Chapter 9: On the Separatist Ship

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When he saw a Separatist ship lifting off in the middle of the storm, Obi-Wan immediately knew that something was wrong.

Once it was out of sight, he made his way to where it had left from, looking for any clues. The cold was biting through his gloves and scarf, telling him that he needed to go back soon.

His foot hit something, kicking it a few feet. He bent down and picked it up, eyes narrowing at the familiar metal. "Blast."

He ignited the blue blade, listening to the energy hum as he wondered what in the galaxy he was going to do.

Jett has been next to Ahsoka for the past ten minutes, mainly while the pirates figured out where to put her, and she'd decided to give him the silent treatment. She could sense his discomfort and it pleased her, despite the fact that she knew it was wrong.

She felt bad for Jett, she really did, but she'd given him plenty of chances to come to the right side. But he hadn't. By now she knew it was almost certainly too late for him to change his ways, especially since he'd joined his crazy cousin.

Finally, the silence seemed to become too much for Jett. He turned to her, guilt on his face. "Ahsoka, I-"

"Don't," she interrupted. "There's nothing more I want to say to you."


"Look, Jett, I understand you're grieving the loss of your parents and seeking revenge, but you're taking things too far. However, I will listen to what you have to say if you decide to make the right choice."

"You would do the same thing in my position."

"Would I?" Ahsoka challenged. "I said I understand how you're feeling, but revenge isn't going to change anything. I've had to learn that myself throughout my life. But right now, the only thing you're doing is hurting other people. I doubt your parents would want this."

She expected him to snap at her, saying something along the lines of, "you don't know what my parents would want", but all he did was turn his eyes to the ground.

"It's too late now," he whispered, so quiet she thought she'd imagined it.

Before she could reply, the pirates returned, grabbing her by the upper arms and hauling her away. She met Jett's gaze one last time, seeing his conflict.

And despite everything, she found herself silently pleading for him to do the right thing.

On the speeder bike, Syne narrowly missed hitting a figure in the snow. He exclaimed loudly, jerking the steering controls to the side and almost falling off in the process.

"What happened?" Edge shouted over the howling wind, directly in his ear.

"There was someone standing in the snow!" he shouted back, rubbing his ear in annoyance. "And don't shout in my ear!"

"How else are you supposed to hear me?"

"Guys, look!" Cull said, shaking both of their shoulders and looking behind the speeder.

Syne could just barely see the outline of the figure. He drew his blaster, yelling, "Who's there?"

"Don't shoot, please." And out from the snow came a very familiar Jedi.

"General Kenobi?" Syne quickly lowered his blaster. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was looking for you and Ahsoka. Where is she?"

"Commander Tano stayed with Captain Rex, sir. He's severely injured and we couldn't risk moving him. We were returning to the camp to get help."

"I'm afraid it seems like General Skywalker was captured by the Separatists, and I'm positive the others were as well," General Kenobi said, holding up Skywalker's lightsaber.

The clones exchanged glances.

"What do we do?" Drifter asked.

"I'll direct you back to camp. Once we're there, we should be able to make preparations to go after them,"

"Yes, General," Syne said, making room for him on the speeder.

Rex had a horrible headache. He didn't know where he was or what was happening, but he did know that everything hurt. He didn't bother opening his eyes, as he knew what would greet him when he did so.

The only good thing was that he was warm. No more frigid snow or violent wind. He felt around him, hand sliding over the smooth floor.

"Rex? Are you awake?"

He grunted in reply, attempting to sit up.

"No, stay down. You'll only hurt yourself more." By now he knew it was Ahsoka, and she put a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him on the ground.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice rough.

"How much do you remember?"

"We'd been captured by the pirates and the last thing I remember is that they knocked me out."

Ahsoka made a sound of acknowledgment. "After that, Syne and the others showed up and rescued us. Once we were back at the cave, I told them to try to find the camp. You were too injured for us to move you, and there was no way we were leaving you alone, so I stayed with you. But the pirates eventually found us and brought us and Master Skywalker to this ship."

"Sounds like I missed a lot. Did you get hurt as well?"

Ahsoka hesitated. It was brief, but he caught it. "Other than the injuries I received from the crash, no." She sighed. "You should be more worried about yourself. In addition to your head injury, you've got some internal bleeding. I think you have a few broken ribs."

"I think so too," he groaned, rubbing his sore chest. "Do we have a plan to get out of here?"

"Not yet," Ahsoka mumbled, sounding deep in thought. "I'm hoping Master Kenobi will find us, but I don't know how he would know where we are. Or..." she paused, lowering her voice. "Jett's here too. I spoke with him and he seems conflicted. There may be a chance that he could help us."

"After everything?"

"I don't know how else we're going to get out of this, Rex. I have to hope."

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