Chapter 4: Pirates

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Author's Note: Apologies for the short chapter and long wait. I'm currently working on a few more stories, and I finally have a solid plan for where this story is going to go, so chapters should be published more consistently in the future. I hope you enjoy, and any suggestions are always welcome!

"Jolon, we have the prisoners," came the long-awaited voice through his comm. "A clone and the Togruta girl."

"Good job. Deliver them here. Next, we'll focus on getting the other two Jedi."

"Yes, sir."

Jolon smiled. Everything was going as planned.

"Show me the prisoners!" a voice pierced through the gloom of Ahsoka's mind. She ignored it.

"Here they are, sir."

A pause. "Well, Jett, looks like you know how to pick a girl."

"What?" came another voice. That was Jett.

"Just saying, she's rather pretty."

That  woke her up. The tone of his voice was all wrong.

Ahsoka forced her eyes open. A blurry figure stood in front of her. As she focused, she could see his dark hair and reddish skin. He wasn't human.

"Look, she's awake!" The boy said, smirking at her. From what Ahsoka could tell, he was only a few years older than her.

"What do you want?" she asked with an icy glare, forcing herself into a sitting position.

"I'm kinda glad you didn't kill her," the boy said, ignoring her question. "Look at that fiery spirit."

Ahsoka continued to glare at him. "What do you want from us?" she repeated.

"You and your friend here are my guests." He looked down at the still-unconscious Rex.

Ahsoka snorted. "You have a funny way of showing it." She jangled the chains connecting her hands to the floor.

"Those are just temporary. If you cooperate, they'll be removed."

Ahsoka frowned at him. "Who are you?"

"You can call me Jolon."

Jolon? Ahsoka had heard of him. He was the one who—

Jolon stepped closer, quickly halting her train of thought. He cupped her chin between his fingers. Though the touch was gentle, the gesture held no kindness.

Ahsoka growled at him.

"If you tell us what we want, I'll let you go," Jolon murmured, leaning far too close for comfort.

She jerked her face away from him, still refusing to speak.

"I'll let you talk it over with your friend. We'll be back soon."

Jolon left with Jett. Ahsoka thought she saw the latter give her an apologetic look, but she couldn't be sure.

Ahsoka sighed once they were gone. Boys were annoying. Especially those two.

"Where are we?" A voice asked beside her. Ahsoka jumped slightly, quickly looking over at Rex.

"I'm not sure. But be glad you didn't meet our lovely hosts. One of them gives me the creeps."

"I heard him," Rex said flatly.

"Oh." Ahsoka felt heat rise to her cheeks. "Let's check your head," she suggested, quickly changing the subject.

Rex removed his helmet. Ahsoka looked closely at his injury. "I see some swelling and a big bruise, but that's all I can tell for right now. How're your eyes?"

"The same. Unless all the lights are off."

Ahsoka smiled slightly. "Nope, sorry."

"You can either come with me or stay here. I'm going to rescue them," Syne announced.

"What are you going to do against a group of pirates? Or worse?" Edge asked.

Syne hesitated. "Well, it's better than just sitting here!"

Drifter and Cull exchanged a glance. "If we go, we need to go now. Before the sun sets completely," Drifter advised.

"Maybe we should split up," Cull suggested.

"No, that won't work," Edge said. "Don't you know what happens when troopers split up? Bad things."

"What other choice do we have?" Cull countered, standing up.

Fed up with the arguing, Syne loaded his blaster and left the cave while the others were distracted. The argument was becoming more heated between Edge and Cull.

Drifter sighed, looking at Syne for guidance. But he wasn't there.

"Uh, guys? Syne's gone."

"What?" Edge demanded. He cursed under his breath. "He's going to get himself killed."

"Guess we should go and save him?" Drifter asked.

Edge grunted. "Fine. But what about the pilots?" He pointed to the sleeping troopers. They had been injured during the crash and needed as much rest as possible to heal.

"We can leave them with supplies and a comm for when the storm lets up," Cull said.

"Okay. Does anyone have a plan?"

Rex looked up as Jolon entered the cell. Not that he could see anything, but he preferred it to staring at what he thought was the ground.

However, Jolon ignored him and went right to Ahsoka. "Alright, sweetheart, we have some questions."

"Don't call me that," Ahsoka snapped.

Rex narrowed his eyes, silently fuming. He really didn't like this kid.

Jolon interrupted his train of thought. "The Jedi are attacking this base. What's their plan?"

"Why do you care?" Ahsoka asked. "You're a crime lord, not a Seppie."

"Because, as of right now, I'm both. Answer the question, and I'll let you go."

Ahsoka snorted. "Yeah, I've heard that before. Now tell me what you'll really do to us."

Jolon sighed. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this." He paused. "Jett, you know what to do."

"Are you sure that's--"

"Do it," Jolon ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

What was going on? Rex had no idea.

Then Ahsoka gasped. "Wait, no--"

For a split second, Rex thought they were about to do something to her, and he tried to stand up.

But he was wrong.

For one moment, everything was silent. Then, suddenly all he could feel was pain racing through him, forcing him to the ground.

Through the pain, he thought he heard voices.

Rex was left wondering as silence overcame him.

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