Chapter 6: Escaping the Stronghold

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I updated! Writer's block has made things challenging. Hopefully, I can manage to finish this story sometime soon. I'd say this story is about halfway done. Anyway, hope you enjoy and sorry for the wait!

Ahsoka's eyes flew open as she heard a large explosion come from down the hall. She sat up quickly from where she had dozed off.

What was that?

Footsteps echoed through the hall. Ahsoka stood, raising her fists to fight.

She wasn't expecting to see four familiar clone troopers stop in front of her cell.

"What--how did you guys get in here?" she asked in surprise, lowering her hands.

"Explosives," Drifter explained simply.

"Let's get you out of here," Syne said, blasting the door controls. Luckily, this one opened much more easily than her last cell.

"What happened to the Captain?" Cull asked.

"He was electrocuted," Ahsoka said, gesturing to her shock collar. "Can two of you carry him? I need to find my lightsabers to remove these collars."

"Yes, Commander." Cull and Drifter took hold of Rex.

"Now, do you guys know where my lightsabers are? I can't cut the chains without-"

Ahsoka halted as Edge presented her lightsabers with a dramatic flourish.

"Oh. Nice work." Activating one of her sabers, Edge carefully sliced through her handcuffs. Minding her wounded arm, Ahsoka took her sabers from him and quickly did the same for Rex.

"Let's go."

They moved slower than Ahsoka would've liked. Since Rex was injured, Cull and Drifter had to be extra careful while they carried him. It was better than risking injuring him further, but Ahsoka still jumped at every noise.

"The prisoners have escaped, just as you predicted."

"Excellent. They will lead us straight to their base. And the Jedi."

Jolon smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Once this mission is over, Dooku will pay us enough so we never have to work again," he said to Jett.

Jett remained silent. "Are you sure this is worth it, Jolon?"

"You know how it works, kid. Do the job, no questions asked. Then we all get paid."

"But who knows how many lives we'll be hurting if we go through with this?"

"Not my problem." Jolon sat up straighter. "You're just saying this because of that Togruta girl, aren't you?"

"What?" No-" Jett cut himself off, heat rising to his cheeks.

Jolon only smiled. "I knew it. You never were good at lying, little cousin." He stood, walking over to the Togruta. "Look, kid. She's a Jedi. What makes you think you'd ever have a future with her? You tried to kill her, remember? And, even if she did somehow forgive you, I don't think her little friends would." Jolon chuckled. "If they're all as protective as that clone in blue, you're gonna be in trouble."

Jett blinked, speechless. If he was anyone else, he could've teased Jolon for what he said about Ahsoka earlier.

But he didn't. Annoying Jolon was never a good idea.

Ran had learned that the hard way.

"How's he doing, Drifter?" Ahsoka asked, kneeling down next to him and Cull. Rex was on the ground between them, still unconscious.

The group had stopped by the hangar of the base, where they planned to "borrow" a few speeders to make their escape.

"Hard to say, Commander. I can't get a good look while he's in his snow gear," Drifter sighed.

"Hopefully, you can once we get out of this place." Ahsoka stood, eyes scanning the mostly empty hangar. "We should move now. They'll figure out we escaped any minute now if they haven't already."

Syne nodded. "You heard her boys. Let's move it!"

Ahsoka smiled. Syne was a natural leader.

Drifter and Cull picked up Rex once again and followed the others.

When they met no resistance, Ahsoka frowned. "This is too easy. They should've come for us by now. The explosives you guys used weren't exactly quiet."

Syne paused next to her. "Do you think it's a trap?"

"I'm not sure. Keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Yes, sir."

Edge waved at them from a little ways away.

"These should do the trick." He inclined his head towards three slightly rusted speeders.

"Let's hope they're equipped for the cold," Ahsoka murmured.

It only took a minute for Drifter and Cull to load Rex onto one of the speeders and the others quickly followed.

Even when they were a safe distance away from the base, Ahsoka kept looking over her shoulder.

Something wasn't right. And Ahsoka didn't like it.

"Is the tracker working?" Jolon asked, watching Jett as he stared at a data pad.

"Yes. They're headed directly south of here, towards the Separatist base."

"Their camp has to be close to that compound. Give me the data pad."

Jett handed it over without comment.

Jolon looked at the map of the surrounding area. The small valley about six klicks away made him pause. It was the perfect size for a campground and was secluded enough so the Separatists couldn't see them.

"I know where they're going. Contact Count Dooku and tell him everything is going as we planned."

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