Chapter 14: Finishing the Job

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Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling, "Oh, Anakin."

As Ahsoka struggled to think of a plan, any way they could escape this, Jett moved forward into the light. "Jolon!" he called. "You have to stop this!"

"Why? Because my cousin betrayed me?"

"Because they wouldn't have wanted this!"

"This isn't about revenge, Jett, it's about power. Think of all the money we'll receive from Dooku!"

"My parents loved you, Jolon. They raised you!"

Jolon scowled, but something flickered in his eyes. "That has nothing to do with this!"

"They wanted us to be happy."

"The money will make us happy!"

"No, it won't. What will you do after you have the money, Jolon? Keep living your lonely, miserable life? Please, stop and come home with me!"

"Enough, Jett!" He drew the blaster from his belt. "You'll stop talking if you know what's good for you."

"Or, what? You'll kill me?"

"I will. I see now that you're too far gone to save."

"You're the one who can't be saved, Jolon!" Jett exclaimed, raising his arms. "So go ahead, kill me. Show the galaxy how cruel you really are!"

Jolon raised his blaster. "This is my fight!" he barked at the pirates before they could interfere. "Why don't you make yourselves useful and guard the exits?"

The pirates did as he said, frowning at each other.

"Jett, what are you doing?" Ahsoka hissed, grabbing his arm. "He'll kill you!"

"I have to hope he'll change, Ahsoka. Even if he doesn't, perhaps it's better if he kills me. I don't have much left in this galaxy."

"You can't be serious!"

"If I don't make it, I hope you make it out safely." He put a hand over the one on his arm. "It was lovely getting to know you. Once again, I'm sorry."

"Master Kenobi, talk some sense into him!"

"Something tells me that will go just as well as it would if I were speaking to Anakin. Jett has his mind set."

Speaking of her master, Ahsoka couldn't see him. Where had he gone?

Jolon stepped closer, impatient. "If you don't move away, I'll kill all of you. Dooku will still pay me even if you're dead."

"I'm here, Cousin." Jett smiled. "Do you remember when we were children and my parents found us scribbling all over the walls?"

The crime boss narrowed his eyes. "What-?"

"They were so mad," Jett continued. "Even back then, I saw you as a brother, Jolon. And I do now."

"Stop!" The desperation rang clear in his voice.

"The only way I'll stop is if you kill me!"

Jolon gritted his teeth and moved to pull the trigger. Before he could, a blue beam of light emerged from his chest. The blaster bolt, sent off course, flew into one of the walls.

Jett flinched, and though Ahsoka couldn't see his face, she could've sensed his despair from miles away.

Anakin stepped back, deactivating his lightsaber with a grim look as Jolon fell to the floor.

Obi-Wan silently shook his head, gaze tired.

Exclamations broke out among the pirates and they drew their weapons.

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