✍ kiss me

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It takes me a moment to process what is happening. After a moment of hesitation, I start kissing him back.

Who is going to fall for who first? Oh, I think I know the answer to that.

Fireworks erupt, and I start to get the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

I run my fingers through his hair. I let out a soft moan, which I regret immediately.

"I think I'm winning" Ashton says with a wink, as he pulls away.

"You wish. You were totally digging me right there" I say still panting for air. Ash chuckles and just shakes his head.

My breath hitches in my throat, as realisation of how close we are; 4cm at the least. I take a tiny step back and I see his face drop a little, but recovers right away, as if it never happened.

"Seeing as though I made you even more wet-" he says with a smirk.

Ahh, there he is.

I sack his arm with my hand, and he continues. "I'll get the rest of your outfit" He turns around and goes upstairs to what I'm guessing his room.

I hear him open and shut a door. Then, make his way down stairs with an humongous grin.

The throws the outfit at me and I catch it without hesitation.

He will have a good outfit for me right?


I open the outfit up, and I gasp. He just chuckles.

"I am not wearing this." I state.

"Sorry sweetheart, thats all I have" he says with a light chuckle.

"Is this your sisters Or-?" I stop mid-sentence, hoping that what I thought would be false, even though it would probably be true because 1. He doesn't have a sister (that I know about anyway) and 2. Even if his 'sister' wore these clothes I'm sure he would have already been little Ashton juniors running around the place.

Ashton scrunched his nose, and shakes his head lightly. "Your mums?" I ask still a glimmer of hope.

Ash starts gagging, probably at the though of his mother wearing what he placed in my hands. "My mum would never wear anything one of my 'girls' wore" I'm guessing 'girls' mean his one night standers.

"Is this all you have?" I question with a pleading look on my face, but it probably came out as a constipated baby look, due to Ashton's face that is currently holding back laughter.

"Sorry sweetheart, but you said you where a bad girl, so if your going to play the part; your going to have to dress like one to" he pats my head like a dog, once he is done his little speech.

I groan and look back down at the outfit. It's a short black skirt, shorter than the one I'm currently wearing, paired with the marone coloured sweater that he already gave me. There are also black stockings with a lace print.

I groan and make my way to the closet room, which fortunately is the bathroom. It's huge. (a/n just don't) There are shiny tiles placed along each wall in the centre, and has a massage bath tub right at the back of the bathroom.

I quickly get changed and come out, to see Ashton on the couch with freshly made popcorn.

He turns around as he hears me stepping towards him, and I suddenly feel conservative of my body.

He eyes my body up and down and a smirk grows onto his face.

"Take a picture, it might last longer" I mock. He chuckles, and his gaze averts from me to the spot next to him on the couch.

As if telling me where to go, I take the seat next to him. "Let's play a game, I'm bored" he stated.

"Ugh, your such a child. What game" I say suddenly interested, which makes him laugh.

"Truth or dare?" He questions. I nod my head and say, "Give me one." His eyes widen in realisation of what I just said. I smack his arm, and give him a stern look, saying 'Not that way.'

"Ahahah okay. Um-" he says rubbing his hand on his chin, like he is in deep thought.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend, and who" he asks.

My face drops. I was hoping no-one would would ever bring up Ryden Troy.

Bad Girl ↠ Ashton Irwin (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now