Chapter 3: Start the Attack

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Author's Note: Chapters may be a bit less frequent after this because I am still trying to figure out where this story is going. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

"Anakin, we must get going."

Anakin frowned. "Alright, Master. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can find Ahsoka and the others."

"I'll take Cody and Boil with me, along with three others. You distract the droids."

"I know the plan, Obi-Wan," Anakin sighed. "You just focus on getting back in one piece."

Obi-Wan smiled. 'I should be back soon."

"Good luck."

"There is no such thing as luck, Anakin."

Anakin shrugged. "If you say so, Master."

Ahsoka paused. "I hear it too."

Her eyes narrowed as she felt something from the Force.

A warning.

"Down!" she shouted as a blaster bolt whizzed past their heads. Diving on top of Rex, she pushed him into the snow.

"Stay there," she ordered, drawing one of her lightsabers. Ahsoka leaped to her feet, deflecting blaster bolts back at the unseen attackers. Her injured arm slowed her movements, even though she was only wielding one saber.

But they suddenly stopped shooting.

"Show yourselves!" Ahsoka demanded, crouching lower and raising her lightsaber.

No answer.

"Ahsoka, what's going on--"

She didn't hear the rest, because a stun ring hit her square in the chest, throwing her to the ground.

Rex heard Ahsoka grunt and felt the impact of her fall. Making sure to stay low to the ground, he tried to feel around him.

This whole blindness thing was making everything a lot more difficult.

"Commander, where are you? Are you okay?" he asked quietly.


"Ahsoka?" he tried. Rex bumped into something. No, someone.

Oh, it's the commander.

"We have to go," he said, gently shaking her.

She still didn't answer.

Rex frowned. He really hoped she hadn't gotten shot.

After checking her over as well as he could without being able to see, he concluded that she had been stunned.

But, by whom?

Rex winced as he thought of a less-than-bright idea. He took a deep breath and drew his blasters.

"Who are you?" he demanded, listening for any sounds. 

The whirr of a speeder came from behind him. Without hesitation, he spun around and fired a shot.

Rex smiled as he heard the sound of his bolt hitting the speeder. Despite being blind, he could still shoot.

Any feeling of arrogance he had felt dissipated when he was hit by a stun blast.

The last thing he heard was a voice.

"Jolon, we have the prisoners."

Syne crossed his arms, staring out of the entrance of the cave.

"They should be here by now," he said to no one in particular.

Edge stepped up beside him. "I can't trace their signal anymore. It's possible that the storm is interfering. Or. . ."

"Or what?"

"Or. . ." Edge hesitated, " their comms have been destroyed."

Syne frowned. "How would their comms have been destroyed?"

"Pirate attack," Cull suggested from farther inside.

"Avalanche?" Drifter added.

Syne quickly forced that idea out of his head. They would have felt the impact of an avalanche.

"How would the pirates have gotten all the way out here?" Edge asked, hands on his hips. "And why would they be here? We're pretty far from the Seppie base."

"General Kenobi said that one of them has a history with the Commander, right?" Cull began. "He would probably know how to track them."

"I don't think he's a pirate, but you're right, the General said he was here," Drifter said.

Syne stared out of the cave again. "We have to find them."

Edge looked up quickly. "What? Syne, it's too dangerous. The storm's coming."

"Yeah, and our captain and commander are out in it."

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