Chapter 21

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There was only some dim candle light in the mill that lit Hope's and Freya's face. Hope didn't want to talk to Freya. She wanted to see Grace and she was wondering where Landon went.

"Where is Landon?" Hope asked Freya.

"I sent him back to school. I told him I need to talk to you in private."

"It's not a good time. Whatever happened earlier in the forest, it got my sister hurt... and I heard you said she is okay but I really need to see it for myself."

"What do you think happened in the forest?" Freya looked confused, like Hope supposed to know what happened.

"How should I know?"

"Because it was you, Hope. You did that... I cleaned your mess up, don't worry, no one suspects you. I told everyone it was some unfortunate spell the young witches couldn't perform correctly. Luckily no one noticed what really happened." Freya explained and Hope was shocked and angry.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything! I didn't touch anyone. How could I knock all of them out? Why would I hurt my own sister? You are crazy!" Hope snapped at her.

"It was magic... your magic. You could feel the release of power, I know it." Hope looked confused. "It's okay Hope, I know it's not easy to control it, especially if you get upset. I can help you with it."

"I don't have magic." Hope said but she wasn't snapping at her anymore. She could only think about one thing... because she was a wolf and wolves couldn't possibly have any magic... but what if she had magic and she was also a witch and if Landon was right she had vampire blood. No, it couldn't happen. She didn't want to talk to Freya, not about this. She didn't want to hear the truth. Hope just stared at Freya with a scared look and Freya took her right hand and slid her sleeve up a bit.

"I know this bracelet. It blocks magic and I'm pretty sure there's a powerful cloaking spell on it." Freya said and Hope pulled back her hand, folding her arms, tucking her hands away. "Your bracelet fell off earlier, in the woods. Right?" Hope nodded with teary eyes. She didn't want this to be true.

"My mom... she said I can never take it off. She didn't explain, just told me that it's bad luck and awful things will happen if I do." Hope shrugged, crying.

"You didn't know you were a witch?" Freya asked and Hope shook her head. "It's okay sweetheart. I'm just happy that you are alive and well. You're gonna be okay I promise." Freya said as she stroked Hope's hair, then she hugged her. Freya held her for a while, then Hope pushed her away slowly. Freya wiped Hope's tears with her thumb and Hope noticed her tearing up as well. Then Freya grabbed Hope's hand and led her to the stairs so they could sit down.

"I don't want this, I don't wanna hear this." Hope cried, knowing well what Freya was going to tell her.

"I'm truly sorry you have to find out this way. You know I knew you were special the first time you came to see me." She smiled and caressed Hope's tearstained cheek. "I wasn't sure about who you were right away, but things added up so perfectly and now with your magic outburst I am completely sure that you are my niece, you are my brother's daughter, Hope." Hope just shook her head, not wanting to accept what she already knew was true.

"I have... I had a dad. That monster is not my father." Hope cried.

"That monster loves you more than anything in this world."

"He killed my parents! He is not capable of love." Hope yelled at Freya.

"No, Hope. I'm sure he did no such thing. He might had his differences with Hayley but he would never hurt you by killing your mother."

"Well, he did, his people. They were looking for me, so it couldn't be anyone else."

"I assure you it wasn't him. You are special, Hope... it could have been anyone who fears you or tries to get to you. Tell me exactly what happened to them." Freya asked and Hope took a deep breath before replying.

"I don't think I can do that right now." Hope was a mess. If she would get there, to that moment when all that happened she wouldn't be able to hold herself together.

"That's ok sweetheart." Freya caressed her cheek again, but Hope pushed her hand away.

"Stop doing that. Just stop it!" Hope raised her voice and she stood up. "I have a family so don't act like you are anything to me! Because I don't want to do anything with you, your brother or any of the Mikaelsons." She turned her back to Freya and walked away.

Hope walked in the woods alone for a while, trying to collect her thoughts, but it was impossible. She couldn't possibly comprehend everything that just happened. She didn't want to be alone, she wanted to be comforted by someone who loves her... she needed her mom. She wanted her mom to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. But the thoughts of her mother made her angry. She lied to her... she lied to her in her entire life.

Hope went back to the school and walked up to her room. It was empty... of course, her sister must have been with Lizzie. She hoped Grace was with Lizzie and Freya didn't lie about her being okay... but she really needed her. She just had to see her, her real family, the only constant person in her life... but Hope screwed that up too. She was able to screw up the most important relationship she had... she must truly be a Mikaelson. She just laid down on her bed in a fetal position and sobbed. She hated herself, she hated Freya and all the Mikaelsons... She hated the whole world at this point. After a little while, her bedroom door was opening. She was still crying on her bed.

"Hope?" She heard her sister's voice. "Are you okay?" She felt her hand stroking Hope's arm. "What happened? I was so worried about you. We didn't find you anywhere." Hope finally managed to look into her sister's eyes. She was sitting by her on the bed. Hope sat up and hugged Grace fiercely and she hugged her back. "What's going on? You're scaring me." Grace said as she pulled her away from Hope after a little while.

"Nothing." Hope said in a shaky voice. "I'm okay. How about you? I saw you out in the woods. Are you really okay? Is everyone okay?" Hope needed the confirmation. If it was truly her, who did all that magic in the woods then she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Everyone's fine. It was some magic gone wrong... but I didn't see you there afterwards. What was going on with you? You looked off... is this about Lizzie and me?"

"No, Grace! If you are happy with Lizzie then I'm happy for you. I didn't even see her there in the woods... I'm sorry... I was umm... having a moment that had nothing to do with you."

"Oh... I'm sorry then. For attacking you like that. I just thought you hate her so much..."

"I don't hate her Grace!" Hope interrupted her. "But it would've been nice if you told me about her. I just thought we could talk about things like that."

"I just didn't know how. I thought you were gonna judge me." Grace replied with a blush.

"When did I ever judge you?" Hope held her face and raised her so she could look into her eyes. "You are my sister and I love you. You are my family and I will always support you, no matter what. Okay?" Grace nodded and hugged her sister.

"Thank you, I love you too." They held each other for a moment before Grace spoke again. "Now tell me, what was up with you? What happened? And why do you look like you've been crying for hours? Did someone tell you something or hurt you? because I will end them." Grace looked firmly in Hope's eyes.

"No, nothing like that. I'm just really overwhelmed... umm... can we just sleep on it? I am exhausted." Hope wasn't ready to tell everything to her sister, she had no idea how to begin.

"Fine." Grace nodded, ready to leave for her bed, but Hope grabbed her wrist.

"Can you stay? Just for tonight." Hope smiled at her and Grace smiled back.

"I missed sister cuddles anyway." Grace chuckled and attacked Hope with a hug.

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