Chapter 19

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Hope couldn't sleep at all that night. She was incredibly mad at her sister but not for the reasons Grace thought. Hope was mad because Grace didn't tell her about her feelings for Lizzie... she let Hope assume they were only friends. They could have talked about this, Hope didn't hate Lizzie. Sure, she seemed superficial, self-centered and extremely annoying but Hope didn't give her a chance to get to know her, she knew that. And Grace did know her... and Lizzie knew Grace, which bothered Hope more. What did Grace tell her? Did she tell her about their parents? She hoped her sister wasn't stupid enough to tell.. although it would be very hypocritical of her to judge Grace... Hope did tell Landon much more than who their parents were. Hope trusted Landon for some strange reason, but she was unable to trust the headmaster's daughter. Hope was planning to talk to Grace first thing, the next day. She would try to approach her calmer. Without the surprise, Hope would be able to collect herself for a thoughtful deep conversation with her sister. She just hoped Grace would do the same. She was very upset with Hope. She hoped she would come back to their room, because Hope was unable to sleep alone.

When it was finally morning, Hope got ready and she was banging at Lizzie's door... There was no answer. She rushed down to the dining hall, and she was relieved when she saw both of them having breakfast. They were sitting at Lizzie's table with all the other witches. Hope was heading their way, when the lower school kids arrived, and Jack attacked Hope with a hug.

"Hey Jack. How did you sleep?" Hope asked as she hugged her little brother. Soon Riley arrived too, and Hope remembered that she needed to have a conversation with the little ones too. They were in the school for a month now, and Emma was bugging Hope to separate the little ones in the boys and girls room. Hope hugged her little sister too. "And how did you sleep?" Hope smiled as they all sat at their table, without Grace this time.

"Good." Both the kids answered.

"Where is Grace?" Riley asked, looking around in the dining hall.

"Right there with Lizzie." Hope pointed to their way.

"Is she coming to eat with us?" Jack asked his eldest sister.

"I think she's eating with her friends today." Hope said it with a reassuring smile. "Hey, I wanted to ask you guys something. You both have really good friends here. Right? Jack, you like to play with Finn right?" Hope asked and Jack was nodding. "And Riley, you are always with the other girls. I'm sure you are having a ton of fun."

"Yeah, I have so many friends here." She smiled.

"I'm so happy about that." Hope added. "So, I was thinking, since you spend so much time with your friends, how would you like it if you'd share a room with them?"

"Oh, I don't think Jack would like the girls." Riley shrugged.

"I know. I meant Jack could sleep with Finn and you with your friends. How's that sound?" Hope looked at them both, making sure Jack understood it as well.

"Are you and Grace sleeping with your friends too?" Jack asked curiously.


"Hope doesn't even have any friends, dummy." Riley intervened.

"Hey, I have... you know what it doesn't matter, it's not about that. It's the rules of the school that boys and girls can't share a room, not even if you are siblings. I'm sorry, you need to try sharing a room with your friends. If you really hate it we can talk about it, but I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun." Hope explained but she noticed Jack tearin up. "Jack, it's gonna be okay, we are all here under the same roof. No one is leaving." Hope tried to reassure him.

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