Chapter 16

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A couple of days had passed since Hope's talk with Freya. Hope didn't make it to see her in her office yet. Not because she didn't want to, she simply had no time. She had some classes she had to study extra hard and she wasn't going to perform less than perfect, so studying took a lot of her time. And if she had some free time, she tried to spend it with her siblings... well mostly the two little ones, because Grace spent an awful amount of time with Lizzie and the wolves.

It was a late night when Hope was studying in the library. She was so deep in her books, that she forgot to check the time and leave before the person she avoided the most would show up. He was clearing his throat to get Hope's attention and she already knew she made a mistake and stayed too late, before she looked up at him. But she looked in his eyes anyway... and she was speechless for a moment. She never noticed how beautiful and green his eyes were. She felt herself blush, then clumsily started to gather her books.

"Sorry Landon... I'll be out of your way..." She mumbled and tried not to look at him anymore.

"Take your time." He replied, but she accidently dropped all the books on the floor... what the hell was wrong with her?? Hope just blushed even more. Landon rushed to her side to try to pick up the books. He smiled at Hope as they picked up and put the books away, but Hope felt totally awkward... she just needed to leave this embarrassing situation.

"Umm...thanks." Hope replied awkwardly, ready to get out of that library and away from Landon.

"Oh, Hope... I did some research... on tribrids... I don't know if you are still interested or not." Landon said, and Hope turned around facing him once more. She nodded. She was still interested, but his presence made her anxious in a weird way and she wasn't sure if she hated or liked this feeling. The best would have been to leave... but she was curious. "I mean I did research on mythical creatures, hybrids. They are supposedly made out of three different kinds of things. There are some pretty weird and interesting ones."

"Can I take a look?" Hope asked Landon, and he grabbed his notes and the books he put aside about all kinds of hybrids like that. Hope sat on a couch, going through the notes and books as Landon sat next to her. These were very weird and also scary creatures, and they didn't look real at all. Hope didn't really think those men who attacked them three years ago were looking for some hideous monster like those in the books... honestly, Hope had no idea at this point what they were looking for. She closed one of the books in frustration.

"This isn't what you were looking for... I'm sorry for wasting your time." Landon said, noticing Hope's frustration. Hope felt bad that he felt the need to apologize, when he did something nice for her... but it was Hope's fault, she was nothing but mean to Landon. She looked at him, right into his gorgeous eyes.

"I appreciate this Landon." Hope smiled. "Thank you." She said and Landon nodded with a smile.

"I tried finding a connection between the Mikaelsons and tribrids, but I found nothing. Only the hybrid himself, but Klaus Mikaelson is made out of two creatures, not three. I'm pretty sure it would be impossible for him to be three." Landon replied.

"Unless he was a firstborn." Hope was wondering. She wasn't sure about what she just said out loud but it was a wild idea that just came to her mind.

"What do you mean?" Landon asked curiously.

"Well, supposedly, every firstborn in their family was born with an insane amount of magic power. If he was a firstborn... do you think it would be possible for him to be all three? Like a werewolf, vampire and a witch?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure. When a witch turns to a vampire, they lose their magic in most cases... The only exception would be siphon witches. But even if he was a siphon witch, the wolf nature would be gone. Hybrids are very rare. These creatures in these books are probably just made up, fairytale characters... for real, nature doesn't allow them to exist only on very extremely rare occasions. And a true tribrid would be a real miracle from nature." Landon explained and Hope listened to him carefully as she turned her whole body toward him on the couch.

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