Chapter 25

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Hope was sitting in class, trying to pay attention to the teacher, but her mind wouldn't settle as she was thinking about the things that happened in the previous day. As soon as the class was over and she was about to leave the room, a magical note flew right into her hand and it was addressed to her. She curiously opened the letter and it was from Freya. Hope rolled her eyes as she read that she was expected in her office. On one hand she wanted to speak to her, she really needed her to teach Hope to control her magic but sometimes it was just so hard to be around Freya. Hope headed to her office anyway, and knocked on the door. Freya called to come in immediately and Hope entered the office. To her surprise, Freya wasn't alone. Lizzie sat on the couch opposed to her. Hope looked at them confused, as she walked towards them.

"Hi Hope, it's nice of you to join us. Please sit down." Freya pointed to the couch, next to Lizzie, but Lizzie's expression made Hope consider whether she should sit or not. She looked angry... like she was pissed at Hope. She finally sat down but as far from Lizzie as possible, to the opposite end of the couch. "I was discussing with Lizzie what happened yesterday in the library. If I'm not mistaken, you were present at the time?" Freya asked Hope who nodded slightly.

"I siphoned her, I told you!" Lizzie replied instead of Hope, who still sat quietly, trying to figure out why she was summoned.

"And we talked about how it is not okay to siphon people without their consent. You could truly hurt someone, especially vampires. I know you don't want to hurt anyone Lizzie."

"Well, it didn't seem like I hurt her... besides she was different. Her magic overwhelmed me... and perhaps that satan Penelope too, but her magic wasn't normal. I don't know who or what she is but she is definitely not just a regular wolf like she says. It's her fault what happened to me yesterday!" Lizzie lashed out, then she looked directly at Hope. "It's your fault, you freak! I bet it was your fault what happened in the forest the other day too."

Hope looked at Freya with panic in her eyes. Lizzie was right. She was a freak of nature and everything that happened was her fault. People got hurt because of her in the woods and in the library as well. Her parents were killed because of her. She should have never been born. She must have been nature's biggest mistake... a tribrid. Hope could feel tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.

"It is. Isn't it? Everything is my fault." Hope asked Freya in a whispering tone as her tears started to roll down her cheeks. "She is right, I'm a freak that's why everything feels so off. I don't belong here or anywhere. It was a mistake to come to this school. If I would have known what I am I would have never come here." Hope broke down crying on the couch.

"Hope, sweety. That's not true. You are not a freak and it's definitely not your fault what happened yesterday, please don't believe that." Freya stroked the crying girl's head as she was sobbing loudly into her palms. Hope tried to quiet down but her tears wouldn't stop. She finally looked up at Freya. She wiped her face with her sleeve.

"I think it would be best for everyone if we'd leave this school." Hope said in a shaky voice.

"Hell no, you are not taking Grace anywhere. She belongs to this school." Lizzie spoke who Hope momentarily forgot was sitting next to her. No, if Hope would leave, she would definitely take Grace and the kids. She couldn't leave them behind... but they were all fitted in the school so well. She would never leave the kids, she promised them... but what if Grace wanted to stay? Was it even safe for her siblings to stay with her? Hope felt the need to break down all over again. She wanted to turn, she needed her wolf to take away all her unsettling feelings... but it wasn't an option for her, so she stood up from the couch. Her knees were weak and she was shaking but she wasn't going to have a meltdown in front of them again, so she gathered every strength she had in herself.

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