Chapter 20

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Hope was shaking with anger. How dare he assume that she was this monster... the daughter of that evil hybrid? Did he really assume that her mother cheated on her father? She wanted to hit him, fight him, scream at him. He was the liar, not her mom. She was boiling with fury. She could kill him right now, she could feel it. Hope stood up but she could feel everything spinning around her. She couldn't see straight. She needed to get out of there. She was running now, she was headed to the woods. She could hear Landon faintly as he ran after her and spoke to her, but she just ran faster to lose him completely. Hope saw her mother in front of her eyes.

Hayley was mad at Hope, so mad for taking off her bracelet. Her mother ran out of Hope's room to her father in panic. The only thing Hope heard was that she said they had to leave. They started to pack some bags and yelled to the two older girls to pack a bag quickly with essentials. It didn't take long for them to arrive. They came with weapons and guns. Hayley shoved Jack into Hope's arms and glued Riley to Grace and told them to go hide in the basement and don't make a sound. That was where they hid. They listened in silence as they were slaughtering each other. Grace's hands were on Riley's ears while she was crying in silence. Luckily little Jack had no idea what was going on. Hope heard her mother cry and scream in pain and that was when she left the basement and saw all the horror.

They had that one bag they packed, nothing else. They didn't even have time to bury their parents. They were afraid people could be still after them. Hope took her mother's necklace. A beautiful green stone hugged by the crescent moon. It was her wedding gift from their father. It was the only thing she had from her mother. Then Hope set fire on their whole cabin so no one would know who lived there, and no one would be able to track them down.

Hope could feel the panic taking over her. She knew she was going to break, there was no way she could turn in bright daylight. Then she saw people... it was all a blur but she recognized one. Her sister, Grace was there. She didn't want to be around people, not now... and she didn't want Grace to see her like that. She wanted to turn around and run, but she accidently bumped into someone as she ran. The person stumbled back and fell on her butt. She saw the blond hair now, she knew who it was but she was unable to say sorry, she was unable to say anything.

"What the fuck Hope? Are you coming here to insult my girlfriend? What the hell is wrong with you?" Grace rushed to Hope, she was really mad, but Hope was unable to reply. She could barely breathe at that point, then she felt her sister shoving her by force. There wasn't much Hope could grab on to and she fell to the ground. "Hope?" Grace asked and her voice changed, she sounded worried... Hope probably had tears in her eyes by now. She didn't know. But she felt it... she felt something she hadn't in a long time, no she never felt it like that. Suddenly she was free, the panic was gone. It was like a huge release just left her body and mind. She took a deep breath then opened her eyes. Her panic instantly returned as she found her sister lying on the ground unconscious... and not only her sister but a bunch of young witches as well. Were they all dead, what happened?

"Oh god!" Hope started to cry then she realized something was missing... and she noticed the shining silver in the dirt. "Nononono'' She grabbed it and put the bracelet back on her wrist, then tried to wake her sister. She was breathing thankfully. She heard steps from behind, then she felt hands on her shoulders, as she was kneeling next to Grace.

"Hope, what happened? Are you okay?" It was Landon... and Hope couldn't answer because she had no idea what happened. Then she saw Freya. She was conscious but her arm was all bloody. Hope looked at her with panic as she was holding her sister. She cannot lose her, she didn't heal as fast as Hope. It cannot happen, not again. Freya kneeled in front of Hope, grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.

"Listen to me carefully. Get out of here, get to the Old Mill and wait for me there. Don't move, don't go anywhere else, don't talk to anyone else. Do you understand?" Freya said firmly, but Hope shook her head, and looked at her unconcious sister. She couldn't leave her. "I'll take care of her, she'll be fine. Everyone will be fine, don't worry. Just do as I say!"

"I'll take her." Landon said as he grabbed Hope's arm and pulled her up.

"Fine. Don't let her leave." Freya instructed him, then Landon held onto Hope's hand, but Hope wouldn't move. She kept her eyes on her sister.

"She is fine, Hope. You need to get out of here! Freya said firmly and Hope noticed her sister stirring awake. Landon pulled on her hand and that's when she finally let Landon lead her to the Old Mill.

They were in the Old Mill for about an hour. They didn't talk. Hope didn't know what to say, but her mind was spiraling with thoughts. Hope sat in a corner on the dirty wooden floor, while Landon stood by the entrance of the Mill, looking outside. He glanced at Hope from time to time. Hope didn't know what happened, she only knew one thing. Bad things happened when she took off her bracelet, and it fell off when her sister pushed her. And there was the other thing... Landon's insane theory. Hope didn't have the strength to think about that. She just wanted to rest. She felt tired. This whole day was confusing and exhausting for her. She could feel herself nodding off for a few moments but she was always scared awake after a couple minutes. Landon walked beside her, probably noticing her struggle, and he sat down by her side. He slid real close to Hope, so their sides were touching. He reached out with his arm on Hope's side, and he hugged her, pulling her even closer to him. Hope finally laid her head on his shoulder as he was holding her, stroking her arm. Finally she could close her eyes for more than a couple minutes.

"Hope." She heard a whisper and felt soft strokes on her hair. Hope opened her eyes. She wasn't sure how long she was out but it was dark outside. She looked to her side, but Landon was nowhere to be found. She saw Freya kneeling in front of her. "How are you feeling?" She asked, and Hope straightened her posture.

"Umm... good... I guess... where is my sister?" She asked with panic.

"Grace is perfectly fine as everyone else. Don't worry." She smiled reassuringly and Hope took a deep breath.

"I wanna see her." Hope said as she stood up. Freya got up as well, but she grabbed Hope's wrist. Hope looked at her confused.

"Not just yet, I need to talk to you."

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