✍ ditch

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"WHAT?" I yell-whisper.

He has to be joking. Right? I am not getting into trouble, I've never have, never will, and never want to.

God dammit, why did I have to say I was a bad girl? I can't even go to the bathroom without asking.

"Your going to get us to ditch Chemistry. Unless, you wanna stay here and make some chemistry on our own" he says, wiggling his eyebrows. I very unattractively gag.

"I would rather die" I retort, a bit uncertain about what he is going to say next.

"So that's a yes?" He questions with a smirk.

"NO! I am not going to make out with you here" Crap! His eyes widen in realisation of what I just said. Why did I say 'here'?

"So than we ditch and make out?" He asks with a full on smirk. I whack his arm and say "No. No making chemistry, ever what's so ever" I say a bit disgusted.

"So is it a yes to ditching? You know, It's your fault. You said you weren't a good girl. So Ella, show me how much this bad girl can do" he says with his famous smirk. "Unless, you are a good girl that goes to Church every Sunday, and is a daddy's girl." He continues.

"Pfftt no way. I'm not a daddy's girl and I so do not go to Church every Sunday."

"Yeah right Virgin." He mumbles.

I gasp. Before I can register what I was doing I my hand makes contact with his cheek.was going to prove him wrong. I am not a good girl.

"What do you want me to do?" I huff.

After ten minutes of him 'trying', and I quote trying, to explain the plan to me, I finally speak up and tell him my own plan. After I'm done saying it, a cheeky grin (that looks so godly, I might add) appears on his face.

When there is exactly 36 minutes left of the lessons, we both turn to each other and nod. We both know it's time.

"It's go time" Ash says.


"Ughhhh" I groan, aloud clutching my hand to my stomach.

The whole classes attention, snaps from the teacher to me, within a split second. I feel the blood in my cheeks rise up to my face; no doubt I'm blushing.

Mr Smith walks over to me, just when he is a foot away, I fall off the chair purposely and say "Cramps. Oh the painnnn" I groan even more.

Only when the teacher crouches down next me, Ashton speaks up.

"I should take her to to the doctors office" he says a face full of fake concern. The teacher replies with a quick 'thank you' before Ash grabs my hands, which send tingles up my arm, and shivers down my spine. I shake my head to try to stop the absurd thoughts from running through my head.

He lifts me from the floor and helps me walk out of the class, even though I am perfectly capable of doing so.

It's called acting people. My numbers below, if you want me to star in a play.
Jokes jokes, I don't give my numbers to strangers; except hot ones.

Once where out of sight from the room, I realise where in the clear.

"Ehhh. 3 years of acting classes paid off! I've never done something like-" I stop immediately when I realise I'm suppose to be a 'bad girl', then quickly cover up with "that way of ditching anyway" I say smoothly.

"Very smooth Collins, very smooth" He says as of reading my thoughts.

"How did you come up with the cramp excuse? I've never seen that one before." He says with curiosity.

"I was just thinking about when I'm due for my per-" I say with an evil smile before Ashton cover his ears up and says "lala lala too much information" God he is so childish.

"I've seen it on tv duchebag. Of course I wasn't thinking about that." I smack the back of his head. He rubs the spot of his head that I just sacked over-dramatically before continuing "Anyways, where do you want to go to?" He questions.

"ICE CREAM!" I shout in his ear. He winces at my high pitched scream, I quickly cover up my mouth, as if it would take back that moment, but all I get was Ash looking at me as if I was some child.

"Sorry" I murmur. I didn't realise we were walking to the front of the school, until I see the school gates in my view and I take a deep breath in.

Endless senerios run through my head, if we get caught. And that is exactly what is bound to happen. I can just feel it.

As we finally reach the gate, and were about to cross the school border, I hear faint footsteps approaching in our direction. I turn my head around slowly, to see the ice cold eyes of Principal Higgins, scolding us with a look of disapproval.

We have got ourselves in deep shit.

Bad Girl ↠ Ashton Irwin (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now