Chapter 38

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"What happened? Who is it?" Freya asked Hope with worry, but before Hope could have answered, Freya's cell phone started to ring violently. Freya took a look at the screen then looked at Hope apologetically. "Don't move, it will only take a minute, then we'll discuss this. Okay?" She said and Hope nodded as Freya answered the phone. Hope didn't mean to pry, but even though Freya walked to the other end of the room and turned away from Hope, it wasn't a big office and Hope could clearly hear every word... and it wasn't hard figuring out who she was talking to. Hope tried to not focus on the person on the other side of Freya's phone, but Hope's interest suddenly sharpened when she heard the name Lucien dropping causally. The conversation only lasted for a couple minutes before Freya hung up the phone on Klaus, but Hope could obtain the information that Lucien was in Mystic Falls... and Hope knew why he was there... for her.

Hope had to be smart now, if she'd tell Freya about Lucien she might never get a chance to face him, before Klaus or one of the Mikaelsons would strike him. No, Hope would not let that happen. She had to be the one who takes away the one thing he truly desired, his true immortality. Hope wished Landon would be there with her, he would be smart enough to come up with a quick plan, but it was already too late. Hope mentioned that she learned the name of the murderer... and she couldn't be too selfish, she had to warn the Mikaelsons. If Aurora and Tristan were right, then Lucien would have a way to kill them all and if he was as ruthless as they said then he'd have no problem ending them all.

"I'm so sorry, Hope." Freya sat back in her chair.

"So, you're still talking to him... for some reason I thought you weren't... you never talk to me about him." Hope was kind of disappointed in Freya and she also had to gain some time to think, what she should tell about Lucien, so changing the subject was the best she could do.

"He is my brother, Hope. Believe me, there are no words describing how furious and disappointed I am in him for what he did to you. But I also know that he is even more furious at himself... he is drowning himself in guilt, ever since. "

"Good." Hope replied with slight annoyance.

"I didn't say this so you would feel sorry... or anything for him... but let's not talk about him. Did you really find out who ordered your parents' murder?" Freya asked curiously and Hope nodded nervously.

"I got a letter yesterday... and um... it explained everything." Hope said anxiously.

"A letter? From whom?" Hope shrugged at the question.

"It was signed as a friend." Hope continued and Freya already looked at Hope suspiciously. "Umm... the letter said they are very old vampires... and they are working on a serum of sorts that would make them into some superior creatures... it would break their sire to the original vampires and they could even kill them for good." Hope explained and Freya looked confused now. "It said they were working on it for a very long time and they figured that the last ingredient this serum would need is my blood... that's why they wanted me."

"What? Do you have this letter? I need to see if it's legit or just someone's cruel joke on you."

"It burned away after I read it." Hope lied and she could feel her face hot and red.

"Hmm... you said you know a name... the letter mentioned that too?" Freya asked suspiciously and Hope nodded anxiously.

"Yeah... a sibling pair... Aurora and Tristan." Hope lied. Lucien was in town and Hope had to get to him before the Mikaelsons would. They will be busy searching for the siblings while Hope would deal with this horrible vampire... she didn't have a better plan for now, it was a quick thought, she knew she had to be prepared and had to be a step ahead Lucien... she might have time to figure this out, even gain some information on Lucien, while she sent the Mikaelsons on a wild goose chase after Aurora and Tristan.

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