Chapter 2: The Mission Begins

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Ahsoka knew it would only be a matter of time before things went wrong. But she didn't expect the gunship to be shot down within five minutes of flying.

She fumbled for something to hold onto. "Where did that shot come from?!" she shouted over the sound of creaking metal, dangerously close to the open door.

"I didn't see!" Rex replied, quickly grabbing her arm before she fell out of the ship. As she was about to thank him, another explosion rocked the ship.

It wasn't long before the ship crashed into the ground, sending everyone flying. Ahsoka's head thumped against something, and everything went black.

"Ahsoka should be here by now," Anakin grumbled, looking at the horizon through his scopes.

"She probably just got delayed from the snow," Obi-Wan said.

"No. Something's wrong. I know it." Anakin's free hand clenched into a fist. "We have to find her."

Obi-Wan sighed, hand against his forehead. "I hate to say this again, but Anakin, we have to focus on this mission. It's too important to postpone." 

Anakin whirled around. "Yeah? Last time you said that, Ahsoka almost died. Twice."

Obi-Wan looked down. "I care for Ahsoka too, Anakin," he said quietly.

Anakin's anger faltered for a second as he heard the pain in Obi-Wan's voice. He knew he shouldn't be blaming Obi-Wan for this.

Anakin forced himself to take a deep breath and calm down. "What about the mission? If she doesn't get here soon, who'll destroy the base?"

The first thing Ahsoka noticed was how loud the wind was.

Ugh, why is the wind so loud? I'm trying to sleep.

Something cold and small landed on her nose, reminding her of the feeling of snowflakes on her face as a child.


Ahsoka opened her eyes and everything came flooding back.

Did we crash?

She lifted her head, groaning as she felt the large bruise on her back lek. A big piece of the ship across her stomach was pining her to the floor. And...

What in the world is wrong with my arm?

It was bent at a nearly impossible angle, but she couldn't feel any pain. Not yet, anyway.

Suddenly, she heard someone mutter, "Ow."

"Rex, is that you?" she called, wincing at the loudness of her voice. Surely she hadn't been talking too loud?

"Yeah," he said. Ahsoka saw him sit up, rubbing his head.

"Can you lend me a hand?" Rex seemed to notice her situation for the first time.

"Oh, sure, kid." He made his way over to her. "Sorry I didn't see you sooner, I think I hit my head. I can't see very well."

Ahsoka frowned. Head injuries were never a good sign. "I hope you don't have a concussion." she paused. "Wait, where are the others?"

"I don't see them." He rubbed his head again, but she couldn't see his face through the helmet. "Let's get you free, then we can find them."


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