Chapter 12: Trust Issues

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Author's Note: Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I finally have an idea of how to end this story

"The hangar's this way," Jett said, pointing to a lift.

Anakin stopped him, gripping his shoulder slightly harder than necessary. "I'll go first. No one move until I come back."

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka sighed.

Anakin walked away, leaving the group anxious.

"How long will he take?" Jett asked. "It's impossible to tell when the pirates will be back."

"He's quick," Ahsoka said. "Most of the time."

Tiredly, Rex leaned against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor. "I hope it's not too long," he grumbled.

Ahsoka looked at him sympathetically. "Everything'll be okay, Rex. You know Anakin. He's a pain sometimes but he always comes through."

"I know," Rex replied with a smile. "He'd say the same thing about you."


"The way looks clear," Anakin said once he returned. "But Jolon and his men are still in the hangar."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Ahsoka asked.

"I wasn't finished, Snips. There's a ship close to the door. With any luck, we should be able to make it before they spot us. By the time they do, we'll be home free."

"Are you sure?"

"What happened to trusting me, Ahsoka? We've had way riskier plans than this."

"I do trust you, Master." She'd told him this before, she realized, back when they'd first met. "I'm just worried. And I don't know if you trust me."

"I do, Snips," Anakin sighed. "I'm sorry for not acting like it."

"We'll reach Dooku's ship within the hour! When we do, we'll finally receive the reward we've been waiting for," Jolon said with a grin. Finally, he was going to get paid. Now, all of his dreams could come true.

If only Jett would come with him.

No. Jolon quickly banished those feelings from his head. The last thing he needed was to

be thinking about this again, for the second time today. His cousin had made his choice.

So it was time for Jolon to make his.

"I have a feeling we'll run into Anakin soon," Obi-Wan said quietly.

"What makes you think that-" Edge began, before nearly crashing into the Jedi in question. Anakin sidestepped with a surprised expression, reaching out to steady the clone.

"Obi-Wan? How did you get here?" Anakin asked.

"It was impossible to take off in that storm," Ahsoka added, though there was a wide smile on her face.

"We called down the Venators, similar to the Separatists when they captured you," Obi-Wan explained.

"This is a reckless move, especially coming from you, old man."

"Was I supposed to leave my old padawan behind?" he asked. His tone was teasing, but it was hard to keep his worry hidden. Anakin was like his brother, but he would never be able to tell him that.

Anakin smiled. "Thank you, Master."

Obi-Wan turned his attention to the Togruta boy with Anakin, who had to be Jett. "Have you had a change of heart?"

The boy nodded awkwardly. "Ahsoka was right, I was on the wrong side."

"Good to have you here now." The Jedi master patted his shoulder.

Cody had gone over to Rex, the worry radiating off of him in waves. "How are you fairing, Rex?"

"Never better," the clone captain joked. "Have a small issue with my eyes, but I'll be back to normal in no time."

"'Small issue'?" Cody repeated, waving his hand in front of his brother's face. "Can you see this?"

"Let's assume not."

"How in the galaxy did you manage that?"

"I bumped my head."

"Huh." Cody put an arm around his shoulders. "I'll help you out."

"Just make sure you can still shoot."

Cody chuckled. "Don't worry. I can handle it."

Rex drew his own blaster. Under his helmet, Obi-Wan knew Cody was raising his eyebrows. "Rex, I hate to tell you this, but you're blind."

"I'm aware of that."

"How are you going to shoot?"

"'I can handle it'," he said.

"Of course you'd use my own words against me. If you end up hitting one of the generals, don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'd probably hit you by accident before I hit one of the generals."

Distant voices echoed down the hallway, quieting the group.

"Looks like we're about to get some company," Anakin announced, lightsaber already in his hand. 

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