Chapter 5: The Shinies Have a Plan

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Here's Chapter 5. Please tell me if you have any suggestions, I appreciate any feedback!

"Wait, no--" Ahsoka started as she saw what was about to happen.

But Jett only hesitated for a second before he pushed a button on his wrist gauntlet, activating Rex's shock collar.

"No!" she shouted, rushing to her friend's side.

Rex slumped to the floor. If he was conscious, she couldn't tell.

"Stop it!" Ahsoka begged, surprising herself with the loudness of her voice. She had forgotten about her injured lekku.

"Answer the question. Or your friend is going to end up like our lovely little bounty hunter."

In the back of her mind, Ahsoka realized that he was probably talking about the shapeshifter, but she didn't care at the moment.

"What is the Jedi's plan?" Jolon repeated.

Ahsoka growled, forcing herself to think rationally. "Leave my friend alone, and I'll tell you." She looked up to glare at him.

"Alright, Jett, turn it off."

Jett did as he was told and Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief. But she didn't move from Rex's side.

"I was supposed to be part of the attack," Ahsoka said carefully. "But since our gunship got shot down, I don't know what they'll do now."

"Take your best guess."

Ahsoka hesitated. "They'll probably attack head-on, keeping all of the droids occupied at once." It wasn't the complete truth, but she wasn't lying either.

"There, now wasn't that easy?" Jolon murmured. Good. He believed her.

Jolon went to the door. "You won't go anywhere, will you?"

Ahsoka glared at him. "What happened to letting us go?"

He just gave her a smile and left.

Ahsoka sighed. Though she had been hoping he would let them go, she wasn't surprised. Not that she could get very far with Rex being unconscious. Especially in a snowstorm.

Sighing again, she went to rub her injured lekku, but froze when she felt something wet. Ahsoka pulled her hand away, staring at it.

Of course she was bleeding.

Her coat was gone, so there would be no hiding her injury once Rex woke up. It was probably better if she just told him now instead of waiting anyway.

Ahsoka looked at Rex's injury again. His bruise had gotten darker, stark against his light hair. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to treat it.

She wondered where Anakin and Obi-Wan were. Hopefully, they were safe and the attack had been a success.

Where are you, Anakin?

Syne was seriously starting to regret going on a rescue mission alone. In a snowstorm. But he was determined to rescue the captain and commander.

As he struggled to pull his feet through the snow, he checked his wrist comm. He was pretty sure he was tracking Commander Tano's wrist comm, but in this storm, he could be walking towards a cliff for all he knew.

Suddenly, something smacked the back of his head. "You're such an idiot!" a voice scolded.

Syne whirled around, blaster raised. It was Edge. And Drifter and Cull. "How did you find me?" he asked, lowering his blaster.

"You didn't have a huge lead on us," Cull said.

"And we tracked your comm," Drifter added.

"We'll do this together," Edge said. "Like we always have."

The attack was going well. At least, it was for Anakin. He sliced through another droid, grunting as he did so. As much as he enjoyed dicing up a droid or two, it was more fun when his padawan and captain were with him.

Focusing on his padawan, he tried to locate her Force signature. She was alive, that much he knew. He could sense her worry and anger, but his own worry was clouding his mind.

Yes, Anakin Skywalker was worried.

He worried for his padawan.

He worried for his master.

He worried for his captain.

He worried for his men.

And, he worried for himself.

Obi-Wan snuck down another passageway, his five men directly behind him.

"Cody, have your men stand watch," he ordered quietly. "Come with me to set the bombs."

Cody saluted him silently, quickly giving hand signals to his men before following Obi-Wan.

Once they arrived in the control room, he spilt his supply of bombs with Cody. They both worked their way around the room, setting bombs as they went. Just as Obi-Wan placed the last of the bombs, one of Cody's men, Wooley, stuck his head in.

"Clankers inbound!" He whisper-yelled.

"Let's go," Obi-Wan said, unclipping his lightsaber from his belt.

The group hurried down the hallway, anticipating the oncoming droids.

It wasn't long before they spotted them. There were two B-1s, standing guard before a door.

"This job gets worse every day," one of them sighed.

"You're telling me," the other replied.

Since there was no way to sneak by, Cody quickly shot both of them before they knew what was happening.

"The bombs are set to go off soon, we must get out of here," Obi-Wan urged.

They ran faster. According to Obi-Wan's senses, the exit was just around the corner. Luckily, he was correct. His attack seemed to be the only thing going right today.

Syne could barely see five feet in front of him. It didn't help that the sun had gone down, and the snowstorm had begun. His helmet lights weren't having much of an effect.

The only things he could see were his brothers beside him. Edge was to his right, and Drifter and Cull were to his left, slightly behind him.

Syne stopped for a moment to catch his breath.

"How close do you think we are?" Edge shouted as he continued forward.

"I don't know, Edge! We could be going the completely wrong way and we wouldn't know it!"

"You really should've thought this through more," Edge sighed. "I--"

A loud clang stopped him from finishing. Syne hurried forward to see what had happened. Edge fell on his backside, rubbing his head.

In front of them was a large metal wall, continuing into the darkness to the right, left, and above them.

"And you call me clumsy," Cull joked.

"It's not like you can see any better in this storm than I can," Edge muttered.

"This must be the compound," Syne decided, ignoring the others' joking. "We have to find a way inside."

"I wish Romm was here," Drifter said quietly. "He'd know a way in."

Syne sighed. "Well, he isn't. So we'll have to do it ourselves."

"There's a window over here," Cull said. He had moved a bit away from them and was pointing at an opening.

"How're we gonna get that open?" Edge said.

"Explosives, of course," Drifter said, pointing to his belt. 

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