. It's one of my dreams/fantasy. Plus 3 income's are better than 2.

Hmm. But why?

I don't know, I just always dreamed it.


Why do you keep saying hmm?

I just don't know how I feel about it right now. Don't get me wrong I want the same thing. I wanna bring a girl home for us and our demons to have fun, Skylar says.

That sounds like a plan. I wanna do the same thing. But what's stopping us from having that happen?

I feel like if we do that you'll find them more attractive and you both will just up and leave me.

I see where you're coming from. But that's never going to happen. If it makes you feel better you can just bring a girl home.

I think I would love that.

Anything you want queen.l

You make me feel so fucking good.

It's my job to keep you happy, sane and satisfied. That's what couple's do, you got me and I got you. My demon's got you and your demon's got me, cause we're all a team, Damon says.

That sounded so romantic!


I'm so fucking horny and wet right now that my pussy is throbbing and hungry for your big dick! I want your big dick deep inside my pussy.

Damn babe chill out.

Leave me alone. I'm just super horny right now! Fuck me right here, right now.

You really need to chill out. We're in a whole movie theater.

I don't care! I want you to fuck me, Skylar says.


Um no!? What the fuck do you mean no?

No as in I'm not fucking you right now.

Why not?

I just don't want to.

What happened to giving me any and everything in the Galaxy? Was that a lie?

No of course not my queen. It's never that, Damon says.

Then what is it?


That's funny cause you started acting different when you want to bring someone else into the relationship.

Oh come on don't act like you don't want to.

I want what you want.

And I want what you want. Now stop playing these games.

Don't start that with me. I'm not playing any type of game. I just want you to fuck me right now. Fuck all of my insides up and rearrange my guts! Please don't make me keep begging daddy. I'm being good and you're punishing me, Skylar says.

I'm not punishing you. Just don't want to fuck right now.

What happened to you? You used to be so freaky in public and wouldn't give a fuck about wherever we're fucking. You're not the same man that I fell in love with. So who the hell are you?

Nothing happened to me. I'm still that freaky fucker that you fell in love with.

If that's the case then show me right now. Fuck me raw and hard daddy. Please!

Not now.

Your so mean to me when I'm nice to you.

I'm not being mean, Damon says.

But you are though.

My beautiful queen you need to calm down. It's not a big deal.

You're right it's not a big deal, cause it's a huge fucking deal. Can't you see and tell that I'm addicted to it?

Addicted to what?

Sex and your dick.

Awe yeah those thing's.

Yes those thing's. Just leave me alone, Skylar says.

What the fuck did I do?

I want some dick and it feels like you're punishing me. I don't understand.

Look here you little brat I said no.


I said if you chill out I'll give you did in the parking lot.

No asshole! Say what you said.

I said nothing, Damon says.


I'm so sorry my wet lolipop.

No don't try to get my pussy more wet. I can't fucking stand you right now.

Then sit down.

Oh I see you have joke's!?

I love you.

Right now I don't love you. You know how much I hate being called that. And yet here you are calling me that. For what, Skylar asks?

I was trying to say that you was acting like a brat. But other words came out instead.

Oh my fucking god I can't believe you right now!

I said I was sorry.

After this movie over I want you to go stay in a hotel or some.

I can make it up to you.


You want a house, I'll buy you a car. You want a house, I'll buy you a house. You want a business, I'll buy you a business. I'll get you whatever you want, Damon says.

I want all those thing's and I want you to fuck me, it's just that simple.


So after all that, now you want to give me dick?

Don't start.

Fine. We'll finish this later. But I want dick now, in the parking lot and at home. Now pull your dick out so I can ride it.


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