Chapter 13: The Hangar

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The "company" they received was underwhelming. Two battle droids, to be exact, who squealed as Anakin sliced through them.

Jett winced. "Don't you ever feel bad just cutting them in half? Especially when they sound like that?"

Cody huffed. "Not when droids just like them have killed so many of our brothers."

"Oh." It didn't feel appropriate for Jett to apologize, so he seemed to stop himself.

"They're not actually alive," Ahsoka added. "Most droids don't have unique personalities or a real consciousness. Well, I know a few, but they're different. These are battle droids." She kicked one of the heads to emphasize her point.

Jett blinked.

"We don't have time for this," Obi-Wan warned them. "Anakin, you lead with Cody. I'll remain at the back with Ahsoka and Captain Rex."

"Sir, yes, sir," Anakin replied, throwing a smirk his way.

"But, Master, why do I have to be at the rear?" Ahsoka asked.

"You're injured, young one," Obi-Wan reminded her patiently. "So is Captain Rex. Additionally, I need someone to help me watch our backs."

That convinced her, though she'd always rather lead the charge. Regardless, the group made their way toward the hangar.

Jolon's voice echoed through the halls as they neared the room, sending chills down Ahsoka's spine. From what she could hear, he was still talking to the pirates.

Now in the hangar, they remained in the shadows. Ahsoka frowned; she was concerned about the apparent lack of security Jolon had.

Anakin stopped, making her more nervous.

"What's wrong, Master?" she asked, moving next to him.

"We won't get a better opportunity than this," he said quietly. "I can kill him, here and now."

"What? Master-"

Jett looked at him desperately. "There has to be a better way, General Sky-"

Anakin cast a glare his way, silencing him. "I hate to break it to you, kid, but he's too far gone to save. If we don't get rid of him, who knows what kind of damage he'll cause?"

Eyes flickering between the two, Ahsoka opened her mouth to protest.

"Get on the ship," Anakin interrupted. "Do what I say, Ahsoka, now. And make sure everyone follows you."

She sent Obi-Wan a pleading look.

"Anakin," the older Jedi began, "you're being irrational. He's surrounded by pirates and battle droids. One wrong move and you're dead. Not to mention our wounded comrades."

As per usual, Anakin disregarded his old master's orders and instead moved in Jolon's direction.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan hissed in an uncharacteristic manner. "He's going to get himself killed!"
Ahsoka could sense his worry beyond the annoyance in his tone, but she knew as well as he did that Anakin was almost impossible to stop once he set his mind to something.

"New plan," Obi-Wan said. "Everyone, go find a ship. And stay quiet. I'll handle Anakin."

Jolon's voice boomed loudly across the hangar, freezing everyone. "It's about time you showed up."

Ahsoka looked up to see his eyes on them, even though it had to be impossible to see the group in the shadows.

"I was starting to believe you'd given up. But I'm so glad you could join us!"

Author's Note: It's short, I know

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