Black Tea Party

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Chapter 10

I'm so exhausted of having tea parties with my demons. I'm not saying it's not fun or none, but the shit sometimes get boring when neither party gets their way.

Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?

Yes my king I'm fine. And I don't know if I want to talk about it or not. But if I end up just spilling shit, then so be it.

Can y'all get a room. I'm not here to look at that bullshit. I'm here for motherfucking business, nothing else.

If you don't like it then you can leave. Other then that would you like a beverage, Skylar says?

Ma'am what did I just say?

Don't start getting rude to my queen.

I'm not getting rude sir.

Sounds like it.

Well I'm not. Now can we get back to business, Mr.Rodgers says.

Of course. Now what was the business again? I got distracted undressing my queen in my head.

Awwww baby.

The business was y'all building this dream beach house that y'all wanted.

Oh yes of course. We want it to be a little mansion, nothing to serious.

Alright. What did y'all have in mind?

I already know my queen is going to want a big walk in closet. We want 8 car garage, 8 bedrooms with it's own bathrooms and walk in shower in 4 of them and etc, Damon says.

Okay my guy's will get right on that.

Baby do you think we want a lot done for this house?

No my gorgeous nightmare. I believe it's what we both want. You get all the thing's you want and I get all that I want. It's a win win situation to be honest.

That's a good point.

I know right. Now how long will it take for your people to get it built?

2 months max.

How much will it cost for it to be done in a month and a half, Skylar asks?

An extra $600 thousand.

Okay that's fine.

I will definitely have my guy's get started in the morning.

Call them now so they know when to get it started.

Yes sir.

*5 minutes goes by*

It's done, Mr.Rodgers says.

Good. The money has been sent.

*Damon starts to cut Mr.Rodgers a 1,000 time's all over his body*

*Screaming and crying* What the hell!

Shhhh. Just let it happen. It's just business going on, that's all.

I don't understand why you're doing this?

Now that your people know what to do and know that your going out of town for business. No one will think that your dead for a few weeks, Skylar says.

This isn't right.

Like he said it's just business.

Babe I think it's going to be a few days before someone tries to look for him.

We'll get to that when the day comes.

Let me go.

Eh no.

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