Chapter 1: To the Ice Moon

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Author's Note: Here's the first chapter of Volume 2. Keep in mind that the main villains won't make sense without reading Volume 1. I hope you enjoy!


After Jolon finished revealing his plan to Dooku, the Count vanished without a word.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Jolon? If the ship gets destroyed, everything fails and we die." Ran said bluntly. Jett looked up in alarm. Questioning Jolon wasn't a good idea.

"You're right." Jolon stroked his chin. He snapped his fingers in mock realization."Oh, I know! Jett, you'll stay on the base by the planet's surface. I will accompany you, but once we have the Jedi, I will deliver them to the ship."

Ran frowned. "What about me?"

Jolon leveled his gaze at her. "Right, I almost forgot." Before Ran realized what happened, Jolon had his hand around her throat. Jett watched as his hand glowed, and suddenly, Ran was gone. Vaporized into thin air.

Jett gasped, backing up a step. Despite hearing what the famed crime boss could do, Jett never imagined he would see it with his own eyes.

Jolon sighed, brushing his tunic. "Can't get good bounty hunters these days."

"R-right," Jett replied shakily.

"What, afraid I'll do that to you too?" Jolon asked, slapping Jett's shoulder playfully. "Relax, cousin. I'm your blood, after all."

Jett smiled. Or, he tried to.

He was having second thoughts about coming to his cousin for help. Despite looking mostly human --other than the faint white markings, reddish skin, and purple eyes-- Jolon shared almost every personality trait with the Togruta.

But not the kind Jett knew.

Jolon was more like the Togruta of old, who hunted and had no problem showing off their fangs to make a point.

But he was stuck in this now. Jolon was his best chance for revenge.

Chapter 1

"How cold is this planet, anyway?" Ahsoka mumbled, pulling at the fluffy hood around her face.

"Cold, Snips. You'll be grateful for the layers when we reach the surface." Anakin smiled at her, zipping his jacket.

Ahsoka frowned at him, swiping a hand across her forehead. She'd only been in the outfit for five minutes and she was already sweating.

"We should get to the hanger," Anakin suggested, already slinging on his pack. Ahsoka followed suit, exiting their rooms.

"What's the plan this time, Master?" Ahsoka asked.

"I'll tell you and the boys when we get to the hanger."

They reached the hangar in no time. Obi-Wan and Cody, along with the 212th and 501st were already there, fully dressed in their snow gear. Rex and Kix arrived a moment later.

"Gather around," Obi-Wan said, activating a holo-map. "As you know, our next mission is on a rather cold planet."

A few chuckles echoed around the room.

Smiling a little, Obi-Wan continued. "We have learned that Separatists have taken control and have joined forces with a local band of pirates. We also have reason to believe that Jett is there, along with someone else," Obi-Wan glanced at Ahsoka as she stiffened.

"How do we know?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Our scouts have reported seeing a young, male Togruta accompanied by battle droids. Because of the rarity of Togruta in battle zones, we believe that this is Jett."

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